Question about converting


Junior Member
Hello everyone, it's Nicole here.
I belong to this site and another site that is similar. I have a question that a person continues to bring up to me on the other site. This woman reverted to Islam some years ago (I think 5 or 6). She knows that I want to revert myself, but keeps saying to me "you are in the honeymoon phase" with Islam right now, "no one is telling you what is bad about Islam" she also keeps saying "people are happy with you now but wait unitl one week after you revert and people push past you at the masjid and you will have no one to sit near, the Indians sit with Indians the Palestinians sit with Palestinians" and so on and so forth. I don't understand what she means. I thought that muslims were supposed to be a family of sorts, I was/am looking forward to having sisters in Islam (especially cuz I was the only girl with 4 brothers), and I don't understand what she means by the bad stuff. What does she mean? Why is a muslim woman who is a revert trying so hard to point things out to me that would make others not revert? I need help, I am confused, I am reading the Holy Qur'an and I love it, I found discrepancies in the relgion I was raised and I want to revert. Please help me.


Junior Member

As with anything, there are good and bad things. Some people claim that if they had seen Muslims before they see Islam, they wouldn't have had converted. I think that's a rough generalization.

One thing for sure is: Islam is perfect, Muslims are not. If you are going to embrace Islam, everything will fall in perspective. Sure there are the ethnic groups and all, but it depends on the community. I'm sure there are good brothers and sisters in each community. And you are in the right place to start finding new sisters for help (this forum).

And yes, all Muslims are family, hence why we call each other brothers and sisters. Doesn't matter which nationality.


Junior Member
Dear sister

Islam teaches us who is our creator and what is his most noble attributes . Islam teaches man how to get closer to his creator by sincere faith and good deeds. Islam tells us how to be happy in this life and after death . Islam builds inner peace and full hearts with love, faith and tranquility, but we should keep in mind that most muslems nowadays are very ignorant of the basics of Islam and don`t practise Islam as should be ; they are not angels . This should not stop us from accepting the truth. If the one who created us is close then what is the importance of the whole creation? . I hope that i made myself clear. That sister has some right to be upset because of unislamic conducts of many muslems but she should be gratefull that Allah sobhanahu wa taala has shown her the truth. I pray that Allah guide all of us to his way.

With regards


Junior Member
Assalaamu'alaykum (peace be upon you).

If you do truely believe without a doubt that this religion is the truth, then you should accept Islam.

Your friend is wrong in telling you not to become Muslim, just because of the actions of some Muslims. She was proberbly talking about her bad experiences of when she became Muslim, everyone was happy, she got help, attention and company for some time, and then after a while people may of stopped helping her out and stuff.

It is a shame to be honest, but the bad actions of Muslims is not from Islam. Islam shouldn't be judged just because of the actions of a few Muslims. There's nothing bad about Islam at all, it's just some Muslims who may not know the religion proberbly, they prefer sticking to their own nationalities. Actually Islam is colour blind and a universal religion. And it is every Muslims duty to help others.

Forget about the people. It's all about you now. No-one should prevent you from becoming Muslim. It's your choice:

P.S What I would say is if you do become Muslim, then do try to get good company around you. Try to hang around with good practicing Muslims and explain to them your situation.


Junior Member
salam alaykum

forget about what she said, insh'Allâh everything will go fine for you
once you revert. i believe she's fake not a Muslim.

say La ilâha ill-Allâh:)


Junior Member

As in any religion you are going to deal with flawed human beings. There will be rude people and exclusive cliques and blah blah blah. Being Muslims definitely does not make us perfect. The negatives aren't about conversion but rather what you will deal with in any setting on this earth. There is no escaping people who are selfish and immature. So I would not let my decision to convert be effected on the behavior of others.

I don't know why this sister responds in this negative manner, it is very possible that she has been treated poorly in her community. That is truly tragic if that is true but not a reflection on Islam but rather the Muslims in her area.

Look into Islam and really focus on the tenets of this wonderful religion, not the people who practice it. People are flawed, Islam is not.

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
:salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu...

Sweetest nicole.take my honest advice and donnot let this sisters words get to you or keep you away from said you read the Quran and that you love it.the best thing for you is to do shahada as quickly as possible:)

getting back to your Qs as to why this sisters is telling you what she told's because some reverts are not treated the treatement they demand and deserve.It's because the muslims they are surrounded by know very little and care little for their faith and sisters/brothers in faith.But it's not always like this.she may have been unfortunate,doesn't mean you will go through the very same.

to be on the safe side.try to get in contact with some good,practicing muslims in your area.So that they will help you and give you support inshallah.But remember real help and support is that from seek HIS support and don't run after humans,they can never help without HIS will:)

peace to you and know that i will be here as your family whenever you want


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hi Nicole and welcome to our site.
May Allah make you stand fast in your decision and not let Sheitan(Devel) scare you from going to the right path.

First you have to make sure that you are reverting for Allah(God) and not some people, by saying this I mean dont warry what people say or do to you. Allah will reward you for any troubles you go trough ones you become our Sister in Islam InshAllah(God willing) and you will feel happy than ever before. We all are being tested from Allah, living as Muslims our whole life or just reverting.

Second you have to know that Muslims somtimes follow more their culture than Islam and that is what that sister has been trying to tell you. So ones you become Muslimah do not look at people and what they say and do if they do not have proof for that.

There are a lot of good sisters out there and trust me you will not be an outcast there and be sitting by yourself, and start thinkung what did I let myself into to.

Do not ever forget that Allah is the one who guide us and He will help us whatever we need and will not forget us when we call upon Him in need.

Revert sisters can help you with you questions, but do not warry and do not let Devel scare you away.

May Allah help you and make it eazy on you become our beloved sister in Islam, help you overcome yours tests, and inshAllah join us all together in Paradise.


Junior Member
Thank you all for your kindness. It has taken some years to come to my decision, six in fact. I want to convert because I believe Islam is truth, and I want to get closer to my creator, and worship Allah the way he should be worshiped, also I see now the flaws in how I was raised and that I believe the bible foretold the coming of the prophet Mohammed (pbuh), It's so hard to put into words what I feel in my heart and within my soul. I pray for stregth and guidance in my journey, and for the hearts of my family to not harden when I tell them of my intentions. Islam is a miracle to find when you are not born a muslim, it means so much to me, that sometimes when I am reading the Holy Qur'an I cry tears of joy. I am so thankful that my husband asked me, so long ago to learn, I don't know if I ever would have begun that journey had he not asked me to just gain a better understanding. I also pray for knowledge in the correct way, so that I may teach my small children and raise them as a good muslim boy and girl. Again thank you to all!

Fatima S.Ar

Happiness = Islam
Thank you all for your kindness. It has taken some years to come to my decision, six in fact. I want to convert because I believe Islam is truth, and I want to get closer to my creator, and worship Allah the way he should be worshiped, also I see now the flaws in how I was raised and that I believe the bible foretold the coming of the prophet Mohammed (pbuh), It's so hard to put into words what I feel in my heart and within my soul. I pray for stregth and guidance in my journey, and for the hearts of my family to not harden when I tell them of my intentions. Islam is a miracle to find when you are not born a muslim, it means so much to me, that sometimes when I am reading the Holy Qur'an I cry tears of joy. I am so thankful that my husband asked me, so long ago to learn, I don't know if I ever would have begun that journey had he not asked me to just gain a better understanding. I also pray for knowledge in the correct way, so that I may teach my small children and raise them as a good muslim boy and girl. Again thank you to all!
I'm happy for you my dear sister :hearts:
This video is my gift to you , to make you sure of the Truth of Islam :

You can see more videos state the same in the same channel .
Remember that Islam is what God said in Qur'an and what the Prophet tought , not what Muslims act , Muslims especially nowadays they don't represent Islam in the correct way , most of them , I won't generalize .

May Allah bless you sister :hearts:

Hilal Said

Junior Member
Thank you all for your kindness. It has taken some years to come to my decision, six in fact. I want to convert because I believe Islam is truth, and I want to get closer to my creator, and worship Allah the way he should be worshiped, also I see now the flaws in how I was raised and that I believe the bible foretold the coming of the prophet Mohammed (pbuh), It's so hard to put into words what I feel in my heart and within my soul. I pray for stregth and guidance in my journey, and for the hearts of my family to not harden when I tell them of my intentions. Islam is a miracle to find when you are not born a muslim, it means so much to me, that sometimes when I am reading the Holy Qur'an I cry tears of joy. I am so thankful that my husband asked me, so long ago to learn, I don't know if I ever would have begun that journey had he not asked me to just gain a better understanding. I also pray for knowledge in the correct way, so that I may teach my small children and raise them as a good muslim boy and girl. Again thank you to all!

Asalam alaykom sister

In Islam we believe that Allah will reward you if you make other people happy.

Could you make TTI members full of happiness by saying shahadah?

Please do it and remember that we don't know when our life will end.

I hope that I will be your brother in Islam soon.


Assalaamu 'alaykum!
Thank you all for your kindness. It has taken some years to come to my decision, six in fact. I want to convert because I believe Islam is truth, and I want to get closer to my creator, and worship Allah the way he should be worshiped, also I see now the flaws in how I was raised and that I believe the bible foretold the coming of the prophet Mohammed (pbuh), It's so hard to put into words what I feel in my heart and within my soul. I pray for stregth and guidance in my journey, and for the hearts of my family to not harden when I tell them of my intentions. Islam is a miracle to find when you are not born a muslim, it means so much to me, that sometimes when I am reading the Holy Qur'an I cry tears of joy. I am so thankful that my husband asked me, so long ago to learn, I don't know if I ever would have begun that journey had he not asked me to just gain a better understanding. I also pray for knowledge in the correct way, so that I may teach my small children and raise them as a good muslim boy and girl. Again thank you to all!

Assalaamu 'alaykum,

frstly; May Allaah bless u with .... ummm... well, u know... ummm. . . good. . . stuff (yh, thats right... good stuff!) lol

secondly; (seriously now) Satan tries his hardest to devuiate ppl away from the truth.. he tries with ppl weak in faith who r already misguided 2 misguide them further... but as for ppl he sees who r trying to come closer and closer to the truth, he tries his upmost...

Its a battle of hearts and minds one goes thru... Satan can even wisper into the minds of others (close and dear ones 2 u) to make them say things 2 u...(2 deviate u and stuff)

4 example; one of the tricks of satan he uses (as the scholars of Islaam have explained) is that when he sees a top knowledgble scholar who is spreading loads of knowledge, he (satan) then wispers in the minds of others and makes these feeble, innocet minded ppl believe that this scholar is corupt and on deviation!

Luk at the tricks of satan! grrrrh!!! (oh ok no jokes - sorry - lol)

Anyhoo; my advice to u is to just concentrate on purifying your soul . . . and how is that done? by humbling urself down to God (Allaah)... Read the Qur'aan daily... ponder over its meanings.... Call out to God (Allaah) from the depths of ur heart... etc etc etc. . .

May Allaah bless u (With gud stuff! lol) and guide u to this beautiful beautiful way of life called Islaam...

Oh and while im here... plz check out my blog dedicated to Islam and Christianity

*drum roll*


Wassalaamu 'alaykum


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalaamu alaikum dearest sister,

What can I say......what the sister said is true to some extent, but does that make ISLAM BAD?? No, it does not!! As a previous user stated, Islam is such a perfect religion but Muslims are not. Just like every community, every nation, and every people, Muslims have good and bad in them.

So, I want you to think about this: Are you going to judge Islam by what Muslims Do???

Think about it, Yes you might find groupiess in the Masjid where people will sit by "their people" and so on, but does that REALLY reflect the teaching of ISLAM? I'll let you answer that Nicole.

The sister, was not dishonest with you in letting you know "how some Muslims" behave but I ask, does the behavior of Muslims hinder you from accepting Islam? because last time I checked, Muslims too were humans with flaws just like the rest of the people.

It's time to think about what really matters....and in my understanding, what matter to you is Islam. So, think about, do you accept it as it's or do you not??

You dont have to answer that last question, I just asked you so that you have something to think about:)

I ask Allaah to show you the path of truth, ameen


New Member
If you are converting for the Muslims then don't do it. If you are converting for Allah(God) then don't worry about anything.


Still there's barrier~want to call u sis but can't!!!

Hello everyone, it's Nicole here.
I belong to this site and another site that is similar. I have a question that a person continues to bring up to me on the other site. This woman reverted to Islam some years ago (I think 5 or 6). She knows that I want to revert myself, but keeps saying to me "you are in the honeymoon phase" with Islam right now, "no one is telling you what is bad about Islam" she also keeps saying "people are happy with you now but wait unitl one week after you revert and people push past you at the masjid and you will have no one to sit near, the Indians sit with Indians the Palestinians sit with Palestinians" and so on and so forth. I don't understand what she means. I thought that muslims were supposed to be a family of sorts, I was/am looking forward to having sisters in Islam (especially cuz I was the only girl with 4 brothers), and I don't understand what she means by the bad stuff. What does she mean? Why is a muslim woman who is a revert trying so hard to point things out to me that would make others not revert? I need help, I am confused, I am reading the Holy Qur'an and I love it, I found discrepancies in the relgion I was raised and I want to revert. Please help me.

To my brother and sisters in Islam,

Mdm trying2learn

Islam is easy!

Personally you should be embracing Islam long time ago
since you are marrying a muslim man!!!
Surprisingly you haven't until now!!!
From my point of view your husband is not a knowledgeable muslim
these reason you r delaying the Shahadah!!!


I suggest that you take Shahadah as soon as possible
because frankly Your situasion is in soooooooo messy!!!

I suggest you did not pick the surrounding to giving you an example
and learn from them !!!


I strongly advise you to personally get to
your country Islamic council regarding your situasion ,
i assure you that you will get in good hand
and achieve proper help!
Insya allah!

Do not wait any longer !!!

Once you get it over you will regret as to why you didn't done it long time ago!

So why wait???

Do it now before matter get worse and you are in terrible state of dilemma!

Take your Shahadah madam!!!

Thank you,
Take care!
Your concern friend!



make dua 4 ma finals
Assalaamu alaikum,

Personally you should be embracing Islam long time ago
since you are marrying a muslim man!!!
Surprisingly you haven't until now!!!
From my point of view your husband is not a knowledgeable muslim
these reason you r delaying the Shahadah!!!

Dearest sister...... I am saddened by your words:(
subhana'Allaah since when can we judge if a brother is a good Muslim or not? what right do we have to say "you should be embracing Islam long time ago?" Sister, remember it's Allaah who gives guidance and He gives it the time He wants. Please beware of your words, they might hurt others. If I was in this sister's situation, I would be offended by this post. May Allaah fogive me. ameen

I suggest that you take Shahadah as soon as possible
because frankly Your situasion is in soooooooo messy!!!
you're jumping into a conclusion here......alhamdulillaah her situation is not messy at all in fact Allaah is showing her the guidance of Islam, the light of truth and the beauty of life through His great mercy. It's ok for people who're learning about Islam to have questions like this because taking the Shahadah does not happen over night, it takes time and effort. So, her asking questions like this does not put her situation in the "messy" catogory.....

Ukhti, I dont wanna seem like I am picking on you, really I am not. I am just trying to show you things from a different angle. If I have offended you in ANY way I ask for your forgiveness,

Take care,
