From the Wise Words of Mufti Ismail Menk


Junior Member
"The Messenger pbuh teaches us to speak very clearly at all times, at the correct pace & volume, using language that is understood by those being addressed, avoiding slang & difficult words.

Speech is a gift of the Almighty hence we must avoid chewing our words in a manner that will make them unheard or misunderstood. Shouting or screaming unnecessarily & the use of slang will reduce our respect. What a great lesson!"


Junior Member
"The sun has been created to give light & warmth, being a source of daylight. The moon was created to shine full of beauty & be a means of guidance for travelers & others, deriving its light from the sun.

Through both we keep a record of time. These are signs of the Almighty.

When the purpose of their creation is interrupted through eclipse we are instructed to pray, repent & ponder over the greatness of the Maker!"


Junior Member
""Don't be judgmental!" is becoming a defensive phrase misused by those who don't want to be corrected when they are wrong. When someone tells us they think we should not do this or that, they are advising us.

On the other hand when we are called a thief or immoral etc then that is a verdict passed on us. It is the duty of those around us to correct us but not to pass judgment upon our condition.

Never mix the two."


Junior Member
Lavish weddings where much money is splashed, extravagance is clear, religious rules are blatantly disregarded, the poor are not invited and people forget that it is meant to be a sacred union and a gift of the Almighty, cannot bear much blessings and can even return to haunt the families later on.

The most blessed of all weddings are those full of simplicity where religious rules are given prime importance and the whole function considered a spiritually filled celebration of a sacred gift of the Almighty.

The type of seed sown is determined by the type of wedding we have. How can we expect to reap beneficial fruit when we chose to sow the seeds of cactus?

The sad reality is that people incur debts to hire lavish venues in order to live up to the Jones. They then suffer paying back whilst the food has long been digested, the function outdone by another and at times the divorce already taken place.

Remember, you can never achieve pleasure through the displeasure of the Owner of eternal Pleasure.

The Almighty, who gave us this day of happiness will indeed be unhappy if we choose to express our happiness through sin.

Let us seriously take heed for the future and repent for what has passed by.


Junior Member
If we count the favours of the Almighty upon us and ponder over them carefully, they will eclipse the difficulties we may be facing.

Whenever we go through some hardship whether long or short term, we tend to become totally oblivious of the countless bounties of the Almighty upon us. Nobody on earth can claim to have no trials, hardships or tests.

The difference is mainly connected to how each individual deals with his or her tests and trials. Some never stop complaining whilst others come across very content although they may be going through an even greater test.

The secret is to develop our faith in the Almighty and His Mercy, be thankful for what we have and help ourselves by looking at those who are in a worse situation.

This will most certainly assist us through the remainder of our lives and take us through to the next - with a smile! Aameen


Junior Member
The level of sincerity when praying for success in final examinations is very high. The same applies when praying for protection from a mishap on a turbulent aircraft, cure from a serious illness or any extremely important matter.

Some begin to say their daily prayers, dress appropriately & leave all sin because of the need of the moment. This should be the case at all times and not just when we are in dire need.

Do we follow those who transgress and sin immediately upon passing their exams, or landing safely or being cured from disease etc yet moments ago they were weeping to their Maker whilst pleading their case, making every promise to obey His Commands?

We are taught that those who gain closeness to the Almighty during times of ease shall indeed feel the closeness and assistance of the Almighty during times of difficulty or distress.

He is STILL Most Forgiving Most Merciful & gives us much more than we deserve!


Junior Member
If we allow Satan to make us worry about "what people would think or say" if we did something then not only are we enslaved by those people in a uniquely dangerous way but we will NEVER end up doing anything upright!

This trap of Satan affects a very large number of people. When what is correct & upright needs to be done, NEVER bother about "people".

Why should we drop ourselves to their level when the Almighty has blessed us! Many of them wouldn't bother about us when they want to do something!


Junior Member
When our main aim in life is our food, clothing, make-up, cars, phones, money, holidays, parties, hairstyles and living up to the latest trends, then spirituality usually takes a back seat and we begin to head in the direction of regret in the hereafter.

It gets to a stage where we become totally enslaved by such items and the Almighty becomes a ceremonial figure in our lives with religion too being transformed into a mere ritual.

When pleasing our Maker takes the center-stage in our lives , then everything else becomes secondary and the sweetness of contentment with our share settles in. We begin to realise the only opportunity we have to prepare for the hereafter is whilst we are alive. The glamorous world fades as we see how it has swallowed so many who are firmly in it's clutches. So much time is wasted on that which really does not matter at all.

Nothing can ever bring us more joy than the Pleasure of the Almighty upon us. May He help us focus on the right path and tread upon it at all times. Aameen


Junior Member
Oops, been a while since I've updated this...

Putting ourselves in the shoes of others momentarily in order to try to understand them better before commenting or acting against them is very important.

Many people condemn others without trying to see where they are coming from or why they have acted in a specific way or said something.

If we are sincere, we will understand one another better & possibly reduce much unwanted skepticism, hatred & enmity.


Junior Member
Animals have rights over us too. We should be kind and merciful towards them.

There is a great reward in taking care of animals, birds etc just as it is very sinful to harm them or abuse them.

A woman was granted paradise due to her kindness to a dog and another was doomed due to her wickedness to a kitten.

Domesticated animals and those used for carrying loads, farming or riding should never be over burdened. Feed them well and give them their due rest.

Those who think we are not taught about kindness to animals are mistaken. In fact every living creature should be treated with kindness.

If this is the case with animals, imagine how high the status of a human being is! Never abuse or harm fellow human beings.

finding light

Ya Rab! Forgive me..
Just wanted to share with you how lucky I am :)
Mufti Menk will be in Qatar this weekend - three talks over three days :) InshAllah Ill be attending....
Will Inshallah get some wise words to add on here...


Slave of Allah (swt)
Just wanted to share with you how lucky I am :)
Mufti Menk will be in Qatar this weekend - three talks over three days :) InshAllah Ill be attending....
Will Inshallah get some wise words to add on here...


SubhanAllah a golden oppurtunity indeed, i love this sheikh and inshAllah hope to see him or attend his lecture one day :)

finding light

Ya Rab! Forgive me..
Not all who appear religious are religious and not all who appear distant from religion are distant.

Those who abuse their religious appearance to usurp the rights of others, insult the entire religion.

The qualities of some of those who appear distant from religion surpass some who appear religious.

May we be from amongst those who are saved from hypocrisy for indeed it is one of the lowest levels.


Junior Member
Just wanted to share with you how lucky I am :)
Mufti Menk will be in Qatar this weekend - three talks over three days :) InshAllah Ill be attending....
Will Inshallah get some wise words to add on here...

Wa 'alaykum,

That's awesome, masha'Allaah! :D JazakAllahu khayr for adding to this thread. :D


Junior Member
"When our hearts are hardened, no sign sent to us by the Almighty will make us take heed, mend our ways or incline towards Him.

The Almighty sends regular signs of varying magnitudes to each one of us, as gentle reminders to soften our hearts towards His obedience.

If nothing at all serves as a warning to us, then we need urgent help to remedy our spiritual paralysis before it is too late.

"Has the time not come for the believers to humble their hearts to the reminder of the Almighty and the Divine Revelation..?" (57:16)"


Junior Member
The Almighty answers every call of ours for as long as we don’t lose hope. We must continue seeking enthusiastically even if it means for years.

Repeating a call constantly is a GREAT act of worship. One day, when the time is right, we will get what we had been asking for all along.

Never lose hope in the Mercy of the Almighty, as He knows when it is best for us to get what we want, if it is good for us.

Those who aim to please the Creator will always be pleased BY Him. He never lets us down but we let ourselves down by engaging in sin.


Junior Member
The gifts of the Almighty upon us are so many that we would never be able to count them all.

Sadly we concentrate on the few issues that He has tested us with and become ungrateful, forgetting the countless gifts we have.

Let us dedicate some time on a regular basis to ponder over what we have been given and express gratitude to Our Maker through our words and deeds.

The Almighty has taught us that the way to increase the goodness we have been bestowed with is through gratitude. "If you are grateful, I shall indeed increase you (in goodness)" S14:V7


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o aliakum wr wb
his latest fb update :)

Mufti Ismail Menk
We should never forget to express gratitude & thanks in appreciation to those who have been kind to us or benefited us in any way.

“Jazakumullahu khairan” is a powerful statement of appreciation, meaning “May the Almighty recompense you with goodness”.

Those who are quick to forget kindness by others will not be shown kindness when it is most needed.

Mutual appreciation encourages us to engage in further goodness & enhances the bond of families & communities etc. So never forget to show appreciation.


Junior Member
It is better for a woman to be married than to remain single, but it is better for her to be single than to be married to an oppressive, abusive man who makes her life an intolerable misery.

It is also better to be in a respectful polygamous marriage than in an intolerable monogamous marriage.

Marriages should not be broken for petty reasons, but when there are serious matters beyond reconciliation, divorce comes as a saviour.

If a woman was supposed to be forced to live in an intolerable marriage, why would the Almighty give her the right to apply for a dissolution of her marriage upon the non-fulfilment of her rights by her husband?


Junior Member
Technology can be used in a beneficial or a detrimental way.

The fact that some people use it irresponsibly does not make it prohibitted for the rest.

To close the door totally upon all because of misuse by some or many, would exclude those capable of using it to benefit themselves & others too.

Great self-discipline is a prerequisite!

Many a misguided person has been guided by something they came across coincidentally.

When the Almighty guides, He can cause a drunkard to become a saint!