Frustrations that where I live isn't "Muslim enough"



there are alos times when you may be surrounded by a lot of muslims and don't feel welcomed. this usually happens to reverts. i try to keep my head up and try to understand people from their old country and i realize that many of them are stuck in their ways. it's not right but i know it's a reality.

i have gotten some type of welcome from some of the younger brothers at the masjid, but the problem is that they aren't there enough. sadly, a lot of haram things are afflicting today's muslim youth. they are getting caught up with the wrong things in this dunya.

i am now 27 but i became muslim when i was 13 years old. i took a hiatus from islam for a few years, but even back then no one really befriended me. so i must say that i am a very lonely muslim. my family aren't muslim, my " friends " aren't muslim, and my co-workers aren't muslim. it's a great concern for me as i pursue a marriage partner, because i don't really have any islamic references for her wali.



New Member
I corrected someone about Islam

I was talking with a friend and the topic of religion came up; she just wondered out loud why our belief is called "muhammadism" I politely pointed out it wasn't. That was an incorrect term that was used. We do not worship Muhammad, (SWT), we worship only Allah.

It was a mildly proud moment in my life.


New Member
Staff member
Assalamu alaikum,

Masha Allaah. May Allaah swt reward you for correcting that person. That was so brave of you. If you felt mildly proud for that, we're super duper proud of you! :D