Pecking Order - Dealing with Islamophobia


Junior Member
Asalaamu alaikum -

I apologize if this video has been posted before. This woman is a Christian pastor and her message had me tearing up. Alhamdulillah, what a wonderful video.


(sorry I don't know how to embed a video)


Junior Member
78 views and only one reply. What does it take? Do I need to mention Terry Jones in the subject line? Some Shia leader that we're suppose to venerate? Should I say "Palestine!" or "09/11!"?

We pay far too much attention to the negative on this website. This is why I am slowly drifting away to more positive environs.


Assalaam walaikum,

I have to agree with you. There is an air of intolerance and arrogance. I question this daiy.


I saw this a few weeks ago and had to applaud this woman for her humility and compassion for Muslims. Half the time it feels as if there are advocates for other faiths speaking up on behalf for others yet the rest of the time it feels as if the lines have been clearly drawn. This is actually an improvement considering the latter sentiment actually used to have more presidence than the former one. Sometimes, it feels as if it still does. However, this pastor is an shining example of peace and tolerance in the Christian community and I hope that others can follow in her example and not shy away from following their faiths the way they were meant to as well. The comparisons she made between Christianity and Islam were so amazing it almost felt as if she was doing dawah for Islam. It wouldn't be a surprise if she helped a few reverts find their way to Islam that day. May she be guided towards it as well but if not, she's doing a fine example of practicing her religion the way she should. In peace and acceptance of others.


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalaamu alaikum,

Subhana'Allaah!! that video just shows that there is good in every nation and in all people. She spread a message of peace! I ask Allaah to guide her. ameen.
I soo loved the comparison she gave between Islam and Christianity....she really did her job in researching what Islam is about and did not just keep that research to herself instead, she shared the truth with others!!.

Jazaka'Allaah khair for sharing...
We pay far too much attention to the negative on this website
I agree with you on's really unfortunate though:(
I dont usually post or read anything posted on this section......I think this is the only thread, and I am glad I stumpled upon it!!


New Member

I am amazed at what truth she said about Islam.

If only they would play this on national & international tv.

May Allah guide us all & protect us from the Shaytan (devil)




Junior Member
She was a wonderful speaker! Oh, how my heart broke when she said that Muhammad's wife gave birth 2 days later. I still have tears in my eyes from that.

I did a quick lookup for her church. On youtube, this is the description:

Excerpt from sermon video from Sunday, August 29, worship service, First Community Church, Columbus, OH, with Rev. Deborah C. Lindsay preaching. The entire message may be viewed on our website at this link:
First Community Church is "the church of the infinite quest," as described in 1924 by The Reverend M. H. Lichliter of First Congregational Church. Remaining true to that spirit, our church believes …

* All people are included in God's unconditional love and grace.
* In Jesus Christ whose life revealed God's love at work in the human family.
* In the Holy Spirit as the power by which we are brought into closer harmony with our Creator.

Therefore we …

* Strive to follow the path of Jesus Christ, while recognizing other pathways to the Divine.
* Encourage each person's spiritual journey, embracing a variety of spiritual disciplines.
* Understand that the words we use to express our faith are to be lived out by loving and compassionate action.
* Take the Bible seriously, not literally; finding more grace in the search for meaning than in absolute certainty.
* Agree to differ, unite to serve, and resolve to love.
Denominational Affiliation

First Community Church is affiliated with the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). These denominations have a congregational form of government in which the local churches retain autonomy on all matters of faith and practice. We are in covenant relationship with other local churches through these denominations for purposes of ordaining clergy and engaging in mission.


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member

It's good to hear people being understanding, courteous and tolerant.

Therefore we …

* Strive to follow the path of Jesus Christ, while recognizing other pathways to the Divine.

They seem to have very accurate goals in seeking the truth. If they stick to the first part and ask God Almighty's help for guidance, they will be guided to the religion of Islam.

May Allah Almighty guide them to the way of all Prophets (ie total submission to Allah Almighty or Islam). Ameen

Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi