If you only had 2 days to live


Love Fishing
repenting all day and night and performing sunnah salah as much as i can and i go around and ask for forgiveness from everyone that i know

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
If you only had 2 days left to live how would u spend that time?

salam alaikum wbt wa maghfiroh
my humble opinion,
clearly if i knew i have only 2 days left
will make myself prepare to leave the world
becos indeed we actually live in this world for a short time-there's an ayah in the quran but dont remember which surah
will ask forgiveness to ALL the people around me
becos our mistakes to people can only be forgiven by that human itself
and most important to remember Allah in a very huge amount
as my time to meet Him is so near now
anyways i think remembering death daily for us muslims is a MUST as to keep us from going astray and to only do good deeds to our very best effort
and also so that we'll perform our solat's like that is our LAST solat
hope i answered the question
jazakallahu khair to all
and masa al kher (its 1.13am here) :SMILY259:


An Akhu
Will try to please Allah Azwajal as much as I can by doing everything possible, Insha'Allah Ta'la.

May Allah save me, and all of us, from sudden death. Ameen.


All day and night in prayer and repentance and paying off my debts if I am able inshallah!:tti_sister:


salam from pakistan!
I DONT KNOW!! I will do what Allah swt wants me to do!!
Allah swt bless us all.


Junior Member

I would hold my mum’s and dad’s hands , kiss them, embrace and tell them that I fell short in my duties towards you. You own much obligations. Please make duas for me and islam reveals lot of duties-obligations towards parents but I have not been as I should, give me some duas I need them onwards. I will be meeting my wife and children and brother, embrace my children. I think they are too young to understand such sentiments. May be I’ll say them you are the best darlings and papa is moving too far. Give them gifts and toys, hugs and embraces. I’ll go to masjid and repent and do astaghfar InshaAllah as possible . I will make charity then, give the most favourible things to ghurabah and masakeen. I will move to people whom I know and ask for dua and forgiveness. I will dua to Allah every time for forgiveness and make affairs easy for me in akhirah and bliss me in jannat al- aala . InshaAllah!



Thank You Allah!
Oh that's scary...and a bit exciting because we will then be in the World of the Unseen, SubhnAllah. I'm not sure what I'd do if I only had two days left...we should all live our short lives like it's our last day.
May Allah save us all :tti_sister: Ameen!


Junior Member

well sis, i will just prepare what i can bring to Allah... Also asking forgiveness to Allah, and apologize to all people I knew.... and finishing any debt, not wanting anyone asking me for paying the debt while i'm going to jannah, it would make me hard to go through... :(

i don't know anything else i could do if i live my life only in 2 days... :(

besides, we never know when the life is end... so let's just prepare before it's to late... :'(
