Muslim group issues warning to ‘South Park’


Junior Member
Peace Mercy And Blessing of Allah be upon all of us.

I really think that some of you are unaware of the good works that the brothers at revolutionmuslims are doing and you are criticising them:angryblue:

They were the one to raise the issue, and they had the courage to "raise" their voice while those who are criticising the brothers would have done nothing. If you do not want to do anything, dont hinder others who are working.

Anyway, read the following

Can you tell me one good thing they've done?

If they wanted to speak up about this issue they could have done so without threatening people. The only thing they've ever done is alienate Muslims, and give non-Muslims a reason to think that the rest of us sane, peaceful Muslims are terrorists. Its guys like this that destroy any progress Muslims make. Their version of dawah is telling non-Muslims why they deserve to be killed. People like that are more destructive to Muslims and Islam than any secular or non-Muslim group.