i feel horrible


Junior Member

As i was praying some thought went through my head and and thought just ruined my day. That thouht went something like this i worship Him as if He doesnt exist. I do not know if that thought was made intentionally or unintentionally. I felt horrible after that thought crossed my mind. Even if it was intentional i believe what meant was that whenevee i call for Allah SWT i dont feel his presence. Its as if ive been worshipping Allah through the mind and not through the heart. I dont doubt Allah's existence i had that sort of doubts before but whenever i had those i always fought against those doubts. This is different this one i guess its telling me the way im worshipping is wrong.

I dont know i feel horribe and feel like im the lowest person in the universe. I feel like committed kufr guys do you think so? Please guys help me get out of my sadness.

May Allah SWT Bless you!


Junior Member

As i was praying some thought went through my head and and thought just ruined my day. That thouht went something like this i worship Him as if He doesnt exist. I do not know if that thought was made intentionally or unintentionally. I felt horrible after that thought crossed my mind. Even if it was intentional i believe what meant was that whenevee i call for Allah SWT i dont feel his presence. Its as if ive been worshipping Allah through the mind and not through the heart. I dont doubt Allah's existence i had that sort of doubts before but whenever i had those i always fought against those doubts. This is different this one i guess its telling me the way im worshipping is wrong.

I dont know i feel horribe and feel like im the lowest person in the universe. I feel like committed kufr guys do you think so? Please guys help me get out of my sadness.

May Allah SWT Bless you!

:salam2: Dear Brother,

Please, do not berate yourself too much for that would be the whispers of the Shaytain intensifying already present negativity within you and it could be a doorway for you off the straight path. I've had the same "experience" with the little..well, I've felt his effects.

You are not the lowest person on the earth and you are certainly FAR from being the first person to feel this way. While I can not tell you which prayers to say repeatedly or how many times to wake up during the night to pray, I can tell you from my own experience within my own religion and life that sometimes, repeating something creates a sense of boredom and detachment from the activity. My personal suggestion would be to slow down your prayers. concentrate on your tawjeed and allow the impact of the words and meaning reach you before you continue your prayers. These are not just words to be said so that you can continue your day but a moment for you to feel your breathing and your heartbeating and to slow down your mind so that you can apprieciate all that Allah has provided and created.

Its amazing how astonishing it can be to stare at your hand and realize that we humans are the ONLY ones who have opposable thumbs and how those thumbs assist us in everything we do. Could we have designed something so precise? no. The Great Creator did. Along with the sciences behind the hidden body...how the blood cells fight, heal, carry oxygen and food to where it needs. ......and that's just a single human. Now expand those thoughts out and how even bacteria has a use. The simple food chain that you learn in grade school is abound with Creator's wonderousness...

Life is distracting and can cause us to feel detatched from all those simple wonders. Prayers are a time to remember and reconnect. You can do it Brother. It just takes a breath.

Fee Amanallah.


Islam is a way of life
This sort of strife is common amongst the religious, even if they do not want to admit it. Dont feel like a bad person, talking about it will help. Alhamdulilah Muslims have a good support net, we're all here for you!


Lil' Muslimah
I've been through this situation!
SubhanAllah it's a test and inshaAllah we can all fight against the trangression of shaytan.

Trust me, I felt like you; helpless, hopeless, dead. We just need to realize that we get these terrible thoughts as a test. Allah is with us inshaAllah. HOPE IN ALLAH! Allahu Akbar!


Junior Member
WalkiumAsalaam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu

Its just the shaytaan trying to get the better of you. you are much stronger than that so dont let him! It can also be a weakness within yourself meaning that you have to worship Allah more. I must say it happens to alot of people so dont feel bad. Strive more towards learning Islam and these whispers of shaytaan will go Inshallah.


Junior Member

as most mentioned its probably just the whispers of shaytan. its maybe due to the reason that you may have imaan and shaytan trying to put doubts in your self...there is a hadith, were it goes that one of the companions asked the prophet (pbuh) that he gets doubts, then the prophet (pbuh) said that its due to your imaan, and that shaytan is whispering to obviesly get you on the wrong path..


Junior Member
I think what you going through is a clear sign of your faith in Allah sobhanahu wa taala when shaytan could't make you unbeliever and failed to make you commit big sins or abandon your prayers then all he can do is to whisper . This is natural but you have to defeat him in this battle .....just ignore those whispers and concentrate on what you say , renew your faith do good may Allah bless you we all suffer from those whispers.


Junior Member
Assalam Alaikum: Br.

The best thing to combat deterioration of Imaan is to be always in company of devoted and learned Muslims. Never be isolated from Masjid.

I had to frequently combat such fluctuations in Imaan. Believe me when you regain your deteriorated Imaan,this time you would be a more steadfast and more powerful Muslim. This perpetual Fighting against lowered Imaan,InshaAllah will once render you doubtless and fully convinced that Islam is the only divine truth. And Allah says in Quran,

029.002 Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, "We believe", and that they will not be tested?



Junior Member
Subhanallah, so many good advices. Only one comment, shaitan is the biggest enemy, and he is always busy working against the practicing believers. Shaitan does not care for dalalah. Do lot of istighfar.


Junior Member

The best thing for you to do is to educate yourself on who Allaah Azza wa jal is, we know Allaah is there, but do we really know who our Rabb is, in accordance to Qur'an wa Sunnah of course.
Start with At- Tauheed of Allaah and implement that in your life,
After all if we do not know and educate ourselves on who our Rabb is the doubts will come and we will fall into dangerous areas and thoughts.

Start here.. http://www.turntoislam.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=15

This site has so many great links in that area, Jazak Allaahu Khair to who gives us resources here on TTI, to the correct and authentic sources for us to learn and benefit from.
And also solve this issue of yours if you continue to educate yourself with correct and proper Ilm.


Junior Member

Thank You Brothers and sisters for your beautiful responses , they were very helpful.

Thanks Again ! :)