Travelling towards my grave.
Question 3: For brother IbnAdam
The author mentioned about practicing the Qur'aan and Sunnah. We know that these are the sources of Islaam, along with Ijmaa` and Qiyaas.
Briefly define Ijmaa` and give one evidence for Ijmaa` from the Qur'aan and one evidence from the Sunnah. Also give us an example on something there is Ijmaa` upon.
Assalam 'Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Description of Ijmaa'
Ijmaa' is the consensus (special agreement) of the Ijtihads of the Mujtahids of a time, with one another. If all of them has the same Ijtihaad on a particular matter, then it is called Ijmaa'.
Imam Shafi'ee (rahimahullah) has gives a great definition of Ijmaa' in his famous book called al-Risala. He defines it as "The adherence of the congregation (jama`a) of Muslims to the conclusions of a given ruling pertaining to what is permitted and what is forbidden after the passing of the Prophet (pbuh)."
Imam Shafi'ee continues in the same book (which is Risala), on the page 253: "The Prophet's order that men should follow the Muslim community is a proof that the Ijma` of the Muslims is binding."
Later on (in the page 286) he quotes the hadith whereby the Prophet said: "Believe my Companions, then those who succeed them, and after that those who succeed the Successors. But after them falsehood will prevail when people will swear to the truth without having been asked to swear, and testify without having been asked to testify. Only those who seek the pleasures of Paradise will keep to the Congregation..."
Imam comments: "He who holds what the Muslim Congregation (jama`a) holds shall be regarded as following the Congregation, and he who holds differently shall be regarded as opposing the Congregation he was ordered to follow. So the error comes from separation; but in the Congregation as a whole there is no error concerning the meaning of the Qur'an, the Sunna, and analogy (qiyas)."
The Ijmaa' of Sahaba (radiyallahu 'anhum) are the most highly valued Ijmaa'.
A very important matter we must know in regard to Ijmaa' is that if the Mujtahids comes with Ijmaa' on a matter, then it can never be changed until Qiyaamah! Even if there comes a very large number of scholars or Mujtahids later on and says opposite, it will not be changed in Islam.
InshaAllah you will know the reason before you finish reading this answer.
Evidence of Ijmaa' from Quran
Allah says in Surah an-Nisa, Verse 115, "Whoever opposes the Messenger after the guidance (the truth of Islam) has become manifest (clear) to him and follows a path other than that of the Mu'mineen, We shall allow him to do that thing which he is doing and then enter him into Jahannam. It is the worst of abodes."
This is indeed a very clear Ayah which provides us clear proof to follow Quran, Sunnah and Ijmaa'.
"Opposing the Messenger" - this part indicates the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh).
"..after Hidayat becomes manifest (clear)" - Hidayat in this verse means The Quran, according to the Mufassireen.
The 3rd part of the Ayah "...and he follows a path other than that of the Mu'mineen (believers)...." - this means Opposing the path of the believers (Ijmaa' of the Ummah) will also lead to hell, along with those who oppose Quran and Sunnah.
Evidence of Ijmaa' from the Sunnah of Prophet (pbuh)
Imam al-Tirmidhi reported on the authority of Ibn Umar (radiyallahu 'anh) from the Prophet (pbuh), who said: "Verily my Ummah would not agree (or he said the Ummah of Muhammad) would not agree upon error and Allah's hand is over the group and whoever dissents from them departs to Hell." Sunan al-Tirmidhi (4/2167) (see also Mishkat, 1/173)
Therefore it is crystal clear that this Ummah will not agree (the only way for the whole Ummah to agree on a matter is through the Ijmaa' of the Mujtahids of a time) upon a matter which is wrong. It is a great blessing of Allah to this Ummah. So the question arised in your mind in regard to why a later generation of 'Ulama cannot change a previous Ijmaa' of and earlier generation, is now clear inshaAllah.
An Example of a thing on which there is Ijmaa'
Riba (Interest/Usury) is forbidden according to the Qur’aan and Sunnah, and definitive scholarly consensus (Ijmaa'). Whoever regards it as permissible is a kaafir, because the basic principle is that whoever rejects something on which there is obvious scholarly consensus is guilty of kufr.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (rahimahullah) said, "The belief that the well-known obligations are obligatory and that the well-known prohibitions are forbidden is one of the most important basic principles of faith, and the one who rejects that is a kaafir according to scholarly consensus."
Wassalam 'ALaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh