are you perhaps from Somalia?
thank youIs Abi the proper noun or Abba/ Aba.
Thats precisely what i was taught. To kiss my mother and dads hand. But i only do that when i leave my house
are you perhaps from Somalia?
That sounds very Halloween to me esp the Hoyoo
Asalamu Alaykum. i think he is.
assalamo alaikum..
my best-friend is afghani..and she calls her mother that too..hehe
well I'm Arab..and I call mom..*mama* or *mom*..and dad..*baba* or *bab*..I've heard most people from the north of Iraq (where I come from) call their parents this way
most people in Iraq though...say...*yomma* or *yom*..for mom..and..*yaba* or *yab*..for dad
am an arab too, so i call my mum yumma and my dad yaba.
but in correct arabic i think it is abbi for dad and ummi for mum.
and when i wake up in the morning or come into the house i say asalam aleikum and kiss their hands, for mum hand and forehead.
It's a small world after allIt's beautiful to see diversity in our ummah - Mashallah! For the most part, you don't even have to know ones language to distinguish which word is mother or father, notice how they all sound pretty similar.
:salam2:Hoyoo (Mom) & Aabo (Dad)or off course: mummy and daddy..
aabo is same as urdu ,,,,,,hoyoo ,,,,,,,, which language sis ??
somali bro,
....and bro alkathiri how does it sound haloweenish??