Dua request for my son


Junior Member
My brothers and sisters in spirit,

I sit here in at my cultures version of Eid, 500 miles from my family and cannot return home. I was notified late last night that my 2 and a half year old son has a spiril fracture of the left tibia (shin bone). He was sliding down a slide with his father when his foot got trapped between the slide edge andhis father's leg. My heart is in pain and desires only to hold my son and cover him with booboo kisses. I will notbe able to see him for another 3 days.


make dua 4 ma finals
I am really sorry to hear about your son:(

I understand your pain....I ask Allaah to give him a quick recovery. ameen

be patient sister, he'll get better soon,

do update us insha'Allaah,judging by your post, you still haven't had the chance to see your son. I hope you do see him soon and believe me, three days will be over in no time!!
I pray the best for you and your family.

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
:salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu...

*hugs* dear!!don't worry he's fine inshallah.

May ALLAH ease his pain and may HE help you too.

give us updates on both cases when you can inshallah:(!


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum brother,

I am too really sorry to hear about your son, Inshallah he would be same by the help of Allah and my Duaas for you and your son and family members.


Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Sister Jennifer,

Our heart goes all out for your son. May God AlMighty, The Healer of all pain cure your son very soon, inshaAllaah.

I am sure being a brave young boy, he'll go through this strongly with the Love from his caring parents :)

Take care.


Junior Member
I would like to thank you all for your prayers. I am home now. When I first came home, he would have alot of fear whenever you touched his cast or moved his leg but now, since I showed him that he can put weight on his foot and not have it hurt and also how to move himself around, he is handling it better. He still has alot of pain and it is exhausting for him to move around with the cast because its so heavy. During the night he wakes up screaming "ooooow! booobooo mommy/daddy" and of course, that rips my heart out and scrambles it in a blender....

There is nothing worse than not being able to take away your child's pain.


Junior Member
So how is your son now??
How is he coping with his recovery...?

Salaam Brother,

Thank you for asking. Connor is like any little boy, unstoppable! lol! He now has a short leg cast and he will most likely be getting his cast completely off in a week or two <its early and I can't remember when the Dr. appointment is...I need coffee>.

Because he can't really play outside in the dift and sand, we bough two under-bed storage bins and filled one with dirt and one with sand. they are out on the patio and he gets to dig all he wants in a more controlled way. We put on of our socks on the casted leg and he's good to go....

Thank you so much for asking about him. He really is a remarkable little boy.


May Allah Forgive us

May Allah cure him and bestows on him tolerance and patience in the mean time, InshAllah.

Alhamdulillah, May Allah bless him with guidance.


Junior Member

May Allah cure him and bestows on him tolerance and patience in the mean time, InshAllah.

Alhamdulillah, May Allah bless him with guidance.

hehehe...I think I need more tolerance and patience then he does! He jumps up and down in his crib, races down the hall on all fours, beats us up with his cast, purposely falls down on the rug saying "oh no! fall down agAAAAIN"....then there is the climbing up on the table and banging his cast on wooden things just for the noise....

two year olds....UHG!


May Allah Forgive us
hehehe...I think I need more tolerance and patience then he does! He jumps up and down in his crib, races down the hall on all fours, beats us up with his cast, purposely falls down on the rug saying "oh no! fall down agAAAAIN"....then there is the climbing up on the table and banging his cast on wooden things just for the noise....

two year olds....UHG!

SubhanAllah, hahah. Alhamdulillah. Children are really amazing.



well though am late in reading this post..

Alhamdulilah am happy sister JenGiove, ur cutiepie is recovering..:hijabi:
Allah swt hasten his recovery..& keep him & ur family in best of health, blissful & guided always..Inshaallah

There is nothing worse than not being able to take away your child's pain.

Aww...this really made me tearful..:( there is nothing in comparision to a mother's affection for her child..(ofcourse except Allah's Love for us)..

Allah swt ease the grief of all mothers for their beloved children..Ameen

Take care...
Jazakallah Khair everyone..

stay blessed, Inshaallah..



Hubbu Rasoolullah
My brothers and sisters in spirit,

I sit here in at my cultures version of Eid, 500 miles from my family and cannot return home. I was notified late last night that my 2 and a half year old son has a spiril fracture of the left tibia (shin bone). He was sliding down a slide with his father when his foot got trapped between the slide edge andhis father's leg. My heart is in pain and desires only to hold my son and cover him with booboo kisses. I will notbe able to see him for another 3 days.

Salaams Sister....

Dont Worry....... May Allah Cure ur SON very soon and May Allah SWT give fast recovery to ur SON Ameen.....

Pls keep in trust in Allah!!!!!!!!

"To completely trust in Allah is to be like a child
who knows deeply that even if he does not call for the mother,
the mother is totally aware of his condition
and is looking after him. –Imam Al Ghazal"

So Insha Allah everything will be OK... Hoping the good news of ur SONvery Soon..


Junior Member
Peace for you dear JenGiove,
It is stated in Quran:
26:78 who has created me and is the One who guides me, -
26:79 and is the One who gives me to eat and to drink,
26:80 and when I fall ill, is the One who restores me to health, -
26:81 and who will cause me to die and then will bring me back to life
26:82 and who, [hope, will forgive me my faults on Judgment Day!

Translation of the meanings of Quran (Asad)

Trust Allah your chid will be Ok, but please sister enjoy being close to your son , when he is grown up you will miss these days , when your child is very close to you. The emotions of a mother is something true sincere, sacred .



Junior Member
Peace for you dear JenGiove,
It is stated in Quran:
26:78 who has created me and is the One who guides me, -
26:79 and is the One who gives me to eat and to drink,
26:80 and when I fall ill, is the One who restores me to health, -
26:81 and who will cause me to die and then will bring me back to life
26:82 and who, [hope, will forgive me my faults on Judgment Day!

Translation of the meanings of Quran (Asad)

Trust Allah your chid will be Ok, but please sister enjoy being close to your son , when he is grown up you will miss these days , when your child is very close to you. The emotions of a mother is something true sincere, sacred .



I love that song. I found it before I even joined TTI......I have one question...there is a sentance that I don't understand, could you translate it for me? Its something like "oo-loo-soo-loo-ah"...it's in the song....


Junior Member

That sounds like it's about right...thank you so much....how it fits into the song, I'm not sure tho....


Junior Member
The song starts with a question who we should obey after Allah and rasool Allah ( the messenger of Allah) ?...... there is a hadith which explain the song:

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 8.2 Narrated by Abu Huraira
A man came to Allah's Apostle and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Who is more entitled to be treated with the best companionship by me?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man said. "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man further said, "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man asked for the fourth time, "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your father."

With regards