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Love Fishing
Well tonight 5th Auguts is the Nisfu Syaaban night and tomorrow on 6th August lets fast .

I dont know mush about Nisfu Syaaban though.all i know is that u read yassin and so on.

Plz write down ur comments about Nisfu Syaaban and what we must do

I would like to know what the prophet himself did during Nisfu Syaaban.
In Malaysia they do solat Hajat and read yasin 3 times
so i would like to know if it is bidaa or not.
my husband said there is no such thing as solat hajat and prophet has never done this.so i would like to know more about Nisfu Syaaban

Happy 2BA Muslim

:salam2: Sister,

There are no particular days within the month of Sha`bân that are particularly recommended for fasting. There is no special virtue for fasting on the 15th day of Sha`bân.

There is a weak hadîth that reads: “When the middle night of Sha`bân arrives, observe prayer throughout that night and fast the following day, for indeed Allah descends to the lower heavens on that night at sunset and declares: ‘Is there anyone seeking forgiveness whom I can forgive? Is anyone seeking My providence whom I can provide for? Is there anyone facing difficulties whose burdens I can ease?...’ and He keeps asking more and more until the break of dawn.” [Sunan Ibn Mâjah (1388)]

The author of al-Manâr has determined this hadîth to be not only weak, but fabricated. He says:

The truth is that this hadîth is a forgery. Its chain of transmissions contains the narrator Abû Bakr b. `Abd Allah b. Muhammad, who is better known as Ibn Abî Sabrah.

Ahmad b. Hanbal and Yahyâ b. Ma`în have both exposed him as a fabricator of hadîth.
[Also refer to: Majmû` al-Fatâwâ (5/266)]

Due to the fact that the practice of singling out the 15th of Sha`bân for fasting is not established by any sound hadîth, it is an unfounded practice. All scholars agree that weak and fabricated hadîth are not valid to establish specific acts of worship.

The only exception to this would be cases where a weak hadîth has support from numerous supporting narrations to the point where it is strengthened to the grade of being a good hadîth. In that case, it can be used for establishing an act of worship as long as its meaning is not at variance with what is stronger.

Consequently, it is an innovation in worship to single out this particular day for fasting, since any act of worship that is not established by the Sunnah is an innovation in religion.

Jâbir narrates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Every innovation is a means of going astray.” [Sahîh Muslim (867)]

This does not mean that we should avoid fasting on the 15th of Sha`bân. It is like any other day in Sha`bân and the general hadîth that encourage fasting in Sha`bân apply to it just as much as they apply to every other day of the month. What is incorrect is to have an intention to particularly single out this day for fasting.

And Allah knows best.



Islam is my life
Staff member
salam aleikum
all i know is that u read yassin and so on.

What you have mentioned sister is Biddah ,inovation made in some Muslim countries and practised by some Muslims ..
It is so sad ,that people don't follow the Sunnah of the Prophet ,peace be upon him ,but instead following innovations and traditions ..

I hope the post by brother Happy2beMuslim made it clear for you ..

waaleikum salam
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