Question regarding marriage??

- Khadeeejah -

New Member
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

I wasn't sure where to put this, so sorry if it's in the wrong place.
I was wondering if it's possible to get married without the knowledge of your parents? Is it haraam?? What if you're a revert. It's permissible then?

Here in Canada, without the permissiono of your parents you can't marry until you reach the legal age of 18. If you're a revert but underaged and the the Imam acts as your wali, is it possible to get married? Would he do it, knowing it's ageanst the law and your parents don't know??

Just curious.
JazakAllah Khair:hijabi:


Assalaam walaikum,

I am not a scholar nor a lawyer. Here are some questions for you to think about. Why would you want to start a relationship on a negative note. Why would you want to put a man of God in a position against the law of the land. A marriage needs the blessings of a family. If you wish you may want to emancipate yourself. It does not cost much. If you are in a delicate way you need to speak to your parents.


Junior Member
Well I don't know if its haram but I think its in poor taste and disrespectful to your parents at the very least. You still need to respect them even though they aren't Muslim as long as they don't tell you to do anything that isn't against Islam.

You would not have a marriage that would be recognized by Canadian law, and depending your age and the age of the man you marry he could be committing statutory rape and the imam could probably get in some legal trouble too. But that would depend on your local laws. I highly doubt you could find a legit imam who would do it. at least... I hope you couldn't find an imam that would do it. Muslims should respect the local laws they live under as long as they don't go against Islam.

I thought I read in your intro post you were only 13? Marriage shouldn't even be an option for you right now.


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalaamu alaikum...You heard the sister, dont even think about;)

but seriously sister, you're very young and you've just found Islam...alhamdulillaah, concentrate on growing your Imaan and been the best Muslimah you can be. Learn your deen with evidence and then spread it. Find projects where you can be among sisters that are active in your community. Canada is an amazing place (at least I think). You can enjoy the company of many this age you dont need a man in your life. Focus on yourself, polish that beautiful heart of yours with the pure Islam.
May Allaah ease everything for you, ameen
thats all I have to say for now.

Abu Talib

Feeling low
Yes your to young and since your revert you should explore more about the fundamentals of Islam, Tawheed etc.

InshAllaah do not worry you will be blessed by a pious and loving husband in the future just keep praying to Allaah.


Love Fishing
Assalamualikum dear.
I know all teenagers girls will want to know about marriage.It is nothing wrong.It is good that you know :).Islam is a life long journey.Keep on learning.

But be aware of those j@#$s out there.Do not trust anyone.That is my advice :)

Just be cool with your Muslim life and ALlah will send you the right man at the right time.All you need to do is to ask Him :)

I know it is very difficult for you at this age.It is good that you are in Canada because your parents cannot even beat you :)

So hold on there for couple of years till you can fly.Just let your wings to grow stronger at this moment.

Allah knows the best.

- Khadeeejah -

New Member
hahah....k that sounds good. We were just concerned for you dear sister :D

sorry if I judged you too quickly...:girl3:
No problemo :hearts:
Assalamualikum dear.
I know all teenagers girls will want to know about marriage.It is nothing wrong.It is good that you know :).Islam is a life long journey.Keep on learning.

But be aware of those j@#$s out there.Do not trust anyone.That is my advice :)

Just be cool with your Muslim life and ALlah will send you the right man at the right time.All you need to do is to ask Him :)

I know it is very difficult for you at this age.It is good that you are in Canada because your parents cannot even beat you :)

So hold on there for couple of years till you can fly.Just let your wings to grow stronger at this moment.

Allah knows the best.

JazakAllah Khair.
Your advice is always good:SMILY149:

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
But be aware of those j@#$s out there.Do not trust anyone.That is my advice

If there is no trust, there is no life
@red sister:kahdeeja this is something you got to consider very seriously inshallah:)(i'll put it in marriage context)IF and WNENEVER you want to go for a person and for marriage it'd be best if the person is inspected by some elder first;)any good, experienced person whose true to you and you trust:)parents(when they accept the situation,may ALLAH give them hidaya)aunts,uncles,teacher,some elder mature sister (sister revert:p)etc:)

i'm not saying there are only predators on the loose but when a person is in a situation like yours,she's very prone to them:)may ALLAH protect you lil sis.

@black,agreed no trust no life,but life of girl ain't the same as that of a are to expect the protection of your camel by ALLAH only after you've tied it.