

A'salaamu aleikom
My daughter returned yesterday afternoon but It would seem my celebration was short lived. It turns out she is a runaway, a victim of a sexual predater.
She left again shortly afterwards.
However my investigations have identified the person and the police expect to charge him with offences involving a minor and bring her back.

I would expect that he will be sent to prison and what happens to such people in prison is in the hands of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala).

As an ex Senior Prison Officer I am aware of what happens, and it will not be by my hand that vengence will be handed out.
Although I am a peaceful man, If it were up to me? I prefer the law of kalashnikov (AK47) in such matters.
However such actions tend to be frowned upon by the authorities and I have no wish to return to some things in my past.

I can forgive much in this world, but the violation of an innocent is not among those things that I can forgive


May god open the door of islam for your daughter after this incident...
InshAllah this will be a blessing in disguise....

“And whosoever fears Allaah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty).

And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allaah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allaah will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allaah has set a measure for all things”
[al-Talaaq 65:2-3]


Junior Member
Salaam brother Ibrahim,

I know you are angry and upset right now but I would imagine incredibly relieved to find your daughter still among the living.(Alhumdulillah!!!!) Given her very young and tender age I am sure the authorities will be all over this scumbag and lock him up for a very long time.

My dua now will be that you and your daughter will be able to heal the wound that this incident has no doubt opened. I will pray both for your broken heart and also that your daughter may find the way back to the right path.




Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum dear brother Ibrahim,

I hope the criminal will be apprehended and punished to the full extent.

I also hope your daughter returns again. She needs you even more in this very difficult time.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you brother Ibrahim.


Be A Stranger

May Allah s.w.t make it easy for you.
May Allah s.w.t strengthen you Imaan.



Assalamu alaikum brother Ibrahim!
Like every other brother and sister on this site, I have been closely following the progress about whereabouts of your daughter. I have to thank Allah swt for knowing that your daughter is alive and you met her. At the same time, I am sad and very very .............very angry at the criminal. May Allah swt replace all these tragedies to the best of happiness for you and your daughter and show her the right path and give her the happiest life.

Brother, i can only imagine how angry and sad you must be, but please say La Hawla Wala Quuwata Illa Billahel Aliel Azeem when this matter makes you feel very down.

The perpetrator deserves the highest punishment the justice system can give. I will try not to say more regarding this beast.

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullah

Happy 2BA Muslim

Assalamu alaikum Brother Ibrahim,

May Allah SWT make it easy on you and your daughter.

May Allah SWT grant you patience and wisdom to live through these times......

May Allah SWT take revenge for you from this criminal, and give him what he deserves..............

Please let us know if we can do ANYTHING to help...............

You and your daughter are in our prayers....



Staff member

Inshallah hope she return safe home brother.

May Allah (SWT) protect her where ever she is.
All our prayers are with Ashley




W-Salam Brother,

I just read this thread and am very saddened by the whole incident; and I MUST ADMIT that as a father of 2 daughters I am feeling very angry at the moment.

I am sure that you know what to do & how to get away with it.

AK47 is a bit OTT but there are other measures which can be taken, Insha'Allah.

In the least ensure that he can NEVER undress and feel proud in front of a woman, again!

A'salaamu aleikom
My daughter returned yesterday afternoon but It would seem my celebration was short lived. It turns out she is a runaway, a victim of a sexual predater.
She left again shortly afterwards.
However my investigations have identified the person and the police expect to charge him with offences involving a minor and bring her back.

I would expect that he will be sent to prison and what happens to such people in prison is in the hands of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala).

As an ex Senior Prison Officer I am aware of what happens, and it will not be by my hand that vengence will be handed out.
Although I am a peaceful man, If it were up to me? I prefer the law of kalashnikov (AK47) in such matters.
However such actions tend to be frowned upon by the authorities and I have no wish to return to some things in my past.

I can forgive much in this world, but the violation of an innocent is not among those things that I can forgive


Noor to shine

Junior Member
Dear brother Alhamduliallah that you have seen your daughter, And I pray to Allah swt to open her heart for Islam , and true faith in Allah swt. I think this whole issue is a very bitter lesson: how badly our world need to learn the high moralities of Islam, people need to understant the true purpose of their existance and what is waiting for us after death. I have a deep faith that the teachings of Islam if followed sincerily can wash our earth from all the chaos we are suffering from,:

4:26 God wants to make [all this] clear unto you, and to guide you onto the [righteous] ways of life of those who preceded you, and to turn unto you in His mercy: for God is all-knowing, wise.
4:27 And God wants to turn unto you in His mercy, whereas those who follow [only] their own lusts want you to drift far away from the right path.
4:28 God wants to lighten your burdens: for man has been created weak.


Staff member
Asalamu Alykum,

Stay Strong brother Wulf, it does make me really angry, how could someone do something like this?

You have all your Brothers & Sisters for support here. Inshallah i will continue to make Dua for you both.



Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
A'salaamu aleikom
My daughter returned yesterday afternoon but It would seem my celebration was short lived. It turns out she is a runaway, a victim of a sexual predater.
She left again shortly afterwards.

La Hawlaa Wala Qutaa Ilaa Billah that what I was afraid of, you need to bring her back some how is she leaving on her own ?

I agree with you if it was my hand non of the child abuser will be staying ..with out punishment

May Allah help your daughter and help you to go through these times.

wa salaam alikom


Junior Member
i will pray for your daughters safe return dear brother inshAllah. i know the anxiety and pain parents go through when a child goes missing, iv seen it with my own parents. remain strong dear brother, read 2 nafl salat-ul-hajat (in times of want) with every prayer...be patient with Allahs response. may Allah give you the strength you need to get through this.

my thoughts and duahs are with you inshAllah


Junior Member
sorry, i have just read the updated thread...i really am thinking of you. its amazing how Allah can alter and adapt a pain and suffering into a completely new dimension and it is still a pain and suffering. may Allah relieve you of this very soon inshAllah. i am also in a pain at this moment but a very different sort, nonetheless it is a pain and suffering. may Allah relieve us ameen. no matter what, we are His servants, and kneel before him whatever pain or happiness be thrown at us-that is our duty to Him, and He will not shortfall in our reward inshAllah.

your sister in Islam


A Believer In Heart
Assalamu alaykum,

First of all i am happy she came back and still that is wroth celebrating cos there are a lot child out there who never came back so to not be happy even a little is not right or fair to thos child out there b

A'salaamu aleikom

She left again shortly afterwards.


But you stated at the top she left again no offence but what are you think leting her go after she return i mean that sound to me like you and your daughter don't have good relationship. She will definely need some help getting through this and i real believe you as her father should start build good relationship with your daughter cos she is going to have very tough years ahead of her. Daughter might be the hardest child to rise in unsafe world of this time even boys are but i read advice you to make sure your daughter sees some counseling cos she will need. I agains wish you and your family to best.

:tti_sister: -May Allah guid you and your family in this hard time of your lifes & May Allah help your daughter.


Junior Member


I was looking at this story with anxiety. Just like everyone else I was worried about the outcome. However, I must ask, how could this happen again in such a short time. Something does not add up. She should have been receiving medical and psychiatric help. This child needs help. She should not be left out of sight. May Allah bless you both. :wasalam:

Noor to shine

Junior Member
:salam2: brother
But why did you let her leave again??? , I think you should act as a father ....she is too young to understand........ she needs you and your auothority as a loving father . We (most muslem arabs) don`t let our boys and daugters go out freely at a very young age ....we feel that need our protection. Sorry i didn`t mean any harm ....but I think you should be more positive with your daugther for her own benefit.


Junior Member
A'salaam aleikom Brothers and Sisters.

Ashley is now home again, hopefully this time for good.
I have been reading your posts and I thank you all for your concerns and Du'as.
Some have asked how I could have let her go again. Ashley has become extremely distressed and depressed about her Mothers continued rejection of her. At the time, she had asked her Mother if she could stay with her, for a couple of nights. Her mother's reply? "No go home to your father".

She went a house where she believed the person was was friend. She did not realise that he is a predator, one who preys on the vulnerability of very young girls. He had convinced her that he loved her and had built up her trust in him. Psychologicaly speaking, in her mind, he was offering her something she was missing, and that is Stability. Being naive and young, she did not see any further than what he was offering.
Believe it or not, in this society, this is common among teens, who are involved in parental breakups.
He also opened up the possibilties of "Adventure" to her. A change from the norm.
My Home, while not being dictatorial, is still strict in certain areas. Particularly in the areas of Morality, chores, education and obedience. Allowances must be earned, profanity is banned and, rightly or wrongly, religion is optional. She is thirteen, old enough to ask questions and make decisions in that area. I am trying to guide her, through example, to Islam. And yes, she is curious.

When she returned the first time, I forgot to be a parent, to be suspicious, I was so happy to see her again. I did not realise that he had arranged for her to come home, and get some money. So when she asked, I, being the doteing father, willingly agreed to her request for some pocket money. What else could I do? Should I have been angry, and shouted at her? ( I would never strike her, or anyone else). No, I accepted the lie, as being the truth,
The love of a parent can be just as blind as the love between adults can be. We see what we want to see, not what is real. Just as she saw in him only what she perceived as being good. Sometimes those little words, "I love you" can be as empty of meaning, as a dry creek is empty of water.
I cannot forcefully detain her in the house, that is against the Law here in Australia, a crime for which I would be sent to prison, (up to ten years), and her to a Juvenille detention centre, until she turns eighteen.

When she left again, she said she was just going outside for some air. It took all of two minutes for me to realise what was going on, when I heard the car outside, I rushed outside but was to late to stop her.
It turns out he was using her to get money from me so he could buy drugs to sell. He also gave her marujuana to smoke.

He is now in prison serving six months. However the Police have informed me that further charges are to be brought forward, and when he is released, he will be immediately re-arrested and taken before the court.

Ashley has been diagnosed with Bi-Polar, (used to be known as manic depression), displaying a Major Manic Episode, which alternates between the more dangerous Periodic Manic Episodes, which are totally unpredictable in nature and manifestation. she is also suffering a psychosis which manifests itself as feelings of a lack of self worth, with possible tendency towards self harm and self destruction.
Much of this has been brought on by her feelings of self blame and self guilt over her parents separation, and the recent rejections where her mother let her know that
" I haven't got the time or space for you, I don't want you here so don't ask again".
Added to that, she found out from her step siblings that, while she was 'Missing", Instead of joining the search, her Mother went to the Club, gambled, got drunk, flirted and danced intimately with strange men. She only contacted me twice, by SMS, to ask if I had found our daughter. And did not co-operate with the Police.

Ashley is now receiving psychaitric help and counselling. But I have been informed that she may never be fully recovered. This is something of which I am aware, as a Qualified Therapist and Counsellor myself.
Her Counselling is being handled by others, as I do not feel comfortable, that I could ignore my own predjudices and emotional ties to the case.

As for myself, on Sunday morning, while driving around at 3 in the morning, suffered a minor heart fluctuation which required urgent Hospital Treatment. I awoke with more tubes sticking out of me than a NASA Astronaut.
I am ok now, I just need to take things a bit easier until I heal. I have no prior history, and medicaly speaking, I am not a high risk for a major incident.
It was just the stress. I have raised five Daughters, with a partner. This is the first time I have done it on my own.
As a Male, raising a Female on my own, I have realised , regardless of what others may say or judge, just how important it is, to have a female influence in a young Girl's life.

Thank you all once again, for you Love, Support and Du'as through all this turmoil.
I pray that Allah, Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, shall reward you justly and treat you kindly in reward for your love. Ameen
