Disobeying Wives - Hear this.


Staff member
Note: I do not have some pro-feminist - drop the dishes and get a job - kind of attitude.

I just don't approve of how this hadeeth was used to make a point and object to it.


Note: I do not have some pro-feminist - drop the dishes and get a job - kind of attitude.

I just don't approve of how this hadeeth was used to make a point and object to it.

Note: I do not have some pro-feminist - drop the dishes and get a job - kind of attitude.

I just don't approve of how this hadeeth was used to make a point and object to it.

As'alaamu Alaikkum

Your objection noted. Do the opposite of what you've said above, drop the job and do the dishes :p

Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "Were it not for Bani Israel, meat would not decay; and were it not for Eve, no woman would ever betray her husband."
English reference: Vol. 4, Book 55, Hadith 611
Arabic reference: Book 60, Hadith 3435

Now let's look at the above hadith in context.

1) Were it not for Bani Israel, meat would not decay.

This is referring to the disobedience of the Children of Israel when they constantly bickered and disobeyed Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala. They were given manna as food supplement which fell on them from heaven and it contained all that they needed for nutrition, which was coming directly from Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala. Yet, they were not satisfied with this, they wanted 'normal' food which they were used to. So the Prophet is saying that if they did not constantly whine and disobeyed the direct commands of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala everything would have been good, the religion would not have decayed and it would have been pure. It is about preserving the religion of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala and not about meat at all.


2) And were it not for Eve no woman would ever betray her husband.

Eve was the first of the two to fall into temptation, then persuaded Adam to commit the sin thus this is the betrayal that is mentioned here. So it is betrayal which is disobedience. She disobeyed Adam in the sense that she was the first one to be seduced then she in turn seduced Adam to disobey the command of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala.

I'm sorry but the context is not wrong.


Staff member
As'alaamu Alaikkum

Your objection noted. Do the opposite of what you've said above, drop the job and do the dishes :p

Samiha has most likely already washed the dishes prior to your untimely recommendation; an alternative possibility is that the task may even have been completed by one of her brothers.

Also, you can't be writing your own Hadeeth commentaries, simply put, original sin is not from Islaam.

Wa-alaikum assalam.


Junior Member
Does that mean women have more temptation or are more tempted to things than men? because i think its kinda the opposite..

Not to forget that everyone is different and everyone has their own personalities, weaknesses and strengths...


Does that mean women have more temptation or are more tempted to things than men? because i think its kinda the opposite..

Not to forget that everyone is different and everyone has their own personalities, weaknesses and strengths...

As'alaamu Alaikkum

Abdullah narrated that The Prophet said:
“The woman is Awrah, so when she goes out, the Shaitan seeks to tempt her.” (Da’if)
English reference: Vol. 1, Book 7, Hadith 1173
Arabic reference: Book 8, Hadith 1206


Assalaam walaiklum,

If you are a simple man with simple pleasures you marry a simple woman.


Where are you going with this thread? What is the purpose of this thread?

Muslim sisters strive to seek absolute knowledge. We have discussions regarding our roles as females. We have our duties as daughters. How, I miss my father. We have the roles of sisters...and how we act like sisters on this forum..and the role of mother...how much responsibility has Allah given us...to raise yet, another Believer. And the role we all dream about. The role of hope..the role of a wife..

Brother, we seek knowledge. We are grateful for our intelligence and humbled when it is recognized. We do not wish to displease one solitary act. Each act within the role makes us more confident of our Love.

Know that this hadith makes us aware of our obligations. It is a yellow flag on the road. So we must tread gently down a road and return to basics. We slow down on dangerous road. A wife who is feelings as if the road is getting dangerous, arguments and fithna needs to reflect on her duties as a wife as Described by the Creator. She needs to make salat and dua.


Assalaam walaiklum,

If you are a simple man with simple pleasures you marry a simple woman.


Where are you going with this thread? What is the purpose of this thread?

Muslim sisters strive to seek absolute knowledge. We have discussions regarding our roles as females. We have our duties as daughters. How, I miss my father. We have the roles of sisters...and how we act like sisters on this forum..and the role of mother...how much responsibility has Allah given us...to raise yet, another Believer. And the role we all dream about. The role of hope..the role of a wife..

Brother, we seek knowledge. We are grateful for our intelligence and humbled when it is recognized. We do not wish to displease one solitary act. Each act within the role makes us more confident of our Love.

Know that this hadith makes us aware of our obligations. It is a yellow flag on the road. So we must tread gently down a road and return to basics. We slow down on dangerous road. A wife who is feelings as if the road is getting dangerous, arguments and fithna needs to reflect on her duties as a wife as Described by the Creator. She needs to make salat and dua.

Wa Alaikkum As'alaam

All I'm saying is not to disobey your husbands, just a warning that's all. A lot of women are doing their own thing these days, contrary to what their husbands tell them and many are ending up single. May be I should have highlighted the men as well as they are not guilt free.


as salam 'aalykum warahamtu-llah

mostly I've seen when there is any naseehah, everyone takes it personally.
I'm not directing it to anyone, wa-llahi I haven't read a single replies full yet, but not only for this thread in other thread, I've seen this.

may be someone is sharing as a lesson, reminder or subject, when it is on gender, i can see bunch of replies. because we take it personally, neither we should thread and post our opinion nor our replies even, Islam, ad-deen an naseehah.

I know all of our brothers and sisters are dedicated to Islam, concerned, may Allah kepp us on straight path and steadfast on the deen of Allah, so that we may benefit ourselves in the dunya and the Akhirah



He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
salam aleikum wa rahmatulahy wa barakatuh

....Allah knows our intentions, He know what is in our hearts, even if we are on a ''pedestal'' or down here....

may Allah guide us all, ameen




Staff member
As'alaamu Alaikkum

Your objection noted. Do the opposite of what you've said above, drop the job and do the dishes :p

wa 'alaykum salaam

I believe what I have said is that I am 'not' one of those types, so your joke, or what have you is silly and unnecessary.

All I meant to say, was that your advice is not what I have a problem with, and on its own I would not object to it - but using the hadeeth without explanation - if you wrote the article (which came to mind last night) then without knowing or understanding it, and explaining it, I believe is absolutely wrong.

Now let's look at the above hadith in context.

Who's context? Yours? Brother, with all due honesty, you're not a scholar. Nor do you even know Arabic thoroughly. Neither do I, which is why I don't bring my own words, and it would be safer for your Deen and your Aakhirah that you would quit making your own explanations and do the same. I believe you're an intelligent man, but intelligence only goes so far when it comes to the Deen and trying to present an explanation.

So in future, please bring the words of the scholars, or people with knowledge and not your own.

2) And were it not for Eve no woman would ever betray her husband.

Eve was the first of the two to fall into temptation, then persuaded Adam to commit the sin thus this is the betrayal that is mentioned here. So it is betrayal which is disobedience. She disobeyed Adam in the sense that she was the first one to be seduced then she in turn seduced Adam to disobey the command of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala.

I'm sorry but the context is not wrong.

But the understanding is. Do you believe your words hold more weight than Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (a classical and highly respected scholar in Hadeeth) rahimahullaah who says otherwise?

I found another quote in relation to this:

Alhafith Bin Hajar said in his commentary about this Hadith.

" The meaning of betraying here does not mean at committing filthiness or sins. Betrayal here means that since self-desire longed to eat from the tree then it resulted with advising Adam about it."

In regards your question as if it place some blame on Hawa; Ibn hajar answers your question: " Since Eve ( Hawaa) is the mother of All daughters of Adam then her daughters gained similar traits as their mother like given birth, mood and so forth" he added later on: " Thus, all the women who came after their betrayal differs....and the Hadith is to put some ease on men minds to be patient for what happens from their wives as it happened with their great mother; Eve. So it advises them not to blame them on matters they did not mean to do or happens from them on rare occasions and in the same time it is an advice for women not to surrender to this trait but strive to oppose their own self-desires" [ Fathu Albari Fi Sharh Sahih Bukhari]

Source: http://www.ahlalhdeeth.com/vbe/showthread.php?t=1323

So women did not inherit her sin. Women did not inherit disobedience. And until and unless you can bring any scholar who has said they have, or have used this hadeeth to explain it as such, your words do not hold weight I am afraid.



Assalaam walaikum,

The notion of woman carrying sin is not Islamic. That is thoroughly a key ingredient in Christianity.

I believe the brother enjoys ruffling feathers. It has nothing to do with his marital status. He is like an older brother and ruffles us to the point of hitting him with a pillow.


wa 'alaykum salaam

I believe what I have said is that I am 'not' one of those types, so your joke, or what have you is silly and unnecessary.

All I meant to say, was that your advice is not what I have a problem with, and on its own I would not object to it - but using the hadeeth without explanation - if you wrote the article (which came to mind last night) then without knowing or understanding it, and explaining it, I believe is absolutely wrong.

Who's context? Yours? Brother, with all due honesty, you're not a scholar. Nor do you even know Arabic thoroughly. Neither do I, which is why I don't bring my own words, and it would be safer for your Deen and your Aakhirah that you would quit making your own explanations and do the same. I believe you're an intelligent man, but intelligence only goes so far when it comes to the Deen and trying to present an explanation.

So in future, please bring the words of the scholars, or people with knowledge and not your own.

But the understanding is. Do you believe your words hold more weight than Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (a classical and highly respected scholar in Hadeeth) rahimahullaah who says otherwise?

I found another quote in relation to this:

Alhafith Bin Hajar said in his commentary about this Hadith.

" The meaning of betraying here does not mean at committing filthiness or sins. Betrayal here means that since self-desire longed to eat from the tree then it resulted with advising Adam about it."

In regards your question as if it place some blame on Hawa; Ibn hajar answers your question: " Since Eve ( Hawaa) is the mother of All daughters of Adam then her daughters gained similar traits as their mother like given birth, mood and so forth" he added later on: " Thus, all the women who came after their betrayal differs....and the Hadith is to put some ease on men minds to be patient for what happens from their wives as it happened with their great mother; Eve. So it advises them not to blame them on matters they did not mean to do or happens from them on rare occasions and in the same time it is an advice for women not to surrender to this trait but strive to oppose their own self-desires" [ Fathu Albari Fi Sharh Sahih Bukhari]

Source: http://www.ahlalhdeeth.com/vbe/showthread.php?t=1323

So women did not inherit her sin. Women did not inherit disobedience. And until and unless you can bring any scholar who has said they have, or have used this hadeeth to explain it as such, your words do not hold weight I am afraid.


Yes, indeed I didn't realsise I was upsetting a lot of people here. I apologise. I think I have to get used to the idea of not using my own reasoning and using a 'scholar's' and I guess it will take a long time for me to get used to that.

May be you should delete this thread? I don't think I've conveyed what I set out to do, and probably is misleading as well with the title 'Disobeying wives..'.


Junior Member
I thought everybody knew that sis Aapa was single.

I can honestly say you are one the pettiest and most insulting person I've had the displeasure of coming across on this board. All of your posts are just extremely angry and usually involve your weird and inexplicable hatred of women. You have some sort of complex where you feel the need to put everyone down and assert your perceived superiority. Do you think you're funny? Because you're not.

I'm not even mad. Honestly, I'm a little amused, because you're pretty sad.


I can honestly say you are one the pettiest and most insulting person I've had the displeasure of coming across on this board. All of your posts are just extremely angry and usually involve your weird and inexplicable hatred of women. You have some sort of complex where you feel the need to put everyone down and assert your perceived superiority. Do you think you're funny? Because you're not.

I'm not even mad. Honestly, I'm a little amused, because you're pretty sad.

I see thank you once again for your comment. Get more involved. :)

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
Yes, indeed I didn't realsise I was upsetting a lot of people here. I apologise. I think I have to get used to the idea of not using my own reasoning and using a 'scholar's' and I guess it will take a long time for me to get used to that.
May be you should delete this thread? I don't think I've conveyed what I set out to do, and probably is misleading as well with the title 'Disobeying wives..'.

Asalamo`Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Baarakaatuh,

Maybe it won't, if you take a look at hadith sciences or, may be listen to Nouman Ali Khan's explaination of three verses of Surah `asr. Search on Youtube. See what the three verses mean to us when we read it's translation, and what it actually has to it when you listen to him.

To understand our dependancy and need on scholars you have to take a look into their work and books.

When you read Surah Naas, you read the translation of Rabb as Lord. If you believe you've understood this one word you are greatly mistaken. Listen to Nouman Ali Khan's Tafseer of surah Naas and see if you actually were right in thinking you knew.

Scholars are humans like you and me, but their understanding of deen is not like yours or mine. Just like a doctor understand the cure to the pain in your body better than you do. A scholars understands your deen better than you because of the knowledge he's blessed with.

Btw Nouman Ali Khan is a student of knowledge and not a scholar, but his tafseer is one of the best in english language and will be easy for you to understand and so I suggested his tafseer.

BaarakAllaahu feek.


Junior Member

Let's go easy on the brother, I believe he is fairly new to Islam and coming from a charismatic Christian background. (at least that is the "flavor" I am picking up) When I first converted I was overwhelmed with all the ins and outs of Islam and everyone telling me this and that were haram. It took me at least a year of serious studying to get my feet under me.

I had a lot of struggles in the beginning with understanding why the scholars were so trusted. I know a lot of "scholars" in other religions are not vetted very well. I had to understand the science behind how scholars were so-named in Islam before becoming comfortable with trusting their words.

Brother TomTom,
Women are treated as queens in our religion. We are not considered "less than" a man any more than the liver is considered less than the heart, both are necessary for life. Islam is the only religion to specifically outline women's rights to inheritance, her own personal wealth, her right to an education, and no limiting her ability to stand on her own two feet. Step back and read some basic books on Islam. Believe it or not, I found the "Idiots guide to Islam" a very helpful book in the beginning.