King Faisal on Defense of The Holy Lands (rahimahullaah)


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Wa`alaykum us-salaam warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh

You have a point and I agree, there should be no fear. But seriously, some of these kids probably have a seizure if you ask them what "J" is, although I don't encourage such abbreciations. I don't think anyone would use S for sunnah, it wouldn't make sense and I'd forcefully edit such a silly post if that was the case. 'Sunnah' isn't a term on the hot-list... For now!

Anyway, back to discussion/thread.


Praise be to Allah!

I like the way he paused between few words so that the audience would feel the impact of his words. May Allah azz zawajal have mercy on his soul. Ameen.

And you UK brothers better watch your back, the 'J' count in this thread is 10 and counting.. ;)

'Those darn mozlems again !'

Wa `alaykkum salaam wa rahmatullaah.

Ah man, well done on doing the counting for them! You've just made theirs jobs easier :) BarakAllaahu feek


Smile for Allah
I'm impressed that there was a time when Saudi stopped exporting oil.

And the rest of the thread is H! (H = hilarious!)

Rabilu Haruna

Junior Member
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! May his soul rest in Peace.

Please can someone help me with information about King faisal era and what happen to his killer.

Bro. Al-kashmiri Jazakhal jazaak Allah khairan for sharing this link.

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
:salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu....
jazakallah khairan dear was an amazing felt so different to hear the voice of a 19 century muslim leader talk about such things.i got so emotional:eek: lol.just felt i was back in good times of islam:)may Allah help us.

may HIS soul rest in peace.

As-salaamu `alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh

Well you see, a lot of brothers are afraid of having there doors kicked in by some pigs who've killed innocent non-Muslims and shot innocent Muslims in their crackdown on 'terrorism', for using that word here in the UK. So Jihad often becomes J amongst other things. It's now reaching the stage of customary habit so its not really a mistake and is tolerable here at TTI inshaa' Allaah.
it's not just there.It's everywhere:(specifically in coutnries where the pigs' puppets rule and where the "I'll blow you up" are acitve:(!!

I'm impressed that there was a time when Saudi stopped exporting oil.

And the rest of the thread is H! (H = hilarious!)

i heard that happened after OIC was founded.but it just became OH I SEE now lol.

Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! May his soul rest in Peace.

Please can someone help me with information about King faisal era and what happen to his killer.

Bro. Al-kashmiri Jazakhal jazaak Allah khairan for sharing this link.

only thing i know about him was that people here loved him.he awarded us with Faisal mosque gift to remember him with and has a very good repute.And that,brother is very rare:)

the killer was assasinated in public.My father said the muslim around the world watched that.He said they were all saying takbeer along with the people present there:D.funny sitting in front of a tele and saying takbeer.must've been like when we watch and say "whoops" in a cricket game or something.


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As-salaamu `alaykum

Everyone I speak to loves him. One of my father's uncles (rahimahullaah) was quite vocal about Islamic politics and of a strong character. When his siblings passed away and he buried them, he didn't shed a tear. When news of Faisal's assassination reached him, even he was crying.

Lol @ 19th century? It was the 20th.

Abu Talib

Feeling low

"If anyone feels wrongly treated, he has only himself to blame for not telling me.
What higher democracy can there be?"

Faisal ibn Abdul Aziz Al Saud,