Make dua for me - please


Servant of Allah
Asalamu Alaikum, For the past months I have been going through a lot, fighting a school filled with racism and a community that misunderstands me and twists my words - please make dua that all goes well, and that Allah swt brings me out from this dark society that i'm trapped in. Asalamu alaikum.


Assalaam walaikum,

Sweetest sister, Insha"Allah, Allah subhana tall will make a path for you. They do that to us. I am going through trials, too.
No matter what hold fast to the Rope of Allah; you are never alone. You have made the decision to serve Him. Do you think He, Who is the Truth, Whose Word is True, would not Protect you, His faithful slave.
Sister you do not need to fear.

Allah Himself is an enemy to the disbelivers.


You're in my duas, sweetheart.

MashAllah you're an amazing individual with the heart of a lion. I have no doubt you will not only persevere amidst all this disgusting behavior, but it will make you more stronger than you've ever been inshAllah.


Junior Member

by constant saying of
Inna lilahi wa inna ilay hi rajiuun be sure of Allha's help may He see thru

naz haider

Junior Member
I just went through the website of your book. Masha Allah... you are a great soul baby, so young you are yet filled with so much compassion and what lovely thoughts :ma:
Its making me cry... 1 line in particular has struck my heart like an arrow. Many of us have dead hearts... I have one too. My heart is dead... or i wonder if I ever had one. Here I am worrying about my day to day life, whether I will make it to office on time, what will I have for lunch etc. etc. and there are millions who have no guarantee of life, of proper food, cloths.... anything at all. Why am I not bothered about the plight of others... ya Allah!!! Why so much injustice?? Why half the world is enjoying seasons, laughter, sunshine, good times while half the world is fighting for survival... why is it so???


Junior Member
Asalamu Alaikum, For the past months I have been going through a lot, fighting a school filled with racism and a community that misunderstands me and twists my words - please make dua that all goes well, and that Allah swt brings me out from this dark society that i'm trapped in. Asalamu alaikum.

dear sister hardships will always be a part of a true believers life... and since you are a true believer get used to it. Glad tidings to you because you are of the "strangers" inshaallah. All the rightous people had to face hardships.... BUT Allah Subanallahu Teala is not just giving hardships to his slaves in order to test them... with HIS mercy He also helps them to be patient and overcome this hardships so that they do not feel lonely with their burden. Inshaallah you are also not alone. :SMILY252::SMILY252::SMILY252:


Travelling towards my grave.
wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Be strong infront of those wicked people my sister. We all are facing with different and different trials only because Allah loves us. InshaAllah we all will make through these things very soon with the mercy of Allah. Just have utmost trust in Him.

I do have my personal experiences which I am currently going through in my educational life too. But I am in a hurry now. InshaAllah hoping to tell them later, in some form.

Surely you will be in my Du'as. Please do not forget to keep mine in yours too.

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

beautiful is islam

Junior Member
my dear sister may Allah be with you. am really srry to hear that i now it sucks living in non-musilm country sometimes. May Allah be with All of Musilm. be patents my dear one. and my dua is with u.:girl3:


Junior Member
As Salam Alykom :)

It is sad to know that a lot of muslims has troubles, because they are not able to feel safe or to be accepted. Even not accepted- at least left in peace. I understand you very well sister (even might be there are things am not able to know how it is) but racism and feeling of not acceptable as muslim with hijab... it is sad and I have felt it too.

May ALLAH bless you, save you and make the way easy for you to be a strong, faithfull and truely muslim. Ameen.


a lonely traveller
Bismillahi Rahmanir Raheem

Salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh sister

May Allah Subhanahu wa Taala bless you and keep you steadfast in the path of Righteousness. Ya Allah, nothing is easy except what you've made easy, if you wish you can make the difficult easy.

رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ"

" My Lord! Truly, I am in need of whatever good that You bestow on me!''


Junior Member
salam alikum wa rahmatu allah taala wa barakatuh

im awfully very sorry to hear all that troubles with you ukhtii , but be sure that allah Sobhanahu wa taala loves you ans test your love to Him Sobhanahu wa taala , so be storng ukhtii and don't lose hope in Allah's Sobhanahu wa taala's mercy which is spread everywhere , you need only to raise your hands to Him sobhanahu wa taala ukhtii and He will answer you ....

i will make dou'aa for you sure insha allah