If you could live anywhere...


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
As-salamu 'Aleykum sis-

Good question!- Though I had to think abt it for a bit:biggrin::biggrin:
I rarely ever leave MN man, as much as it's comfortable living here, i wanna bounce around you know:)..And i'd start by going to Phalastine 1st, then Turkey, then German...but at last settle In Makkah, Insha'allah:)
...I'm dreaming NoW, bUT Hopefully it'll come true 1 DAY!:SMILY126:


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
wow so many want to live in pakistan???
all i can say is that grass is always greener on the other side.
I mean it's a beautiful landscape (mountains, valleys, rivers, deserts, seas, every topography is present in here) and wonderful people (except moahjirs - im from a mohajir family). You have freedom to do anything (piss on the roadside, loot a bank, kill innocent people - nobody will catch you, if they do pay some money and youll be free), it's just complete and utter lawlessness. It's a wild wild world here and unfortunately, in the wild the powerful rule while the weak suffer.

yOU're describing exactly 'East Africa' Bro:biggrin:- Ethiopia and Kenya especially!:biggrin::biggrin:...It's totally cRazy over thurr, but atleast I enjoyed watching those awsomely wild fights:biggrin:..Jk


Junior Member
I'd love to go to Pakistan, but I don't think I'd like to live there now :/ There's lots of places I'd love to go, like all over africa, but some spots are too dangerous.

There are, however, two places I don't think I would never want to live permanently: Japan and Saudi arabia

Abu Talib

Feeling low
I'd like to live my whole life in the blessed city of our Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon him) Madinah Al Munawarra


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member
I'd love to go to Pakistan, but I don't think I'd like to live there now :/ There's lots of places I'd love to go, like all over africa, but some spots are too dangerous.

There are, however, two places I don't think I would never want to live permanently: Japan and Saudi arabia


The sisters got some problem with Saudi Arabia ? I am taking a wild guess :p.. it has to do with the women driving issue, doesn't it ?

Just couldn't resist..



Seeking Allah's Love
it would be Saudi Arabia.

i'm jealous with my younger brother he's gona further his study in Medina.

BTW alhamdulilah for everything Allah has given us.


Junior Member

The sisters got some problem with Saudi Arabia ? I am taking a wild guess :p.. it has to do with the women driving issue, doesn't it ?

Just couldn't resist..


That, and pretty much everything else that's wrong with Saudi Arabia.

To be completely honest, with how people drive in the cities over there, I don't think I would ever want to get into a car.