
New Member
ASSALAMU ALAIKUM brothers and sisters.

i reverted to islam 2 months ago, and since then i have had a lot of good moments and a lot of struggles.

but over the last couple of days i haven't felt like ive had a strong spiritual connection with allah (SWT).
im not sure how to explain it but like my taqwa or having a consciousness that allah (swt) is always watching me has been low or almost non-existent. even when im praying ive been trying to imagine that allah (swt) is watching me and that im communicating with him directly but i just dont feel like ive been making that connection. hence because i haven't had this taqwa ive found it harder to do the right thing and have been less inclined to do the right thing.

ive been trying to increase my taqwa (or get it back) by doing lots of dhikr, reading quran and making dua, but i still dont feel the same spiritual energy or taqwa as i did when i first became muslim. im not sure whether this is another test or what it is. or maybe ive just sort of become stale or reached a plateu spiritually.

if this had only lasted a day then i wouldnt be so worried because ive realised that you cant always be on a spiritual high 24/7 but its been going on for a few days now, almost a week, and its concerning me, i dont want to stray off the path to allah (SWT), and i want to have the same amount of taqwa as i did when i first became muslim or even the amount of taqwa i had a month ago.

what do you think?

thanks in advance :)


Junior Member
Salam Brother,

It happens, I've had those moments and its scary. But then I watch documentaries on varying topics, Hajj, people who've converted, Ramadan, nasheeds etc. And for me it renews me back to the straight paths, I wish I had something a little more enlightening or something, but for me that works. inshallah you'll find that something that will help renew you



First welcome.

Chill. We can not have peak experiences in life. Sometime when life is dull and boring and bleak...that is the time when our souls are being worked on. We have to have time to absorb what we have experienced. Besides Ramadan will give you the energy you seek. That is a wondeful time. I love it. We become such a community and we are so happy.
Please stay on this site and read and respond. We have some brillant minds who will guide you to good.
Please take the time to read posts by Brothers Bluegazer and Ditta. These posts will refresh you.
Please brothers and sisters if I have overlooked anyone forgive me..Halal and Farhopes will give you sweets for your soul.


Just a brother

Some suggestions:
- Listening to the recitation of the noble Quran (by your favourite Qaris)
-Visiting the mosque and offering prayer in congregation
-Being among the companion of good muslims
-Attending islamic lectures & conferences. If not possible, watch them online.

nori suja'i

Junior Member
SubhanaAllah, have we think about what we ate before?
were there any subaha' incredients in the food?
if there are haram things included in the food we eat, sometimes it can make us didnt like to do the things that Allah liked.


New Member

thank you all for your advice, just from reading your responses i can see how allah (SWT) is communicating through you guys to me, and i think he's trying to tell me some stuff.

so thank you all very much, may allah bless you all and guide us all on the straight path insh'allah!

allahu akbar!


Junior Member

ramadhaan is coming up bro. Cheer up.
May Allaah(subhanahu wa ta'ala) guide you and all of us.
inshallaah Allaah(subhaanahu wa ta'ala) will keep us all in his grip.


Servant of Allah
i have posted a video. i think this would be a great eye opener. maybe it has nothing to do with the topic. but hey it raised my iman a bit. so enjoy inshaAllah.



Servant of Allah
asalamu alaykum. i just had a thought. that i should post videos increasing our iman inshaAllah. i also think this one would be a great one to boost your iman. may you wont understand the nasheed, but what's important is the words that on that video. peace.



Servant of Allah



Servant of Allah
dear sister please do watch the videos i have posted. i only did this because you are my sister and because you asked for help. but most importantly for allah's sake. so inshaAllah i hope you do watch them. salam.




Sweet sweet sister what powerful videos. It is like taking a bath in Love.
May Allah subhana talla grant you rewards.


Junior Member
ASSALAMU ALAIKUM brothers and sisters.

i reverted to islam 2 months ago, and since then i have had a lot of good moments and a lot of struggles.

but over the last couple of days i haven't felt like ive had a strong spiritual connection with allah (SWT).
im not sure how to explain it but like my taqwa or having a consciousness that allah (swt) is always watching me has been low or almost non-existent. even when im praying ive been trying to imagine that allah (swt) is watching me and that im communicating with him directly but i just dont feel like ive been making that connection. hence because i haven't had this taqwa ive found it harder to do the right thing and have been less inclined to do the right thing.

ive been trying to increase my taqwa (or get it back) by doing lots of dhikr, reading quran and making dua, but i still dont feel the same spiritual energy or taqwa as i did when i first became muslim. im not sure whether this is another test or what it is. or maybe ive just sort of become stale or reached a plateu spiritually.

if this had only lasted a day then i wouldnt be so worried because ive realised that you cant always be on a spiritual high 24/7 but its been going on for a few days now, almost a week, and its concerning me, i dont want to stray off the path to allah (SWT), and i want to have the same amount of taqwa as i did when i first became muslim or even the amount of taqwa i had a month ago.

what do you think?

thanks in advance :)


Welcome brother ,Alhamadulillah Who guided you to the straight path.
All what you're coming through is normal ,Satan will be after you,so try to educate yourself and to stick to a muslim commuinty and as my dearest sister mirajmom said you'll
find on this site a great support from the brothers and sisters here,I was born muslima but I do gain a lot of benefit from being here,May Allah firm your heart on the right path .


Junior Member

I think that we should always do our best to increase iman and taqwah but some times it will decrease and this is normal. also being worried about your iman and taqwah is a healthy sign. Only mo'emen people are worried about their iman.


New Member
once again thank you all for your help and words of encouragement, im feeling much better now alhamdulliah! masha'allah

may allah bless us all and guide us on the straight path ameen!
