My story towards Islam


Love Fishing
Bismillah,Assalamualikum to everyone.
I was born and raised in a Muslim country-Malaysia.Even though we have many non-muslims here such as chinese,indians,christians and many more,the practice of islam is good.The official religion of this country is Islam Alhamdulilah.
Since my childhood,all my friends are malays(muslim).When i was 10 years old,one of my friend lend me 2 books on prophets it is called 25 Rasools.I took this book to my school and read is during break.many of my muslim friends got shocked.but i dont bother at all.some of my friends started to dawah to me even though they are only 10 years old.I told them that i will convert but i just don't know when.
One day I started to perform the prayer just by covering my head witha towel and without taking wudhu.I perform the tahayil as how i have seen before.I asked my mother whether can i convert,she said no.
Actually islam came to my life when i was 8 years old when i got to know a chinese mix muslim girl.she taught me how to write alif,baa,taa and so on.i wrote some of this arabic words and took it to school.i still remember that one of this muslim teacher scolded me and pinched me after looking at the papers where i wrote arabic.she said as a kafir i am not suppose to do this things and she thought i was just mocking arabic.I was only 8 years old and i copied everything exactly from an islamic book.
when i grow older,my friends started to tell me about jannah and hell.i got very scared.but that time I am only fear of Allah nothing else.
When i entered my high school,i have lost contact with my muslim friends.all the friedns i have were non-muslim.
Finally i entered university and alhamdulilah i came back to the right path after 1 year in the U.i started to mix with muslim friends.all my muslim friends are the one very religious and wear khimar all the time.i do have some friends who are not that religious but again they are much better than non-muslim.
most of them got married and they used to tell their husband about me and their husband will advice them to bring me to islam.they tried to advice me but i told them that the right time hasn't come yet.
even before converting,my friends started to call me Syarifaah.they don't call me by my original name.
couple of months before convention,many strange things happen to me.i knw how to syahadah and whenever my mind is not thingking about anything,my heart keeps on saying syahadah.even when i want to sleep.i will say syahadah many times.During convo in march there were many stall at my university.i went to one of the islamic stall and i saw Kalimah Allah.i touched them and i felt very strange.
Somwhere in the beginning of April,i got to know an American revert.I told him many things about islam and he keeps on asking me to convert.but i said i will convert once i finish my studies.and he said what if u die tomorrow.that question makes me to think deeply.for 6 days he didn't come online.i was very depressed and i didn't go out of the room and i don't do anything for the 6 days.i was just waiting for him to come online.on 12th april 2007,he came online and we started to have more serious talk about converting.
he asked me to take shower and wudhu.i did as he said.i repeat the syahadah twice after was 3am.then he taught me how to read quran.i need a book with the translation.i went to my friends room.i told her room mate everything and suddenly my friend woke up.she was sick actually and she said that she dream that i was praying and wearing the praying cloth.she handed me a book before she sleep.
suddenly i heard adhan for subbh prayer.i told him that i dont know where is the qiblat and i dont have anything to cover my aurat.he said just find something to cover yourself and just sujud as thanking Allah.i did as he said.
the next day i woke up exactly for zohr prayer.i felt like someone woke me up.i ran to my religious friend's room and pray together.for the ishaa prayer,i successfully memorised Al-Fatihah and prayed my first independent salat.that was the time i cried a lot and only Allah knows how i felt.
Finally,12 years of waiting have ended.Alhamdulilah,....

p/s:my mother is still a non-muslim.pls pray for her.


Love Fishing

I started to wear hijab one week after conversion.i was just wearing the normal hijab.but my heart so badly wanted to wear khimar.i asked Allah some proper cloths to cover my aurat and Alhamdulilah i got it immediately.Untill today i am proudly wearing my khimar.
but when i went to Egypt and people around me keep on asking me to wear beautiful cloths.but i told them that i don't need to look beautiful to others other than my husband.and my husband scolded them for poisoning my mind.
It doesn't matter whether we are beautiful or ugly as long as Allah knows how beautiful is our Iman.
The most beautiful woman in world is the woman with iman.


Yearning Slave
:salam2: sister,

Masha'Allah sister! Allahu Akbar!

Allah has guided you to the right path at such an early age Masha'Allah.

Awak bertuah, ramai kawan yang membantu Alhamdulilah. Insha'Allah I will make du'a for your mother.

Take care sis Syaarifah.


Love Fishing
:salam2: sister,

Masha'Allah sister! Allahu Akbar!

Allah has guided you to the right path at such an early age Masha'Allah.

Awak bertuah, ramai kawan yang membantu Alhamdulilah. Insha'Allah I will make du'a for your mother.

Take care sis Syaarifah.

terima kasih.May Allah blesses you and your family.


Junior Member
I started to wear hijab one week after conversion.i was just wearing the normal hijab.but my heart so badly wanted to wear khimar.i asked Allah some proper cloths to cover my aurat and Alhamdulilah i got it immediately.Untill today i am proudly wearing my khimar.
but when i went to Egypt and people around me keep on asking me to wear beautiful cloths.but i told them that i don't need to look beautiful to others other than my husband.and my husband scolded them for poisoning my mind.
It doesn't matter whether we are beautiful or ugly as long as Allah knows how beautiful is our Iman.
The most beautiful woman in world is the woman with iman.

mashAllah what a wonderful story . may Allah bless you and may Allah guide your mother to the right path


Junior Member
subhanallah..great story..
jazakillah khair for sharing it sister
and may Allah open your mother's heart so that she will walk together with you on this straight path. Amin
salam dari kawan indonesia...^_^


Travelling towards my grave.
wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh dear sister Sharifah...

MashaAllah your story is so inspiring. This is the beauty with my revert brothers and sisters. They strive harder than the born to Muslim family Muslims, to learn the basics as most of them convert in teenage or more than that. I dont know how to say how I felt after reading this part.

"I asked my mother whether can i convert,she said no.
Actually islam came to my life when i was 8 years old when i got to know a chinese mix muslim girl.she taught me how to write alif,baa,taa and so on.i wrote some of this arabic words and took it to school.i still remember that one of this muslim teacher scolded me and pinched me after looking at the papers where i wrote arabic.she said as a kafir i am not suppose to do this things and she thought i was just mocking arabic.I was only 8 years old and i copied everything exactly from an islamic book."

I am suer now you will know that what the teacher done was wrong in Islam. We are proud for you.

Sister be firm in your religion and never let any one make Faasid your 'Aqeedah. Seek refuge in Allah always.

InshaAllah your mother also will realise the truth soon. I will keep her in my prayers inshaAllah.

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


Love Fishing
subhanallah..great story..
jazakillah khair for sharing it sister
and may Allah open your mother's heart so that she will walk together with you on this straight path. Amin
salam dari kawan indonesia...^_^

wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh dear sister Sharifah...

MashaAllah your story is so inspiring. This is the beauty with my revert brothers and sisters. They strive harder than the born to Muslim family Muslims, to learn the basics as most of them convert in teenage or more than that. I dont know how to say how I felt after reading this part.

"I asked my mother whether can i convert,she said no.
Actually islam came to my life when i was 8 years old when i got to know a chinese mix muslim girl.she taught me how to write alif,baa,taa and so on.i wrote some of this arabic words and took it to school.i still remember that one of this muslim teacher scolded me and pinched me after looking at the papers where i wrote arabic.she said as a kafir i am not suppose to do this things and she thought i was just mocking arabic.I was only 8 years old and i copied everything exactly from an islamic book."

I am suer now you will know that what the teacher done was wrong in Islam. We are proud for you.

Sister be firm in your religion and never let any one make Faasid your 'Aqeedah. Seek refuge in Allah always.

InshaAllah your mother also will realise the truth soon. I will keep her in my prayers inshaAllah.

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Thank you to all of you.May Allah blesses you and your family.


Junior Member
Asalam 'alaik sis Syarifaah

Your story is indeed beautiful. It is like, there was no demonic rebel in you asking WHY WHY WHY! You accepted, submitted. You were fully Muslim even before you officially became one. I feel so happy for you. In sha Allaah we can help each other out.



Junior Member

mashaAllah this is such a beautiful story....:) :)
may allah swt shower his blessings over you..and make the practicing of deen easy for you...amiin

your mother is in our du'as inshaAllah :) :)



알라후 아크바르-Allah Akbar
Salam Alekum sister
Jazaki Allah khair 4 sharing it.. Mashallah such a wonderful story.. Allah has guided you to the right path Alhamdulillah.. May Allah guide ur mother and open her heart to accept Islam.. ameen :)


Striving for Paradise
Congratulations on your reversion to Islam my dear sister.
I Welcome you to Islam and to TTI .

May Allah (SWT) bless you and your family, and give you Jannah Al-Firdous in the hereafter. Ameen!
Also may Allah give your mother hidayah so that she could see the truth and come to Islam. Ameen!




Alaho Akbar :allahuakbar: Alaho Akbar :allahuakbar: Alaho Akbar

MashaAllah Sister you are a lot better than a lot of Muslim born sisters I am very proud of you Thank you for sharing your story with us it's very inspiring. May Allah SWT bless you and your family and May Allah SWT guide your mother to the straight path Ameen



Love Fishing
Asalam 'alaik sis Syarifaah

Your story is indeed beautiful. It is like, there was no demonic rebel in you asking WHY WHY WHY! You accepted, submitted. You were fully Muslim even before you officially became one. I feel so happy for you. In sha Allaah we can help each other out.


thank you sister.May Allah blesses you.i hope we can share many thing about islam.salam ukwah


Love Fishing

mashaAllah this is such a beautiful story....:) :)
may allah swt shower his blessings over you..and make the practicing of deen easy for you...amiin

your mother is in our du'as inshaAllah :) :)


Salam Alekum sister
Jazaki Allah khair 4 sharing it.. Mashallah such a wonderful story.. Allah has guided you to the right path Alhamdulillah.. May Allah guide ur mother and open her heart to accept Islam.. ameen :)

Congratulations on your reversion to Islam my dear sister.
I Welcome you to Islam and to TTI .

May Allah (SWT) bless you and your family, and give you Jannah Al-Firdous in the hereafter. Ameen!
Also may Allah give your mother hidayah so that she could see the truth and come to Islam. Ameen!



Alaho Akbar :allahuakbar: Alaho Akbar :allahuakbar: Alaho Akbar

MashaAllah Sister you are a lot better than a lot of Muslim born sisters I am very proud of you Thank you for sharing your story with us it's very inspiring. May Allah SWT bless you and your family and May Allah SWT guide your mother to the straight path Ameen


Thank you so much to all of you.May Allah blesses you and your family and protects you all the time.Thanx again

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
Sungguh terharu dan bangga serta bersyukur ke hadrat Allah swt kerana taufiq dan hidayah nya kepada saudari. MashAllah...memang rakan-rakan Melayu kita banyak membantu terutamanya sewaktu di sekolah kebangsaan dulu. Saya pun mengenali Islam dari bangku sekolah rendah walaupun hanya segelintir yg mendakwah kita tapi sudah cukup untuk kita mengenali agama yang suci ini. Cikgu-cikgu dan ustaz / ustazah di sekolah dulu-dulu memang lain...mereka sangat terbuka dan suka mendakwah kita. Bila Islam tiba ke India bukan 100% masuk Islam tapi Islam tiba ke Tanah Melayu (Malaya) hampir 100% masuk Islam, subahanAllah.

May Allah make your imaan strong and solid like hard rocks. Ameen.


Junior Member
Congratulations,sis! U're lucky coz u live in a muslim country since u were borne. U r surrounded by many religious bros and sisters, ppl teach u the true Islam, u re able to think deeply in such a environment. Every time i read the thread of a convert, it seems that i find my own shade. In the society i live in, ppl can only struggle finding the truth on their own lonely, no one teaches u, no good examples, no positive news about our beautiful faith. Anyway, Alhamdulillah, Allah chose u, just like He chose me. Just cherish such a choice, our struggle wont be in vain. Just to be a person who fights for the truth always. :)

BTW, may i ask u that what's yr originality,sis? Chinese,or Indian or others?


Love Fishing
Congratulations,sis! U're lucky coz u live in a muslim country since u were borne. U r surrounded by many religious bros and sisters, ppl teach u the true Islam, u re able to think deeply in such a environment. Every time i read the thread of a convert, it seems that i find my own shade. In the society i live in, ppl can only struggle finding the truth on their own lonely, no one teaches u, no good examples, no positive news about our beautiful faith. Anyway, Alhamdulillah, Allah chose u, just like He chose me. Just cherish such a choice, our struggle wont be in vain. Just to be a person who fights for the truth always. :)

BTW, may i ask u that what's yr originality,sis? Chinese,or Indian or others?

it is not about how many muslim people are surrounding us but it is about whether Allah wanted to give His light to us or not.For example there are many muslims in Egypt almost 80 percents but why the christians there don't convert to islam?It all depends on Allah's will.I myself took 12 years to convert and it wasnt's a short time as you know.i might have died in 2006 when i had an accident.Alhamdulilah Allah still loves me and wanted to give me another chance.i was a Hindu who doesn't practice the religion that much.
when i was young,i just pray to please my mom.but when i have grown up,i totaly gave up on worshipping 'god'.I want to worship the true Godwhich is Allah.
even couple of months before i convert to islam,many christians try to make me to convert to christianity.but i know very well about the christinity which has deviate from the right path.
Alhamdulilah I am a muslim now got married and have a beautiful son.Alhamdulilah Allah blesses me with so much good things.I want others to have the same blessing.Lets pray to Allah so that others will convert to Islam as well.


Junior Member
Assalaam alaykum sister,

A very beautiful and touching story indeed :ma:, I admire you so much may allah swt give u the strength and imaan to keep doing good deeds and may allah swt always guide us all to the right path allahumma ameen,

jazak allahu khair for sharing :hearts: