Husband want another wife


Junior Member
Haha, very good sister! Although I still don't think it is a joke and something to joke about. This is serious, and like one brother mentioned, if you discuss another marriage, this is something you carefully have to already consider! Double responsibility of everything, double costs. So when the honeymoon is over, the fun begins or? Lol

Is it just me who noticed that so many Sheiks and Imams are satisfied with one wife?? Maybe something for men to wonder about, why theese men that have great knowledge of Islam and the life of the Propeth Muhammed saws have only one wife..


Assalaam walaikum,

No, it not always double the money. You are forgetting the key ingredient. The barakat of Allah. Why reduce it to the monetary.

A marriage gets good after the honeymoon. A marriage gets better after ten years. Talk to the women who have been married thirty years and see; it is the best. When they remove their hijabs..they still blush like brides.

Noor El-Huda

Junior Member
Some men just don't know how to deal with women,do they think their source of problems is the woman but infact it's their incapability to deal with their wives.So they try to marry another woman thinking that she will be the one.These kind of men never feel satisfied.

Sad but very true. Some don't bother with making a genuine effort to give the marriage a fair chance. They seem to think the grass is always greener on the other side. I am not trying to make general blames, so please brothers do not get offended. I hope that this thread sheds light on some of the issues that needs to be dealt with differently. That sometimes wife feels the husband is not putting enough effort, to work out a marriage. That she is the only one who should change or there comes another woman. That really isn't the right way to go about things.


'Millat "IBRAHIM" {AleyhiSalaam}

though, few have replied from me salaam, however i ought have to introduce me self and this strange language..english...2me is third and if not 4th language,
with limited understanding and expressing me self clearly, rather then replies i may or say ..contributing the to the topic/s.

so if i make mistake/error(and that this 4 sure) please dont hesitate to correct me not only in English but also the way how i correspond with me mates.

wa jazakum Llah
bi Kul Kheir wa Barakatuhu


The topic in motion

If i may ask; did U ask your husband(politely)
{ but at a reasonable place and time:u know!!}

for what reason/s ?
...then i think ...old mates might ..share the talk. (i hope)


Junior Member
No, I have not asked my husband though it isn't about me.

I am asking in general to find answers to issues/problems I come across.

Aapa: yes, marriage could be better, but as we were discussing; not if a man simply think the answer to "problems" would be another wife. That must come from stoneage or something. The problem will remain a problem since the husband and wife are still married. You can't run from problems. So another wife may be a short solution. In the end, problems still there. Although with doubble responsibility.

And I must say, many years of working with children, and with all respect to Islam and "keeping" families: don't be so fast saying this plural marriage is so good, many children will loose their father insteed because he is absent so much, and not there when they need him the most. And let's be honest; Allahs swt intention with plural marriage was not to break families, and having more than one wife is for thoose who follow the Sunnah! How many muslim men follow the Sunnah? No offense, good brothers, speaking generally of both men and women - most 'so called" muslims do not follow the Sunnah. This causes many families and wifes to suffer! Only because the man has the right to marry four!

Excuse me, sometimes I feel there should be a licence in Islam before getting married "Islamic way" and having family.


'Millat "IBRAHIM" {AleyhiSalaam}
No, I have not asked my husband though it isn't about me.

I am asking in general to find answers to issues/problems I come across.

Aapa: yes, marriage could be better, but as we were discussing; not if a man simply think the answer to "problems" would be another wife. That must come from stoneage or something. The problem will remain a problem since the husband and wife are still married. You can't run from problems. So another wife may be a short solution. In the end, problems still there. Although with doubble responsibility.

And I must say, many years of working with children, and with all respect to Islam and "keeping" families: don't be so fast saying this plural marriage is so good, many children will loose their father insteed because he is absent so much, and not there when they need him the most. And let's be honest; Allahs swt intention with plural marriage was not to break families, and having more than one wife is for thoose who follow the Sunnah! How many muslim men follow the Sunnah? No offense, good brothers, speaking generally of both men and women - most 'so called" muslims do not follow the Sunnah. This causes many families and wifes to suffer! Only because the man has the right to marry four!

Excuse me, sometimes I feel there should be a licence in Islam before getting married "Islamic way" and having family.



Alhmdu Lilaah,

quote: No, I have not asked my husband though it isn't

here i admit having made mistake for taking as yu are the asker.

Well u think u can ask her and sincerely get what you can relay to us ?

Excuse me, sometimes I feel there should be a licence in Islam before getting married "Islamic way" and having family.


should be a licence in Islam

For such i would rather say: As a matter of fact

-One Should Understand what is " Islam"

before knowing Muslims;
and that is to every religion; Yet u and me have freedom of speech similar to Prophe Ibrahim (aleyhi salaam) when he ask O' Lord show me how you create !.

I think we have plenty of time to exchange ideas-Provided we should be well aware that what we discuss :

Aim~~ Real Islamic way of Live

should be aware that....
angels are writing whatever we utter.

please get me a reply from the enquirer.

thank you

Noor El-Huda

Junior Member
I have a point to make, and need to clarify that I am not denouncing polygamy.It would be haram to do that. We can express our personal preference, but not reject it as a concept. However, I will clarify a difference in 2 examples:

A)A man tells his wife, you are a wonderful wife, I love you very much, I cannot say anything wrong about you. However I'd like to get married because of such and such..Sometimes, or marrying a widow with orpphans, or a lady that is hardly having any proposals it could be for his own personal reasons. The outcome would be down to them, but the approach is what is vital here.

In this example, polygamy will be explored in its own right. He hadn't referred to her or convinced himself that she's a bad wife and he's on a mission for a better one.If it does happen, then the wife's position and feelings are protected. She is more likely to be mentally prepared.That is part of doing her justice in polygamy.

B) or.. a man decides to marry again, , tries to find faults in the wife as an excuse to get married, runs away from a problem rather than work together to solve it, a problem is his own sometimes, like he is bad tempered, or abusive, marrying another comes up in every argument, in jokes (which is anything but funny).

In this example, the man assumes he is going to find happiness somewhere else. But he's really created problems. By highlighting faults in his wife he's is destroying her confidence, and if he is sincere enough with himself he would realise that he's not free from faults either. He hasn't explored ways making of the marriage better. Ofcourse his wife will resent the topic and his actions. Ofcourse there will be masses of problems in every step for both of them all through. Injustice was made already because it all started wrong.


Junior Member
Some men just don't know how to deal with women,do they think their source of problems is the woman but infact it's their incapability to deal with their wives.So they try to marry another woman thinking that she will be the one.These kind of men never feel satisfied.

well said brother!!! hats off to u.!!


Junior Member
Just what I mean brother. Well said!

The problem with polygamy is not polygamy itself, rather the reasons why it is practised. Many men hurry to marry another without having consider the reasons, are there right reasons or is he running away from someting to another problem?

But even though polygamy is aloud, most men practise monogamy!
So when polygamy is practised the right way, and for Allah swt - Alhamdulillah! But for other reasons - should be banned!

Think about all the muslims.. How many of them practise Islam? How many of them are really muslims? Maybe Celebrating Christmas, maybe a drink, maybe children eating pork, maybe praying on Eid! But still aloud to marry four! I say no to that, poor women!

I think about a man who said: ( he was really a true believer)
I could marry another (more) wife but I fear what Allah swt would do to me if I did unjustice between them.


revert of many years
I have a point to make, and need to clarify that I am not denouncing polygamy.It would be haram to do that. We can express our personal preference, but not reject it as a concept. However, I will clarify a difference in 2 examples:

A)A man tells his wife, you are a wonderful wife, I love you very much, I cannot say anything wrong about you. However I'd like to get married because of such and such..Sometimes, or marrying a widow with orpphans, or a lady that is hardly having any proposals it could be for his own personal reasons. The outcome would be down to them, but the approach is what is vital here.

In this example, polygamy will be explored in its own right. He hadn't referred to her or convinced himself that she's a bad wife and he's on a mission for a better one.If it does happen, then the wife's position and feelings are protected. She is more likely to be mentally prepared.That is part of doing her justice in polygamy.

B) or.. a man decides to marry again, , tries to find faults in the wife as an excuse to get married, runs away from a problem rather than work together to solve it, a problem is his own sometimes, like he is bad tempered, or abusive, marrying another comes up in every argument, in jokes (which is anything but funny).

In this example, the man assumes he is going to find happiness somewhere else. But he's really created problems. By highlighting faults in his wife he's is destroying her confidence, and if he is sincere enough with himself he would realise that he's not free from faults either. He hasn't explored ways making of the marriage better. Ofcourse his wife will resent the topic and his actions. Ofcourse there will be masses of problems in every step for both of them all through. Injustice was made already because it all started wrong.

excellent point sister


'Millat "IBRAHIM" {AleyhiSalaam}
I have a point to make, and need to clarify that I am not denouncing polygamy.It would be haram to do that. We can express our personal preference, but not reject it as a concept. However, I will clarify a difference in 2 examples:

A)A man tells his wife, you are a wonderful wife, I love you very much, I cannot say anything wrong about you. However I'd like to get married because of such and such..Sometimes, or marrying a widow with orpphans, or a lady that is hardly having any proposals it could be for his own personal reasons. The outcome would be down to them, but the approach is what is vital here.

In this example, polygamy will be explored in its own right. He hadn't referred to her or convinced himself that she's a bad wife and he's on a mission for a better one.If it does happen, then the wife's position and feelings are protected. She is more likely to be mentally prepared.That is part of doing her justice in polygamy.

B) or.. a man decides to marry again, , tries to find faults in the wife as an excuse to get married, runs away from a problem rather than work together to solve it, a problem is his own sometimes, like he is bad tempered, or abusive, marrying another comes up in every argument, in jokes (which is anything but funny).

In this example, the man assumes he is going to find happiness somewhere else. But he's really created problems. By highlighting faults in his wife he's is destroying her confidence, and if he is sincere enough with himself he would realise that he's not free from faults either. He hasn't explored ways making of the marriage better. Ofcourse his wife will resent the topic and his actions. Ofcourse there will be masses of problems in every step for both of them all through. Injustice was made already because it all started wrong.


wel said !!

mate but.....IF I MAY SAY(u are wrong)....ask the experienced..;'z'Yet Not by their
grace but~~~~ ALLAHs.

Their are people with 2 wifes One house, rooms just wall separating, God fearing Ladies Maaaa Sha ALLAH.

The first one NO children..

.but she the second AlhamduLLILLAH 4 childrens.

I dont know how i should expressed these Blessing from ALLAH



revert of many years

wel said !!

mate but.....IF I MAY SAY(u are wrong)....ask the experienced..;'z'Yet Not by their
grace but~~~~ ALLAHs.

Their are people with 2 wifes One house, rooms just wall separating, God fearing Ladies Maaaa Sha ALLAH.

The first one NO children..

.but she the second AlhamduLLILLAH 4 childrens.

I dont know how i should expressed these Blessing from ALLAH


salam brother..well yes there are some cases im sure works out fine ,but others the way ,yuo did not tell us anything about yourself..
where are you from ??,

Noor El-Huda

Junior Member
Brother 2ngamaa, salam alaykum, and welcome to TTI. I hope you will enjoy it here with us and we all benefit from each other.

Brother you may have misunderstood me a little. I was clarifying a difference in the practice, the approach. As I mentioned earlier, we cannot be against polygamy itself, that would be haram. The focus here is when the 1st wife is made to feel inadequate in order to make excuses for a second marriage, when this does not need to be the case at all. The prophet pbuh did not do it that way.

Wether people live in a hut or a a castle, whatever makes them happy that is fine. Wealth was never a guarantee to happiness. However, justice and kindness is more likely to achieve it. It is something Allah swt ordered us to do. May Allah grant you and your family happiness and reward you for good intentions.


'Millat "IBRAHIM" {AleyhiSalaam}


i am from Oman: Sultanate Of.

(and You-
please !~)

Noor El-Huda

am sorry, take me as old man any second 4gets.


..........but others no....(sure yes you are right)

by the way....


Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
To the sister who raised this thread, pls be patient and make du'a. Allah will make things easy for you and in your favour inshAllah.