New member


New Member

I am a new member from Australia. I've joined the forum because of an interest in Islam. I am not a Muslim, but I am open minded and accepting to learn the truth about anything/everything. I'm also a little bit cynical and when I see the media being so unanimously biased for or against someone/something, I tend to wonder why. So, with all the Islamophobia going on, I decided to do my own research.

I have to say, I'm liking what I am learning so far. I used to define myself as an atheist but now I'm more of a secularist. I've decided to further my studies next year by doing a bachelor in Islamic studies at uni.

OK the boring bits. My name is Michelle, I'm in my 40s and a woman. Currently I am studying politics and international relations at uni but will be changing the course next year (and the university) to quench my curiosity about Islam.



Junior Member
You are most welcome friend , we muslems believe that Allah is our creator , we believe he is most loving mercifull, Quran is his words , .......i hope you spend good times with us:muslim_child:.



To all my brothers and sisters in Islam:~Salam

to you and your family.


Hi to Ms Michelle_A
From Australia!

To TTI @Awesome website:ma:

Nice meeting you Michelle :)

See ya :)

Take Care!


Junior Member

I am a new member from Australia. I've joined the forum because of an interest in Islam. I am not a Muslim, but I am open minded and accepting to learn the truth about anything/everything. I'm also a little bit cynical and when I see the media being so unanimously biased for or against someone/something, I tend to wonder why. So, with all the Islamophobia going on, I decided to do my own research.

I have to say, I'm liking what I am learning so far. I used to define myself as an atheist but now I'm more of a secularist. I've decided to further my studies next year by doing a bachelor in Islamic studies at uni.

OK the boring bits. My name is Michelle, I'm in my 40s and a woman. Currently I am studying politics and international relations at uni but will be changing the course next year (and the university) to quench my curiosity about Islam.


Hello Michelle! I greet you from Frederick, Maryland, USA! I too decided that I could not know the truth of something unless I investigated it on my own. I discovered that you could only learn so much on your own and then, at some point, you have to "goto the source" and meet the people. As with any other society, there are warm and loving people and people whom you will disagree with and need to shy clear from. It is especially hard for me, here, since I am from America but I now I a wonderful sister-by-choice because I chose to learn and ignore those who did not represent the best of Islam.

You will find that listening to the recitations of the Qur'an on youtube are an AWESOME way to hear the beauty contained within the Qur'an and if you listen hard enough, and long enough, you will start to be able to pick out individual words. I encourage you to read the Qur'an. You will find, as I did, that the Qur'an really does have similarities with the bible in terms of the message contained therein. When you encounter something that seems cruel or unfair or frankly, downright awful, it is in THOSE moments that you need to really investigate the history/society/time period and outcomes of such things. You and I are not accustomed to living and abiding by the laws of Islam so it can be fightning to be here and also to hold our tongues while opinions are shared and feelings are exposed. Remember, we don't live with bombs and bullets.

I myself am a Native American (American Indian) and have no intentions of becoming a Muslim. I love to learn about what I do not know and about people I can not experience elsewhere. I do not live anywhere near a Mosque (in fact, I've never seen one in person) but, then again, how many people have seen an American Indian?

I HIGHLY suggest you read all the "rules and regs" about speaking and posting here. It is important. What etiquette that is understood by birth for some, is high error if done and you need to be made aware of that. Also remember, English is not the first language for alot of people here so the translation of implied meaning can get distorted. Have patience. You'll learn, sometimes harshly, and it'll soon become normal to mentally translate into ACTUAL meaning.

Welcome to TTI....



Junior Member
Hello Michelle,

First I would like to welcome you here and hope that you will enjoy our company :SMILY259:.

I think you have chosen the right approach by looking for the truth yourself. I couldn't agree more given that 99% of western media broadcast, either deliberately or as a result of ignorance, bad "clichés" about Islam and Muslims.

We are all brothers and sisters in humanity but I wish that the next time I will call you my sister in Islam!

Take care,



Hello Michelle,

Feel free to ask any questions . The best form of learning is to ask, so dont hesitate to ask any questions that crosses your mind.

I hope you enjoy it here.

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Welcome Michelle to TTI forum. You are free to ask what you like to know about islam.


p.s. To Jennifer: I know personally many native americans from Cherokee tribe, also met some and they are muslims. :SMILY346:


Junior Member
You're welcome

you're highly welcome to TTI, and you doing the right thing by trying to find out by yourself what islam is all about.

Lastly dont hesitate to ask any question you've about Islam.

welcome once again.


New Member
Thank you everyone for such a warm welcome. I assure you, I will not be shy in asking questions :) You will be seeing me in here quite a lot, as I'm learning more I'm finding there is more I want to learn.



Junior Member
welcome Michelle

welcome friend, hope you will find the truth as soon as possible don't hesitate to ask any qst you want just feel free!!
hope you enjoy your stay with us.
all brothers and sisters are here to help you to find what you search you are on the right path.
welcome once again


New Member
Hello you on this forum and we'll all help you to identify the religion of Islam and will not shrink from any information you all you can ask any question about Islam and would like to inquire about and everyone in the service inshallah


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member
Hello Michelle_A,

Welcome to this beautiful web portal called TTI.. You have made the right choice to seek Islamic knowledge on your own. You are among the many thousands who have undertaken this journey. Many of whom we now call as members of our extended family ie brothers and sisters in faith. :)

If you would like to learn about the basics of Islam and it's core beliefs and teachings, you should head straight to this below subsection of the forum :-

Islamic Articles And Important Information

And you can always start a new thread and ask about your burning questions about Islam. Or something that you came across on your telly and thought 'Do muslims really believe in that ?'..

We are here to help others and also learn ourselves. I pray to Allah Almighty that He grants you guidance and enables you to accept Islam from His mercy.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
As-salaamu `alaykum warahmatullaah

Firstly, congratulations on your reversion (I saw your other threads)!!! Truly, all praise is to Allaah. I hope you can benefit in your faith and knowledge from TTI.