i have a problem.

saima abdullah

my life iz 4 Allah
from some days i am experiencing a problem that i m unable to maintain focus in my prayers, i felt that m just reciting my prayers but my mind is thinking some thing else. so i can't maintain spirit of prayer. i leave the prayer mat with heavy heart. any solutions to this?


Junior Member
salam wa rahmato lah wa barakatoh

i think this problem it is concern the degree of iman bcz when we be in good porcentage of iman we can have good spirit in our prayers so i think try u make good friend who they can help u to be just with allah read too much quran try u listen to khotba about alkhosho3 and feel that this life itis nothing there is one hadith can help u for u get khosho3 in pray incha alah u will find it in khotba or maybe some brothers or sisters write it for u like make allah oposite u and fire in ur left paradise in ur right and sirat down ur feet and pray for allah give u good khosho3 pray itis some thing important


Junior Member
from some days i am experiencing a problem that i m unable to maintain focus in my prayers, i felt that m just reciting my prayers but my mind is thinking some thing else. so i can't maintain spirit of prayer. i leave the prayer mat with heavy heart. any solutions to this?


I think many of us come through such case,please check this link out;


you'll find 33 ways of developing khuoshoo in the prayer,hope it will be beneficial inshaa'Allah.


Also make sure you are sufficintley hydhrated before you you start your prayers as this will aid you're concentration.


Pearl of Islaam

Dear sister it may happen to you becasue sometimes you may think about some dunya problems,like college,studies,wealth etc.
My advice for you will be that before a prayer you prepear your selfe not only to make a wuduh but also that you rest your mind or soul,and to ask of Allah protection.And you should do that before the time of salah.

Inshallah after you feel you are psihiyacly ready than Inshallah go on prayer on its time,:) becasue we need to preform our prayers when it is time for prayer.

I hope Inshallah sister I could advice you on some way.:shymuslima1:



Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
Dedicate an entire area for prayer and dhikr in your room...

This helps *a lot*..I PROMISE!..pick a nice clean area in your room..facing the qibla..put a simple rug to "designate" its "borders"..put your prayer rug..mahram..Qura'an..tafsir..misbaha..etc. neatly on a little shelf or two..and a little pillow to lean your back on when you sit to read or make dhikr..and don't do ANYTHING in that area EXCEPT PRAY..READ OR LISTEN TO THE QURA'AN AND MAKE DHIKR..N-O-T-H-I-N-G else!..

I know it sounds like a "decorating scheme"..but TRUST ME..when you do that..the place becomes your little sanctuary..and soon your mind begins to *strongly* associate this *small little area* with prayer and dhikr..and so when you sit within it..you practically shut-off from the world beyond its borders..it's like when you sit in a masjid you know all you can do there is WORSHIP so you focus and FOCUS HARD..you'll feel as if you've been *transferred*..I took the tip from a sister who did this and it worked wonderfully for her..she was lucky to move to a bigger house however..and later dedicated *an entire room* in her house for this purpose..she even put together a small library of Islamic books and a small stereo to listen to the Qura'an when she wants to be alone and what not..very wonderful decision..I tell you :)

Also..before salat..sit down..read some Qura'an..and/or do some dhikr (choose what you please)..it helps you get in the spirit of salat..as you will gather your concentration and soften your heart..and try to finish your duties or chores (the best you can) before you go into prayer so you don't remain *preoccupied* with finishing them or beginning them

Inshallah these suggestions will help


Javed Asghar

New Member

I myself is facing this problem these days, though, frankly speeking, i am not a regular 'panch waqta namazi'. but i can understand. it is not so serious thing, rather, i must say, is natural, depends upon one's mental condition at a particular time. Anxieties of daily life is the most natural cause. The best you can do is to offer your best. Try your best and leave rest upon Allah. He undestands you better then you. Moreover, concentration in prayers or in any other field also depends upon the 'very nature' of a particular person. People are of different shades and colors. Some grasps things quickly, some takes very long time despite complete honesty on their part. So be honest to yourself, try to give your best and go ahead. ( I apologise for my english that is not upto the standard)
Good Luck.

saima abdullah

my life iz 4 Allah

Dear sister it may happen to you becasue sometimes you may think about some dunya problems,like college,studies,wealth etc.
My advice for you will be that before a prayer you prepear your selfe not only to make a wuduh but also that you rest your mind or soul,and to ask of Allah protection.And you should do that before the time of salah.

Inshallah after you feel you are psihiyacly ready than Inshallah go on prayer on its time,:) becasue we need to preform our prayers when it is time for prayer.

I hope Inshallah sister I could advice you on some way.:shymuslima1:

sister asja jasakillah you got the core of my problem in fact i hastily get up from my work, to perform my prayer so I keep on thinking about those things during Salah. I will give interval in that now inshaAllah to set my mind for Salah. Jasak Allah all of my sisters n brothers for helping me out, may Allah give all of you bes reward in both worlds. Ammeen . n by the way your tips have started their work allhumdulillah. :) : ) :) :) :) :) keep smiling its sadaqh


New Member
even the companions of our beloved prophet had this problem,so in such
cases our prophet recomended them to repeat wazoo and restart the salaat. until they were satisfied. it may be there is any missing point in the (ablution) wazoo. so dear sister try this easiest solution .may allaah helps you and all of us.
fi amaanillaah.


Travelling towards my grave.
wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Other brothers and sisters has given great advices. So I will add only one thing here which helps me to solve this perticular problem.

When you make ANY prayer, do it as you are doing your last prayer in your life. Try to remember that Malak al-Mawt ('alaihissalam) may take your soul when you are at prostration also.

I also have this problem and this helps me a lot. :)

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


Junior Member

dedicated *an entire room* in her house for this purpose..she even put together a small library of Islamic books and a small stereo to listen to the Qura'an when she wants to be alone


i think to dedicate an entire room just for worship and have another room where you sleep in and do what you do but worship it sound like good decision but in the room where your gona sleep and do what you do, in that room there is no worship as all the worship, like praying and reading Qur'an is done in the worship room. this means that no worship is done in the place where you probably spend more time in. that becomes easier for shaytan to enter the room where no worship is done.


Pearl of Islaam
sister asja jasakillah you got the core of my problem in fact i hastily get up from my work, to perform my prayer so I keep on thinking about those things during Salah. I will give interval in that now inshaAllah to set my mind for Salah. Jasak Allah all of my sisters n brothers for helping me out, may Allah give all of you bes reward in both worlds. Ammeen . n by the way your tips have started their work allhumdulillah. :) : ) :) :) :) :) keep smiling its sadaqh

Allaicomu saalam dear sister Saima.


Mashallah,I am really glade to hear that dear sister.

May Alllah subhan we teala accept all your prayers and reword you sister:tti_sister:



How can we take your advise when you admitted you worshipping the satans? I'm sorry I did not mean to insult you but you said that!!!
If you do not intend to insult, do not say it out. Once uttered, it is deliverance of intention.
Stop personal "attacks", we are all here for a common purpose, nasehah each other. Let's maintain politeness and respect each other.
Shalat is not just spiritual. Mind, body(physical) and spirits...not easy but not impossible to become one. Keeping oneself hydrated is preparedness of cooling the body which have a natural effect to calm the nerves. When nerves are relaxed, the heart will not be overworked to supply the oxygen required by the brain and hence the brain will not be subjected to unnecessary stress. I am not a physician and doctor. They will be able to give a clearer explanation. And getting oneself hydrated also has a method, should not take in one go big gulps. Taking liquid in small sips is Sunnah Rasul.

Maybe others might help to elaborate more.

JazakAllah Khair.


Junior Member

I think our minds start thinking of something else when what we are currently doing is boring. So just think of something that would tell you that praying is an exciting thing to do so your mind can keep focus while praying.