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Here to help
i predict next person will FORGET to predict something !!!!^^
and you did it again in your previous post lool
Well to your brother Ossi, I already AM a legend. there's been talk about me around the masjid. Well, in the Jamaat committee and the big brothers anyway.

And to yours sister Summy, have you eva went to the moon? No, but I HAVE went to outer space! Hah! in google earth! LOOLOLOLO!@
hahah im lafing :D


sister :)
I 'll be a teacher soon ..maybe i should start giving spelling lessons here on TTI :lol: :p

no i dont have a mouse...

I cant think of anything else either...the next person is ummm is....i dunno...ummmm....a boy

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Waite, now everythings got mixed up again...Oh Krudd, looks like we need to start over again!

All right next person's gonna be Sister Summy! And let's see, Aha! Soemthing about ME!

Alroght then, I know how to tie a Pagree, I 'm gwing a beard, I'm growing TOO DARN FAST! NOOOOO! I DON'T WANT TO GROW UP SO FAST! I WANNA STILL BE A LITTLE KID!



sister :)
oh no ..try not to grow up too fast..u will miss being a sure its not that hard to tie a pagri though....

the next person likes pepsi


Here to help
kinda ,im actually drinking ti now :lol:
*gulp* *gulp*

next person has taken a taxi while S/he was alone..
:Dand never got kidnapped:lol:

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
This is what I'd do if I'd have to take a txi, if they try to kidnap me, I bop em in the head and run. With their psitols and clips! <lol, just to be safe.

Next person tried to find the Island where Dajjal is at by using Google map.

wow Pagree is even a wrod in Urdu? gosh Bangla and Urdu are sooooooooooooo similar.

Ramal, Fanee (NO, not FUNNY, like Panee lol), Neche, Halla, and, how do you say uncle?


sister :)
no im stuffed..ive been eating all day...feeling sleepy now....gotta stay awake to do my stupid work though :(

The next person got kicked out of home
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