how to stop your wife going to her family


to Allah we belong

just a joke, pls dont apply it. even if you love and dont want her to go out of your eyes. dont hurt your wife and let visit her family.:)

so here it goes...

Wife: Would it be ok if I went to see my parents tomorrow?

Husband: Sure

Wife: You seriously ok with it?

Husband: Yeah, why wouldnt I be?!

Wife: I want to stay there for the weekend as well cause I havent been in a few months

Husband: No worries, give them my salaam

Wife: And you're fine with that?

Husband: I just told you, its cool

Wife: Arent you gonna miss me?

Husband: Yeah, I guess I will but its only for the weekend

Wife: I wont go if you dont want me to

Husband: Ah, just go, I'll be fine

Wife: You dont love me

Husband: Huh?

Wife: You heard, you dont love me, do you?

Husband: of course I...

Wife: YOU DONT LOVE ME. If you did, why didnt you at least try and persuade me not to go?

Husband: Erm.....but....but....I...

Wife: I dont want to go any more

(walks out of the room slamming the door behind her)


Junior Member

hahhaha cant stop laffin on this bro.....its big joke and problem in asians community lol specially if u are married in same town then girl wanna go home everyday .......anywyz thr is nothin wrong in it


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o alikum

haha ! :D that was hilarious lol , poor guy lol i wonder if it was intentionally but i bet like most guy he had no clue what was going on till the situation become a big mess lol


oh no, poor guy!! am feeling really bad for him:)
he tried to be seriously good and got the door slammed :D
haha thanks brother for sharing :)


Travelling towards my grave.
wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarkatuh brother ahmed

Hahahahaha.......Brother that is really cooooooooool and funny. Yesterday I saw this thread but did not click on it fearing that this could be something like ....... LOL

I am thinking what shall I do if I get such a wonderful wife. :rolleyes:
If I get such a one, then I will be :SMILY27: I guess. LOL

Hey sisters! Are you really like that? When we try to do something good also?

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


make dua 4 ma finals
looool! funny:D but I was rolling up my sleaves when I seen the TITLE!!!but, then now iam calm and have this:D on my face:)
thanks for sharing it's sooooo funny!
poor guy:( feel sorry for him:(
Allah hafiz now and always:)