feel so bad


New Member
hi just wanted somewhere to offload thought here would be best place to all my brothers and sisters i broke up with my boyfriend tonight because i told him i cant go on if he isnt going to marry me he is muslim to i just feel so heart broken but i know it was the right thing to do we also have a child together which makes it even worse because i still have to see him :( pl ease make dua that i will feel better soon


알라후 아크바르-Allah Akbar
Salam Alekum sister

Sister u did the right thing to break up with him.. Do not feel sorry for this.. U shld be happy that u dnt want to continue with the sins esp during Ramadan.. In Islam there is no such a boyfriend or girlfriend.. He should know frm the begining its haram to have gf or bf.. InshAllah just be strong and have patient sister... Allah will replace u with a better husband InshAllah... :) No need to worrie.. Allah is there 2 help u.. :)
May Allah make ur child a better muslim and keep him/her from wrong things.. May Allah InshAllah increase his/her eman stronger in the future InshAllah.. Ameen :)


Servant of Allah
Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu dear sister. i understand that you are heart broken, and saying "move on" won't be of any help to you right now. however, i assure you that you did the right thing. You gave him a permissible choice and he refused, that's his loss, not yours dear ukhti. as for you child, May Allah swt protect him/her from any harm or evil. ameen. as for you ukhti...do not feel remorseful for the right thing you've done. your heart might be wounded but inshaAllah it will heal. Try your best to practice your faith and do not give into the temptations of shaytan or those of your ex-boyfriend. Take care dear sister and know that Allah swt is pleased with you for the right choice you've made. wasalamu alaykum.
with love, your sister Ni'mah


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o aliakum sis,

Dont be sad, trust me it might feel really hard for you right now but this time will soon be over time will heal all the pain and then u will look back at this and thank Allah (swt) for giving you towards the right path.
Stay strong keep going and dont Look back at all everythign will be fine Inshallah taala :)
Ur bro and sis are here for u sis dont worry u r not alone


OntheWayOf ALLAH
Sister you did the best.. sure you are sad and you will be sad some more days also, but at the end everything will pass and the only thing what you have will be closeness to Allah and getting many many hassanat.. When the pain passes in your heart, you ll be very proud of yourself. Even you ll be repentent and you ll say why I didnt do this before..

So follow your own way and be with what Allah says..


Junior Member
Dont be sad sis as its clear he was not the right man for you. You did it for Allah(swt),And He will never let it go to waste,in ths world or the hereafter,trust.I shall be praying for you.

allah is with me

Rabana Wa laqal Hamd
oh sister!..
wht are you telling...
your sad?....
oh! sister, you did a good thing braking up with him....allah is with you, and i will indeed pray for you..


Junior Member
Walaikum Salaam wr wb

Dear sister In Islam
as all have said i'ld say the same
you've done good so there's no Reason for being unhappy or feeling bad
Allah swt is with you
when Allah swt is with you no force on earth can do any harm to you
May Allah swt Bless you and ur child
Jazakumu'Allah Khair...!


Well-Known Member
hi just wanted somewhere to offload thought here would be best place to all my brothers and sisters i broke up with my boyfriend tonight because i told him i cant go on if he isnt going to marry me he is muslim to i just feel so heart broken but i know it was the right thing to do we also have a child together which makes it even worse because i still have to see him :( pl ease make dua that i will feel better soon

Asalaamu alaikum wr wb, Sister you tried everything with this man but it was obvious that he did'nt want to marry you so did you really want to spend your life with someone like that? Allah will give you a wonderful partner that will be good for your deen not someone like him or lead you on and would have continued to do so.
Sometimes in life we don't meet the right one first time around thats why there is a lot of divorcees out there because the person we first meet it don;t mean that we will always be compatible but sister do things the right way and Islamic way this time around and ALlah will truly find you the best partner for you who will be the best for your deen and you can make Allah the happiest together.
In life things happen which are the best for us but we may not realise right away and it may hurt at first but sister this is a blessing in disguise. You should be proud that you finally left this guy because there are a lot of people out there who don't leave the wrong partners for the rest of their lives and have a miserable life with them.
At least Allah has given you the courage and determination to finally make a stand and the stand you made is the right one sister and inshallah things will work out.
Just get as close to Allah as you can because this is the best opportunity for you to do so because Allah has helped you and he wants you close to him so do as much dua as you can and pray and remember him much for he gave you guidance to the truth because he saw something in your heart that he liked.
So smile sister for this is a truly happy day. Now you can truly go the closest to Allah and please him and EVERYTHING will slot into place like a jigsaw puzzle.