I'm doing (well planning) on doing my Senior project on Islam..

Salaamalikum sister,

I would discuss your topic with the professor first, just make sure its a freestyle essay where you can talk about anything.

I would try to do a paper on the misconceptions of Islam. We have so much information on this site you can use.

Also look around TTI threads see if anything gives you an idea.


Junior Member
Yeah, I will. I'm going to ask him about the ideas the brothers & sisters gave me here, and i'm sure he'll let me know what I can do.


Junior Member
Find Common Interests


Islam is a 'mystery' to those who are blind to what it actually is. Find some common things that apply to all people.

When I was doing my own search for this, I educated myself with DVDs about Arabs, Islam, and such.

When I realized through the DVDs that our numeracle system is from the Arabic numbers, medicine, so forth....it opened my 'closed' mind of how important the Sciences have been through the Arabic minds.

The world uses these findings from the guidance of God/Allah through the Arabic people. The eye/optic findings are a large part of the Sciences which came about in the Middle East.

Also, when I knew from my background of religion of Christianity, I always heard of the Angel Gabriel coming to Mary, and to Daniel in the lion's den.
When someone told me and when I read that the Angel Gabriel came to a man name Muhammad, my interest in Islam really became a direct force of wanting to learn more about Islam.

So just from my stubborness of thinking only certain people were smart, I was wrong in my findings.....and this opened my mind and heart for what God/Allah has provided for us, through the Arabic people.

Your report can be as eye-opening for your class, as it was for me just in learning simple facts of the Sciences, then so forth, in the Angel Gabriel.

You will not be 'forcing' Islam, but instead, open doors of intelligence on this subject, which otherwise, would still be a 'feared' religion....by those uneducated in this.



Junior Member
Instead of making a whole new thread on this, I decided to just update here.

I talked to my teacher today about what I wanted to do. I want to do it on Journalism, pick a topic (like Islam) and write about it and try to get it published in the local newspaper here. My teacher said it was fine that I do that, and I can do that like I can get a writer for the newspaper here to be my mentor so I can get help. I'm not really sure what I should write about though. Should I write about like what Islam is, what Muslims believe. Or should I write about something else related to Islam? I want to do a real good job on this as well, especially so it can get published in the newspaper.


Instead of making a whole new thread on this, I decided to just update here.

I talked to my teacher today about what I wanted to do. I want to do it on Journalism, pick a topic (like Islam) and write about it and try to get it published in the local newspaper here. My teacher said it was fine that I do that, and I can do that like I can get a writer for the newspaper here to be my mentor so I can get help. I'm not really sure what I should write about though. Should I write about like what Islam is, what Muslims believe. Or should I write about something else related to Islam? I want to do a real good job on this as well, especially so it can get published in the newspaper.

Write about basics stuff like the one i highlighted above in your statement . Because you want the people to start saying and thinking ..." Oh , this is what islam is about..."


Junior Member

I'm still not real sure if I can do it on Islam. I started school Monday and my senior seminar teacher was saying it has to be career choice related. Well he was making it seem that way. I can still ask, but I don't know if i'll be able to do it on Islam..

:salam2: you can tell them that you wanna be an Imam. lol.



Junior Member
luckily for me, @ my school they ended up canceling the senior project. but long as you're presenting islam in an informational way it should be fine; the public system has a problem when religion taught as i.e. you should convert because....; they only object when its sounds like dawah


Junior Member
Many sound advices have been given by my good bros and sis in this forum.
In any public presentation, it is essential to take the interest and inquisitiveness of your audience into consideration.Some people reject or loose in interest in something which they either do not know anything about or have been mis-informed.
My suggestion to you is to use a kind of compare and contrast analysis of islam with other religeons and ideologies. I believe the light of islam is more dazzling than the sun and you will BY THE GRACE OF THE MERCIFUL LORD OF HAVEN AND EARTH, influence your audience into further research. please include a lot of references in your work.
You did not need to criticise any religeon or ideology but simply present what it teaches and compare with the provision of islam. ALLOW YOUR AUDIENCE TO BE THE JUDGES.


Junior Member
For our Senior year, we have to do a project on something that interests us. Then at the end of the year we have to present it in front of 3 judges and some other students who are waiting to present theirs. I was thinking of doing mine on Islam. Writing a paper on it, and doing a powerpoint presentation on it. Anyways, I really want to do it on Islam, but now i'm not to sure if i'd be allowed to. Since you can't teach religion in public schools. I'd ask my teacher who'd be helping us with our Senior project, but we're not in school, and since it's a lot of work I want to get started now. So I was basically wondering if any of you knew if i'd be able to do a project on it. I know you guys don't goto my school, or ever even heard of a Senior project, but any sort of help would be great. I don't see why it would be a problem, it's not like i'm forcing people to becoming Muslims, it's basically just teaching people the basics of Islam, and clearing up all the misconceptions about Islam.

If nobody can help, no worries i'll just wait til school starts again.

I'd be happy to help you with a bibliography, etc., and to advise you in any way on the paper. I am interested in projects like these, because I think they're really important in this day and age, when so many people misunderstand and are bigoted toward Islam. I hope that you do well, and dispel these falsehoods!

Good luck!
