Female Muslim/Islamic Scholars


Junior Member
Assalam Aliekum

Can anyone direct me to a resource of prominent female Mslim/Islamic scholars? There are some issues that seem like they would be more easily discussed if they were discussed by someone who has actually experienced certain things (like the male scholars giving all sorts of "suggestions" for child birth or mothering, when they do neither, and cannot relate on a personal level to either).

Website, book, magazine, anything.




Women Scholars!

Asslamo Allaikum,

I see your point to a large extent.

• First revert to Islam was a woman
• First Shaheed in Islam was a woman
• The person who narrated the most Hadeeth from Rausl-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassalllam) was a woman

However we (men) see, witness and share the peculiar conditions pertaining to femininity all the time…


There are women scholars all over the Islamic world and also found in US/Europe.

I have friends with wives, sisters, daughters as scholars BUT not sure about a web-site; for example Sr. Fatima Barkatullah; who I have NEVER met (for obvious reasons).


I think she teaches either in Islamic Center London or in Southhall/London somewhere....

I have searched on Google & a few that I came up with; I wouldn't recommend them because they have more of a feminist agenda then an Islamic one.

Sorry for being presumptuous but these HIGH-PROFILE-FEMALE-SHCOLARS have caused more furore then actually helping anyone.

I am hope that you will gracious enough to permit me to agree with you in principle but disagree on some of the finer details of the topic.


Junior Member
I wouldn't recommend them because they have more of a feminist agenda then an Islamic one.

I agree that some do, but the same could be said for male scholars - some male scholars have a more sexist agenda than an Islamic one.

And I agree with the point - women are naturally more knowledgeable on some issues and would therefore be able to answer a question better than a man ever could, and vice versa.


New Member
aslam aleikum

isnt it wonderful when men tell a whole crowd of women how liberating Hijab is
like they wear it!!

or how no women ever WANTS to work and EVERY womens main desire is to be a house wife
becasue they share our brains and minds!!

i find it so frustrating when men give women advice its as if they are talking to a whole nother bunch of people who have no personal problems and all they need to do is be good wives, pray alot and wear the hijab and we are sorted. but nowadays women have so many issues that men wouldnt even begin to understand

i do apprecaite the sheikhs givng advice but its like whenver there is an event for the muslim woman the main issue is hijab, most times every sister in the audience has that issue sorted, or the issue is being an obedient wife and masha Allah these are important issues but it doesnt even scratch the surface of what most women i know are going through

my cousin started practing about 2 years back and she categorically does not buy books written or CD's made for the "muslim woman" because she says there will generally be nothing in the book or CD to help her. i on the other hand am still searching with the hope that one day i will find that book or CD to make a differnce, its been over 3 years and i am still looking!!

thats why i tell my husband all the time when my daughters are born insha Allah they will be scholars or Shariah lawyers i think there are enough female muslim doctors we need women to serve this Ummah in another way


Junior Member
aslam aleikum

isnt it wonderful when men tell a whole crowd of women how liberating Hijab is
like they wear it!!

or how no women ever WANTS to work and EVERY womens main desire is to be a house wife
becasue they share our brains and minds!!

i find it so frustrating when men give women advice its as if they are talking to a whole nother bunch of people who have no personal problems and all they need to do is be good wives, pray alot and wear the hijab and we are sorted. but nowadays women have so many issues that men wouldnt even begin to understand

i do apprecaite the sheikhs givng advice but its like whenver there is an event for the muslim woman the main issue is hijab, most times every sister in the audience has that issue sorted, or the issue is being an obedient wife and masha Allah these are important issues but it doesnt even scratch the surface of what most women i know are going through

my cousin started practing about 2 years back and she categorically does not buy books written or CD's made for the "muslim woman" because she says there will generally be nothing in the book or CD to help her. i on the other hand am still searching with the hope that one day i will find that book or CD to make a differnce, its been over 3 years and i am still looking!!

thats why i tell my husband all the time when my daughters are born insha Allah they will be scholars or Shariah lawyers i think there are enough female muslim doctors we need women to serve this Ummah in another way

I agree that there are a lot of womens issues and lot of gender issues (and other issues in general) that need to be addressed but, instead, they're ignored and abandoned in favor of issues that have already been discussed to death.

umm hussain

Junior Member
Walaikum salam warahmatullah

I agree with the sisters, there is always the emphasis on a woman being a good wife but for some reason being a good husband is overlooked a woman not wearing hijab or tight clothes with hijab can attract a lot of comments but a thread about brothers who are clean shaven and trousers below the ankle no big deal after all he is a man and people make it seem like a man's sin isn't really sin probably the woman's fault.

I heard someone say a first role/duty for a woman is to be a good wife and for some unknown reason the first role or duty for a man is to be a loyal servant to Allah I thought first and foremost we have to obey Allah and with our obedience to Allah everything else falls into place. Are women allowed to study in University of Madinah for example or are there any Universities or colleges for Women in Arab countries where we can study to be sheikhs.

What happens to a woman before she becomes a wife, we are a daughters/sisters first is our role then to be the best sister and daughter. It seems like until you are a wife you basically have no purpose.lol. I bought a CDonce about what a woman will have in paradise but he was just 'rambling on' and I never listened to it again. There are male chauvinist sheiks as well. I hear of stories where sisters go and seek advice for marital problems and they are blamed for almost everything, e.g maybe your husband is drinking alcohol because something is lacking in the house, you are not being a good wife etc instead of addressing the issue/ It is almost comical.

The best I have heard and would recommend for all my sister to listen to is MOTHERS OF THE BELIEVERS,by SUHAIB WEBB( might have spelt his first name wrong) I think it is brilliant and brings things into perspective and also mention why in this century there are not as many female scholars as centuries before, what the problems are. I think it is about 11cds one for each wife and explains what roles they played really significant roles because before I heard that lecture all I had heard was how Asyishah was the most beloved wife and Khadija the most loved in her time and no mention of the other wives but after the lecture you will realise they all had roles some memorised hadith as well.

The sheikh decided to work on this series after the birth of his daughter because he couldn't find proper material on women to inspire his daughter whilst growing up.

I do not know where to buy it, I have the lectures on the hard drive either downloaded or copies not too sure my husband got it but there is a mention of the publication at the beginning. Inshallah when these children take an afternoon nap will try find out the publishers so I can share with you.

Alhamdulillah I found the lectures I was talking about and you can listen to them online, let me know what you think.



Junior Member
JazakAllah Umm Hussain for the information.

I too have been completely frustrated at the one sided focus on women and we can improve ourselves....in the meantime the males are seemingly innocent of having to obey any rules.

I am a single female with no blood ties to family due to being disowned for converting and I can find very little in the way of guidance for my unique situation. I read "rules" all the time saying I can't leave my home without a male's permission, that I need to seek guidance from my parents who don't speak to me anymore, that I am to be sunservient to my husband. None of the above can apply to me because I live alone. Can you imagine if I didn't leave the house w/o permission? I would starve to death.

I see the guys get in a froth about the nature of hijab, what qualifies as hijab, etc., etc., and all in the meantime have this superior tone to their posts. I am so curious to see how many of them could maintain a hijab in the climate I live in. I wear hijab and loose clothing that cover everything and it's on average about 95 degrees here...daily. I wonder how many of those same brothers would be in t-shirts and shorts if they lived here?





Be patient sisters...Hope u understand , some of the things are done for your own benefit


Fatwas! Fatwas!

Asslamo Allaikum Sisters,

I have been picked on and repeatedly jeered about my dislike of taking Fatwaas from the EAST & importing/applying to the West (to both men & women) lock, stock & barrel.

1) Unless something is clearly HALAL/HARAM, a Mufti answers a question BASED on the query & circumstances and often both the query & circumstances are different in the West.

2) 2nd problem is to do with translations; I do translations of Islamic material often and I understand that with certain topics my bias takes over; no matter how hard I try to remain neutral.

Dear Sisters, you know that there are differences in the British & the American sense of humour; although both cultures speak English!

3) So there are cultural differences of scholars as well.

Now watch me get slatted for disrespecting the Scholars or asking people to abandon the rulings of scholars or something else; WHILE my text is very clear in what I am trying to say and I have made myself clear so many times; its not even funny!

I do find some Fatwaas HARSH, nevertheless I find the feminist Sisters in the West even more dangerous!

Acting on a harsh Fatwa will SAVE your Eeman in the long run; although you may not like it.

Acting on a nicely-packaged-feminist-based-Fatwa will COST your Eeman in the long run; although you may like it.

There is CLEAR warning in the Qur'aan about this that something that you LIKE may not actually be good for you!

Let me quote the principle for declaring things HARAM in the Hanbali Madhab :

Prohibition requires CLEAR EVIDENCE from the Qur’aan/Sunnah!

This is a half-statement from Shaykh Ibn Taimiyya (RA) from memory; I will get the exact text from the book (with reference, Insha’Allah).

P.S: Dear Sisters in Islam! I have that I have not offended any of you or stepped on your toes.


Salaam Sisters,

Let us be very careful once again. I am a woman. I know there are many things men have no concepts of. BUT, we can not allow ourselves to be divided. The women's liberation movement in the west was a total failure. I was, in a former existence, a member of the movement. The movement was economic. It forced women to have to work. Poor women have always worked. It reduced wowen to becoming second class citizens under the banner of being liberated. More women became single mothers, divorces soared. Let us not place Muslim women through this.

Our beloved Prophet (swas) was able to answer any question posed to him. It did not matter how personal. When a man is given wisdom by Allah it supercedes sex lines. All our answers lie in the Quran or the sunnah. We have to hold on to that.

I am no suggesting that we dismiss women scholars. I am saying we need to remember Islam already has the answers. We do not need additonal perspectives.

Islam is a religion of reason. It is sanity. What does it matter what the temperture is outside? Do not compare yourselfs to brothers. Our role in this life is different. Allah made us females out of His wisdom. We are Muslim women because we chose to be. Do not complain. We are put in this life to be grateful to Allah.

We are so fortuanate. We are blessed by being Muslims. Let us concentrate on listening to our brothers and upholding them. It will make the ummah stronger. Think, we are bombarded with images of Muslim men on the tv. What are the images?

In my life I have done a 180. Why. I remember the phrase : Lower your gaze.


I agree with Sister Sarah that one of the problem is that most of the men take their part of religion for granted and love advocating sisters and I agree with Bro GP as well. I would love to see a scholar like you ( who have travelled as much as you have and have understood different situations and cultures like you have )
I have been picked on and repeatedly jeered about my dislike of taking Fatwaas from the EAST & importing/applying to the West (to both men & women) lock, stock & barrel.

1) Unless something is clearly HALAL/HARAM, a Mufti answers a question BASED on the query & circumstances and often both the query & circumstances are different in the West.

2) 2nd problem is to do with translations; I do translations of Islamic material often and I understand that with certain topics my bias takes over; no matter how hard I try to remain neutral.

Dear Sisters, you know that there are differences in the British & the American sense of humour; although both cultures speak English!

3) So there are cultural differences of scholars as well.

umm hussain

Junior Member
We shouldn't get carried away brothers are allowed to wear shorts and t-shirts as long as their awrah is covered, i.e naval to the knee. We still have to wear full hijab despite the weather I think the solution is just to minimise the amount of time we are in direct sunlight.

What sisters want are Muslim sister scholars to speak openly to not feminists. If we have the agenda of being feminist with the knowledge we will acquire then there is no point in studying at all.

We should not go around 'shopping' for fatwas either it is quite dangerous. Islam does already have answers but there are people with knowledge who are able either to issue fatwas or make translations due to knowledge or something along those lines,

We shouldn't just listen and uphold brothers even if they speak nonsense unfortunately not everyone who claims to be a scholar is actually one. It is very destructive to blind follow, seeking knowledge is compulsory for both men and women. There have been very influential women in decades gone by whom even men consulted just like women consult men today and they were successful because they were not feminist.

Our roles as women are different but no one said women should be illiterate. Acquiring knowledge is a religious obligation, how do you teach Quran and Sunnah to children for example or give sisterly advice without grasping the concept or understanding and applications of certain hadith if you do not have a clue about it yourself.

". When a man is given wisdom by Allah it supercedes sex lines." Women are given wisdom as well and there are many examples to this. A man does not have more knowledge or wisdom by default just because he is a man. Men are leaders, protectors and maintainers of women and a degree above women, we can NEVER take that away because the Quran says so but what I am against aremale chauvinists as much as I am against 'feminists'



Please. You don't want to wear hijab. Don't. We are not in grammar school. You want to wear shorts..go ahead. Don't whine.

There is no complusion in religion.

There are differences between men and women. We women get emotional. That is the reason Allah has told us to have two women for judgement. We allow our emotional state to overcome reason.

We are so overcome with lust for the western lifestyle we have forgotten who and what we are. Trust me, a life without Islam is a life of ignorance. Look at us now. Many can't cook, clean, raise crops, fix things. We are becoming the servants of the servants of the devil. How are we going to be fit to raise chidren. Islam is not about competition.

Intelligence is the light of Allah. And nothing else.


Junior Member

Please. You don't want to wear hijab. Don't. We are not in grammar school. You want to wear shorts..go ahead. Don't whine.

There is no complusion in religion.

There are differences between men and women. We women get emotional. That is the reason Allah has told us to have two women for judgement. We allow our emotional state to overcome reason.

We are so overcome with lust for the western lifestyle we have forgotten who and what we are. Trust me, a life without Islam is a life of ignorance. Look at us now. Many can't cook, clean, raise crops, fix things. We are becoming the servants of the servants of the devil. How are we going to be fit to raise chidren. Islam is not about competition.

Intelligence is the light of Allah. And nothing else.
assalam, well mirajmom here in the west women wear miniskirts in the middle of freezing winter but never complain abt anything in their ways of trying to submit to society`s pressure some of them even end up dying from anorexia...etc just to please the man made marketing laws! how can we complain when trying to please allah swt.i agree with the original poster though Allah swt is just he doesn`t allow access to him in a discreminatory manner and i would love to see more sister scholars that speak abt other things than these gender issues in islam and defend the Quraan and sunnah may be on other aspects inschallah the last time i saw one was an egyptian scholar that has studied in islamic theology and philosophy in the US and you know what she is doing?she is having a show for sexual education on the egyptian TV .......... i believe that is kinda reductiv.and.cliche sisters need to raise above that inschallah.not to compete but to educate in a more polyvalent manner.. and allah swt knows best.........r

umm hussain

Junior Member

Please. You don't want to wear hijab. Don't. We are not in grammar school. You want to wear shorts..go ahead. Don't whine.

There is no complusion in religion.

There are differences between men and women. We women get emotional. That is the reason Allah has told us to have two women for judgement. We allow our emotional state to overcome reason.

We are so overcome with lust for the western lifestyle we have forgotten who and what we are. Trust me, a life without Islam is a life of ignorance. Look at us now. Many can't cook, clean, raise crops, fix things. We are becoming the servants of the servants of the devil. How are we going to be fit to raise chidren. Islam is not about competition.

Intelligence is the light of Allah. And nothing else.

I hope you are not talking about me because that is not what I said. If you read properly you will find out what I am saying not what you think I am saying.Who said I do not want to wear hijab, Anyway I am not even going to go there.



I am not addressing an individual; I am addressing an issue. I am concerned that many women are being led down the wrong path.
We can learn from the failed women's liberation movement in the west. Why walk down the wrong path?

I read in the responses that many women feel male prespectives are wrong, to a point of calling some scholars chauvinists. The bottom line: a man doesn't uderstand and can't tell ,me what to do. Look at one of the heroines fo the liberation movement: simone de beauvior. She was one of the most oppressed women in history.

Slow down; sisters. Maybe I have been too independent. Maybe I know the reality of being on my own. Maybe I know the feelings of knowing I am the provider for my family. Maybe I know the hardships of having to work alongside men and fight for my own. Maybe that is why I feel that many of the issues are petty. Liberation is a state of mind. Liberation is found by being soley dependent on Allah.

We need to keep in mind the more we divide Islam the more we are playing in the hands of the devil; and the servants of the devil.

All I know is I want to please Allah. Forgive me...


Dr Israr Ahmed

W-Salam Aapa,

Have you listened to Dr Israr Ahmed?


Take a look at his English talks; particularly Basic themes of Qur'aan....His Aqeedah on Jihad is a bit wacked & he has bits of Irja (will explain later) in him; but other then that he is Super Kosher!

Tell me what you think, Insha'Allah.

He makes the MOST sense to me in the world; very pragmatic, very logical

P.S: No one is perfect; Says your 35 y/o brother with dandruff problems :)


I am not addressing an individual; I am addressing an issue. I am concerned that many women are being led down the wrong path.
We can learn from the failed women's liberation movement in the west. Why walk down the wrong path?

I read in the responses that many women feel male prespectives are wrong, to a point of calling some scholars chauvinists. The bottom line: a man doesn't uderstand and can't tell ,me what to do. Look at one of the heroines fo the liberation movement: simone de beauvior. She was one of the most oppressed women in history.

Slow down; sisters. Maybe I have been too independent. Maybe I know the reality of being on my own. Maybe I know the feelings of knowing I am the provider for my family. Maybe I know the hardships of having to work alongside men and fight for my own. Maybe that is why I feel that many of the issues are petty. Liberation is a state of mind. Liberation is found by being soley dependent on Allah.

We need to keep in mind the more we divide Islam the more we are playing in the hands of the devil; and the servants of the devil.

All I know is I want to please Allah. Forgive me...