Muslims and Racism


Junior Member
a couple of months back, the leader of ISNA(ISLAMIC SOCIETY OF NORTH AMERICA) who is a well known scholar was in a bit of trouble. He is of pakistani orgin, and what happened was that his daughter wanted to marry a black muslim. He refused because of the skin of his color and a long trouble ensued between the families causing his daughter to run off with her "lover"..eventually it was settled and the father accepted the brother...

but you can see subhanallah this is still a problem..did they not learn the example of bilal?


New Member
Staff member
Wa alaikumussalaam,

I think it's not good to judge the father with being a racist if there is no clear evidence and proof that the reason why he did not accept the man was because of his colour. There could be another reason why he did not accept him, prolly he was not that religiously committed or other factors. As you said his daughter ran off with this man. A person who fears Allaah swt would never even encourage someone to run off with him/her as this is no doubt against the Sharee'ah.


Junior Member
a couple of months back, the leader of ISNA(ISLAMIC SOCIETY OF NORTH AMERICA) who is a well known scholar was in a bit of trouble. He is of pakistani orgin, and what happened was that his daughter wanted to marry a black muslim. He refused because of the skin of his color and a long trouble ensued between the families causing his daughter to run off with her "lover"..eventually it was settled and the father accepted the brother...

but you can see subhanallah this is still a problem..did they not learn the example of bilal?

salamu alakum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu
hi dear bro i think we cant judge bro as we haven clear way he reject this bro
my be somthing wrong with bro or his doughter or he look pakistani costom
the what i now sofar the pakistani sisters married black or white brothers
but the what i now sofar the muslim famaly allways revus somthing to new
so i think this is not colar thinks



Dear Brother,

Please bring this post up again. Today is Eid. Let us concentrate on joy. It is our day to be grateful. Tomorrow, well that is another day and we do need to address the age old issues of first and second generation Muslims intermingling with "the native" Muslim. We have to learn about diversity and culture. It is a serious post.


New Member
a couple of months back, the leader of ISNA(ISLAMIC SOCIETY OF NORTH AMERICA) who is a well known scholar was in a bit of trouble. He is of pakistani orgin, and what happened was that his daughter wanted to marry a black muslim. He refused because of the skin of his color and a long trouble ensued between the families causing his daughter to run off with her "lover"..eventually it was settled and the father accepted the brother...

but you can see subhanallah this is still a problem..did they not learn the example of bilal?

the he is a reputed muslim ,because as you tell there is a bilal habeşi in islamic history and if he treats racist to black people ,he will see the same treatment from europen or american folks.yea coz he deserved


Junior Member
:astag: That racism is a serious problem, some people must make a choice between the deen or their tribal "non-islamic" tradition, but you can't marry the two thing like you can marry the water and the oil.

abdul ghaleeb

yes and i notice rascism in our ummah from the born practising muslims to the white converts. i pray Allaah(swt) will rid of us this sin in our ummah. even if someone was pink we must treat them equal.

The one most elevated in rank is one who is humblest to Allaah(swt) and humblest among men.

Elevation in rank only comes with piety not skin colour


Junior Member

I'm not here passing judgement and what i've said is not fable but what actually happened. Quite frankly this is not the first time because i had a similar case to happen to one of my friends.


A Believer In Heart
I agree lets not judge the father. Who knows may the father did not know the brother too well enough to let his daughter marry him but later had to get to know one way or the another. After all parents and children don't see the world the same way in other words our eyes see different kinds of good and bad .. i don't know but i real hope it has nothing to do with racism. Eid Mabarak!



Brother spell out for me what you think are the salient issues regarding racism. Are you stating that many people from the subcontient are racist? What is the exact nature of your statement. This would allow us to be clear in forming a discussion. Thank you.


Junior Member

Brother spell out for me what you think are the salient issues regarding racism. Are you stating that many people from the subcontient are racist? What is the exact nature of your statement. This would allow us to be clear in forming a discussion. Thank you.


First of all i'm not making any accusation that people from the subcontinent are racist and for you to accuse me of that is totally unwarranted. Second of all i'm just pointing out the pravalent attitude of racism among the Muslim community, and this was just one example and certainly not the last. It has happened to many friends i know personally and it followed along those same lines of a father rejecting him access to marriage because of the color of his skin. This is why i mentioned the story of Bilal... For us to totally ignore it or assume its just a culture problem or other reasons is not the cause of the problem.. I'm not saying exactly that the father was racist but these types of problems is just an extension of it...i'm a bit suprised that people have totally ignored the base issue of my post and instead focused on me making judgements..its not my intention wallahi...



Please understand I was not at all making any judgements. My intention is simply to open dialogue. I wrote that this is a serious post. I want us to develop it. I think more people need to state their views. If I felt this was superficial I would not have written a response. We do have many facets of racisim in Islam. But, one of the reasons that people from the subcontinent do not want their daughters to marry non-subcontinentals ( I don't know if there is such a word) is purely cultural. I will write more later but I am getting ready to go to an Eid party.


Junior Member

In Kuwait, the men marry pretty much whomever they want - it is very open. Many are married to Americans, Indians, Canadians, and Africans (of various nationalities) - the Father Amir is even the son of his father & the household maid whom the father married.

The problem is the social/government issue when women go to marry. If a Kuwaiti woman marries a Non-Kuwaiti man not only does she not get a $10,000 "gift" from Kuwait for marrying a Kuwaiti, her children lose all rights as Kuwaitis (since children carry the nationality of their father in Kuwait) - that includes losing free health care, free k-high school education, free college, free land upon marriage, and the child-allowance (Kuwait gives each Kuwaiti family about $200 per child, per month, until the son graduates or the daughter reaches age 25 if not married). And since there are too many Kuwaiti families (I didn't say all, but too many) that bow down to money before anything else, the women are a bit stuck.

So, in essence, Kuwaiti women can ONLY marry Kuwaiti men, unless they find themselves a very rich non-Kuwaiti (who can provide all the necessities - and wants - of the woman and children). Many of my high school students (girls) are already resigned to the fact that they will be marrying a distant cousin of their parents selection, so that their kids will be Kuwaiti and not a "drain" on the family. (This conversation came up when I mentioned something about not wanting to go on vacation without my husband, and the girls all laughed at me and said for them, it would only BE a vacation if their husbands DIDN'T come with them!)

It is very sad in a way, but there are a lot of Kuwaiti families who don't try to change anything, but simply keep feeding the system.


And since there are too many Kuwaiti families (I didn't say all, but too many) that bow down to money before anything else, the women are a bit stuck.
A Kuwaiti female doesn't mind marrying a GCC citizen . My family has lots of Kuwaiti-Saudi , Kuwaiti-Qatari marraiges . Though I never analyzed it the way you put it . Maybe because I'm a male .



Often fathers do not wish for their precious daughters to marry into customs that are alien for their children. When difficulites arise it is simply easier to be familiar with the dynamics of a particular culture. Point in case, in the US it is still somewhat of a stigma for a white female to marry a black male. Eyes still roll. Here the culture is still Western US..but you have the union of two before we start attacking Muslim customs let us step back and attempt to understand sometimes it is not racisim but overprotection. In France, women are highly encouraged to marry French men and have French babies..


Junior Member
It is common, and sad. It's easy to understand the older generations mindset, but that doesn't make it right. It's absolutely wrong.

I can't imagine what it would be like with parents who were telling me what skin color or culture my future husband had to be of. Though, I guess you could say I've dealt with it from the other side of the table (some parents just aren't too fond of white converts since white girls are all loose and promiscuous and whatnot, right? Oh please...), and I'm sure I'll have to deal with it much more in the not-so-near future when I decide to marry.



One can marry into a black family and not be good enough...go figure...sometimes I think everyone is crazy because one thing I know is when a male human marries a female human we usally get a 100% baby human..and that is what is really important...if we got anything else we would be writing up a storm..