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Scholars of Shafi madhhab say that it's makruh without imams permission and it's about the aggressive type of jihad, not when muslims are attacked.

Imam Nawawi said:

يكره غزو بغير إذن الإمام أو نائبه

"Fighting without permission from Imam and his deputy is makruh!"

"Minhaj at-Talibin", Kitab as-Siyar, pg: 519

And great scholar of Shafi madhhab Khatib al-Shirbini in his commentary on Imam Nawawi's "Minhaj at-Talibin" said about these words:

( يكره غزو بغير إذن الإمام أو نائبه )
تأدبا معه ، ولأنه أعرف من غيره بمصالح الجهاد ، وإنما لم يحرم ؛ لأنه ليس فيه أكثر من التغرير بالنفوس وهو جائز في الجهاد .
وينبغي كما قال : الأذرعي تخصيص ذلك بالمتطوعة أما المرتزقة فلا يجوز لهم ذلك ؛ لأنهم مرصدون لمهمات تعرض للإسلام يصرفهم فيها الإمام ، فهم بمنزلة الأجراء .
تنبيه : استثنى البلقيني من الكراهة صورا .
إحداها : أن يفوته المقصود بذهابه للاستئذان .
ثانيها : إذا عطل الإمام الغزو وأقبل هو وجنوده على أمور الدنيا كما يشاهد .
ثالثها : إذا غلب على ظنه أنه لو استأذنه لم يأذن له .

"Fighting without permission from Imam and his deputy is makruh!"
Because his status should be respected and because he is more knowledgable than others in matters of jihad. But it's not haram (to fight without his permission), because there is nothing more than exposing yourself to danger and it's permissable in Jihad.
It should be - as al-Adhrai' said - limited only for volunteers. As for a professional army (those who are payed for their service) it's not allowed for them, because they are allocated in the strategic places around the country to defend Islam and Imam is in charge of them and they are like hired workers.
NOTICE: al-Balqini exempted following cases from "karaha":
First: If seeking permission would delay it so that the benefit of fighting would be lost.
Second: If the Imam neglects jihad and he and his soldiers are attached to this world. As we observe it happening today.
Third: If they have well-grounded suspicion that if the permission is sought it would not be granted."

"Mughni al-Muhtaj", 4/220

Another shafi'i scholar Ahmad bin Ibrahim bin Muhammad Abu Zakariyya ad-Dimashqi, known as Ibn Nuhhas said in his famous book on this subject:

الجهد بغير إذن الإمام أو نائبه مكروه و لكنه ليس حراما

"Jihad without permission from Imam or his deputy is makruh, but not haram."

"Mashari al-Ashwaq ila Masari al-Ushaq", 315


And scholars of Maliki madhhab said:
Shaikh Abd ar-Rahman al-Hattab al-Maliki said:

ثم قال ابن حبيب: سمعت أهل العلم يقولون: إن نهى الامام عن القتال لمصلحة حرمت مخالفته إلا أن يدهمهم العدو اه*!. ... وفي سماع أشهب وسئل مالك عن القوم يخرجون في أرض الروم مع الجيش فيحتاجون إلى العلف لدوابهم فتخرج جماعة إلى هذه القرية وجماعة إلى قرية أخرى يتعلفون لدوابهم ولا يستأذنون الامام فربما غشيهم العدو فيما هناك إذا رأوا غرتهم وقتالهم فقتلوهم أو أسروهم أو نجوا منهم وإن تركنا دوابنا هلكت فقال: أرى إن استطعتم استئذان الامام أن تستأذنوه، ولا أرى أن تغزوا بأنفسكم فتقتلون في غير عدة ولا كثرة، ولا أرى ذلك. وسئل مالك عن العدو ينزل بساحل من سواحل المسلمين يقاتلونهم بغير استئمار الوالي؟ فقال: أرى إن كان الوالي قريبا منهم أن يستأذنوه في قتالهم قبل أن يقاتلوهم، وإن كان بعيدا لم يتركوهم حتى يقعوا بهم. فقيل له: بل الوالي بعيد منهم. فقال: كيف يصنعون أيدعوهم حتى يقعوا بهم ؟، أرى أن يقاتلوهم. قال ابن رشد: وهذا كله كما قال: إنه لا ينبغي لهم أن يغزوا بأنفسهم في تعلفهم وأن الاختيار لهم أن يستأذنوا الامام في ذلك إن استطاعوا، ويلزمهم ذلك إن كان الوالي عدلا على ما قاله ابن وهب في سماع زونان وهو عبد الملك بن الحسن، وأن قتال العدو بغير إذن الامام لا يجوز إلا أن يدهمهم فلا يمكنهم استئذانه. انتهى من سماع زونان...وفي سماع أصبغ وسمعت ابن القاسم: وسئل عن ناس يكونون في ثغر من وراء عورة المسلمين، هل يخرجون سراياهم لغرة يطمعون بها من عدوهم من غير إذن الامام والامام منهم على أيام ؟ قال: إن كانت تلك الغرة بينة قد ثبتت لهم منهم ولم يخافوا أن يلقوا بأنفسهم فلا أرى بأسا، وإن كانوا يخافون أن يلقوا ما لا قوة لهم به أن يطلبوا فيدركوا فلا أحب ذلك لهم. قال ابن رشد: إنما جاز لهم أن يخرجوا سراياهم لغرة تبينت لهم بغير إذن الامام لكونه غائبا عنهم على مسيرة أيام، ولو كان حاضرا معهم لم يجز لهم أن يخرجوها بغير إذنه إذا كان عدلا

"Then Ibn Habib said: "I heard the scholars saying: If the ruler forbids fighting for a certain benefit, then it's haram to oppose him, but it's not haram when the enemy attacks them suddenly." Ashhab heard that Malik was asked about people who went out to the Roman territory with an army and they need forage for their horses and a group of them goes to a village and another goup to another village in order to feed the horses without Imams permission. May be the enemy trapped them into it. If the enemy sees them they attack suddenly, fight and kill them or take them prisoners or may be they escape but if we leave our horses they die. He said: I think they should seek Imams permission and I dont think that they may fight the enemy when they are not so many and ill-equiped. Malik was asked that "if the enemy takes over a shore which belongs to muslims, should thet fight against the enemy without an order from the ruler?" He said: "In my opinion if the ruler is not away from them, they should ask permission before fighting them. And if the ruler is far away from them, then they should not leave the enemy, and should attack them." They mentioned that the ruler is away from them. Malik said: "So how should they act? Should they wait until the ruler orders them to attack?! In my opinion they should fight them. Ibn Rush said: All this is as he said: It's not allowed to them to fight on their own in order to feed the horses, what is good for them is thatthey seek Imams permission if they can. It should be done if the ruler is rightful according to the saying of Ibn Wahb via Zuwnans narration and he is Abd al-Malik bin Hasan and that fighting enemy without imams permission is not permissible, except if they ara suddenly attacked and they are not able to ask imam for permission. End of the quote from Zuwnans narration...In the narration if Asbagh: I heard Ibn al-Qasim: he was asked about a group that is in the border with enemy and if it is permissible for that group to use advantage to attack the enemy suddenly without imams permission and imam is several days away from them? He said: If they are sure that this attack can be victorious and if they are not afraid to endanger themselves, then I dont see any problem in that. And if they are afraid that they are not able to cope with it, then I dislike it for them. Ibn Rushd said:It's allowed for them to attack without imams permission if they are sure to win because imam is many days away from them. If imam is with them and if imam is rightful, then it's not allowed to fight without his permission."

"Mawahib al-Jalil", 3/349


Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Muhammad 'Illish al-Maliki (1217-1299 hijra) - rahimahullah - said in his fatawas:

وَعَنْ ابْنِ الْقَاسِمِ إنْ طَمِعَ قَوْمٌ فِي فُرْصَةٍ فِي عَدُوٍّ قُرْبَهُمْ وَخَشُوا إنْ أَعْلَمُوا الْإِمَامَ يَمْنَعُهُمْ فَوَاسِعٌ خُرُوجُهُمْ وَأَحَبَّ إلَى أَنْ يَسْتَأْذِنُوهُ قَالَ ابْنُ حَبِيبٍ سَمِعْت أَهْلَ الْعِلْمِ يَقُولُونَ إنْ نَهَى الْإِمَامُ عَنْ الْقِتَالِ لِمَصْلَحَةٍ حُرِّمَتْ مُخَالَفَتُهُ إلَّا أَنْ يَزْحَمَهُمْ الْعَدُوُّ وَقَالَ ابْنُ رُشْدٍ طَاعَةُ الْإِمَامِ لَازِمَةٌ , وَإِنْ كَانَ غَيْرَ عَدْلٍ مَا لَمْ يَأْمُرْ بِمَعْصِيَةٍ وَمِنْ الْمَعْصِيَةِ النَّهْيُ عَنْ الْجِهَادِ الْمُتَعَيِّنِ

"from Ibn al-Qasim: If muslims want to use the advantage against the enemy and they are afraid that imam would forbid it if he had known their plans, then they may go out against the enemy, but in my opinion it's better to ask for permission." Ibn Habib said: "I heard the scholars saying that if imam forbids fighting for some certain benefits, then it's haram to oppose him, except if the enemy threaten them. Ibn Rush said: It's wajib to obey imam even if he is unjust in matter where he doesn't order to disobey Allah and from disobediences is forbidding muslims from fard al-'ayn jihad."

"Fath Aliyyil-Malik fi al-Fatwa ala Madhhabil-Imam Malik", 1/390


Another doubt these people have is , fighting alongside ahlul bid'ah is wrong. Here is what the salaf and some scholars said:

Scholars have allowed seeking help from people of innovations and we have full of exemples in the history.

Imam Muhammad bin al-Hasan al-Shaybani - rahimahullah - said:

- ولا بأس بأن يقاتل المسلمون ، من أهل العدل مع الخوارج ، المشركين من أهل الحرب

"There is no problem for righteous muslims to fight alongside khawarij against mushriks.."

And Shams al-'Aimma Imam as-Sarakhsi commented upon these words:

لأنهم يقاتلون الآن لدفع فتنة الكفر ، وإظهار الإسلام ، فهذا قتال على الوجه المأمور به ، وهو إعلاء كلمة الله تعالى

"Because they fight know to repell the harm of kufr and to make Islam superior and this fighting is an obligatory kind of fighting, it's dignifying the Word of Allah!"

"Sharh Siyar al-Kabir", 4/ issue number: 2970

And it's narrated from 'Ali that he said about khawarij:

ولن نمنعكم الفيء ما دام أيديكم مع أيدينا

"We will not hinder you from taking from what you earned in jihad"

and again Imam as-Sarakhsi commented on these words:

فيه دليل على أن الخوارج إذا كانوا يقاتلون الكفار تحت راية أهل العدل فإنهم يستحقون من الغنيمة ما يستحقه غيرهم لأنهم مسلمون

"It proves that if khawarij fight ágainst disbelievers under the banner of righteous muslims, they deserve their share from the booty as the others deserve, because they are muslims."

"al-Mabsut", 10/125-126

Shaikhul-Islam Ibn Taimiyya said:

فإذا تعذر إقامة الواجبات من العلم والجهاد وغير ذلك إلا بمن فيه بدعة مضرتها دون مضرة ترك ذلك الواجب : كان تحصيل مصلحة الواجب مع مفسدة مرجوحة معه خيرا من العكس

If establishing the obligations such as education, jihad and other obligations besides that becomes impossible except with the help of one who has bid'a and its harms are less than the harms of leaving the obligation: So obtaining the interest of the obligation - even if it has some evil as a result - is better than the opposite of this (i.e. abandoning ahl al-bid'a).

"Majmu al-Fatawa", 28/212



Dear brother..please be so kind as to explain to us what the significance of this post is. I am becoming very confused. I appreciate the dedication for educating us. And please help us understand how this impacts individuals as well as the Muslim community. How is this topic going to increase my level of dedication to Islam. I pray this is not too simple a task for you.



Dear brother..please be so kind as to explain to us what the significance of this post is. I am becoming very confused. I appreciate the dedication for educating us. And please help us understand how this impacts individuals as well as the Muslim community. How is this topic going to increase my level of dedication to Islam. I pray this is not too simple a task for you.

Sister, they brought an article to support their point or stand. Their stand is Jihaad is not permissible without permission of caliphate( i.e Imam)

I disagee with them. I say that you do not not need a caliphate to fight in chechnya , Palestine and Afghanistan. I brought evidence from scholars who are well verse with quran and sunnah to support my point



Thank you for the explanation. My question becomes this..Jihad is twofold. By reason when it is personal jihad...the individual fighting for salvation...there is no need for would they answer this. The post is limited to one definition of jihad and not the connatative definition.
The underlying assumption thus becomes the call to respond is always individual. When fire strikes the heart the heart runs to the source of the fire. When Allah subhana talla calls there a need for justification..are we not obligated to respond to that call?
Once again I pray this makes sense.

abu turaab

Junior Member
:salam2: brothers and sisters dont mix the two different terminologies Jihad and Qital!!...jihad strive in the way of ALLAH(s.w.t) to be a better muslim in the overall sense!!..while Qital is to combat the enemies of ALLAH {even if they claim themselves as Abu bakr (r.a.)did qital with those who were muslims} and the enemies of believers in the battle field!!...
Now as far as the issue of doing qital under an Ammer!!...there are many things to take into consideration!!...first of all...who could possibly be the executive to instruct the operation of Qital??...bcz it can't be just anyone!!...or none!!..first its the obligation of the state to go for it!!!...what would be the situation...if the states person who has the power in the land refuses to do it??...neither he goes for it nor he allows anyone of the others go and fight?????....its a big question...would you then declaire Qital against this Munafiq??? break his power and get hold of that you have the army and weoponary at your disposal!!...and what if the army itself refuses to do the jihad?...and your going for Qital for the sake of ALLAH with an army in which barely anyone keep his face beared for the sake of ALLAH!!!...huh!..and who will be the head or incharge of this operation?...otherwise there will bve a huge mess!!.....coz its not just that you will for jihad and just go without any training of the weaponary and with as much voices telling differently as the no.of the army!!walking towards enemies having an intention to quash the Kufr!!!.....its simply imature!! you have to have power and discipline at your disposal which unfortunately sensitive soft-hearted muslims(who feel for the subjugated muslims all over the world)don't have at this time!!.....only the muslims with saheh aqedah and Amal-e-salih based on this aqedah loving each other for the sake of ALLAH and doing justice even with those whom they hate and having decisive power at their disposal can get help from ALLAH in the battle field and be victorious!!...and the hadiths say that the group with these qualities will only be that who will fight with Mahde(may ALLAH have mercy on him) :wasalam:


Sister, they brought an article to support their point or stand. Their stand is Jihaad is not permissible without caliphate( i.e Imam) being established first.

I disagee with them. I say that you do not not need a caliphate to fight in chechnya , Palestine and Afghanistan. I brought evidence from scholars who are well verse with quran and sunnah to support my point

Brother, thank you for your effort in posting the opinions of different scholars.
I do believe you misunderstood the messge Sheikh Albanee was trying to present.
He is not condemning the brothers who are engaged in JIhad or has been engaged in Jihad in place like Checnya, Bosnia, Palestine, Somalia, etc....

The impression I got from Sheikh Albanee is that, it is tragic that a Muslim nation (who's power would be much stronger and influence would be much greater) has done nothing to help the oppressed brothers/sisters to fight against the Kuffar. Every Muslim country has army, but which Muslim army stood up against the Kuffr? (Beside the Arab-Israeli wars, which I don't consider Jihad).

So the blood and sacrifice the Mujaheedins are making when they engage in 'Fisabeeli' is not bearing the fruit, due to different circumstances as the sheikh pointed out.
I don't think he is condemning Jihad at all. I will neer condem it, because at least those Mujahids that are fighting in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, has the courage to do something to stand up against the Kuffrs, whereas rest of the Ummah like ourselves are not very active.

Like sister Mirjamom said, alot of things has to be worked out before the Muslims can be victorous. Things like unity, dedication, being practicing Muslims, having firm faith in Allah SWT. These collective things play a huge role in JIhad.
Just think of it this way, most Muslims are concerned about the sufferings of their brothers/sisters in places like Palestine, Afghanistan, etc...
However, as a brother commented earlier, 'these are your average Muslims' but does that concern actually serve as a catalysts to help those brothers/sisters suffering elsewhere? Most of the time, the answer is no!

If the brootherhood between Muslims actually exist like the way it's supposed to, if the Ummah starts becoming steadfast in practicing and following the Quran and Sunnah, and if the Ummah can put aside their differences and look at the greater issues, then Insallah, we would see thousands of more people fighting in the way of Allah.

I'm in no way implying that these things need to happen before we can engage in Jihad. My point it these are vital factors for a successful jihads, and as one Ummah every one should make their best effort to pay their part and contribute to the Ummah by whatever means they have.

Hence, I will never condemn the heroic effort and dedication of the Mujaheedins. May Allah bless and guide, them and give victory.



p.s. sorry for the typos and stuff, It is so late here I'm way too lazy to double check. lol I'm officially on my 36th straight our w/o sleeping. Time to hit the bed.


Junior Member
Assalamualaikum sister, you are not the only one who is speechless. They bring articles who have their viewpoint and paste it here. InshAllah i will refute that. These people are saying you need and imam/khalifa for Jihaad.

Who said you need a Khalifa to do Jihad? Also how can you do Jihad without any Leader or any Amir? You want the Jihad to be Disorganized and disfunctional? You want Small pockets of Jihad here and there? Do you consider those people who do Suicide Bombings as doing Jihad? yes or No. Please Answer those questions

Also Please tell us what are the components of Jihad, and who is Allowed to call for it. I want to know the conditions also.

Also someone said that Arab-Israeli conflict isn't Jihad. Then what is it? If you are saying to mean that it is Political and Nationalistic, Then the conflicts in Bosnia, Chechnya, Kashmir etc. All seems to be Political and Nationalistic also and Not Jihad? Don't you think. Since the Chechnyians are fighting for Independence and not for Islam same thing with Bosnians and Kashmirs. None of them I can recall ever said we are fighting for Tawheed and the Quran and Sunnah. So If you don't consider Arab-Israeli Conflict as Jihad then how do you consider those Other conflicts as Jihad? I just want to know how you came to that conclusion.



The funny thing is many are responding to this post in a very non-Islamic manner. Slow down..before the snowball gets out of control.

There is speculation on what the intent of protecting ones land. We have had many posts on the nationalism and politics. Many who respond can write whatever they feel because they do not have to suffer the consequences of their actions. In simple words it is easy to look at a situation and write about it however it is another ball game to be in situation.

I ask once again of what purpose is this post. How will this post make me aware of the world of Islam today. How will this post increase my willlingness to give charity. How will this post make me want ot increase my knoweldege.


Junior Member

If they are fighting for Tawheed then why are many of their commanders Soufi Shiekhs? are you telling me that the Soufis are now teaching Tawheed to the people in Somalia?

Also what do you mean Freedom? Freedom for whom?


Is it a condition of jihaad that there be a leader (imaam, in the sense of a head of state) , whether that jihaad is defensive or offensive? Imaam ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn Hasan (may Allaah have mercy on him) said that no scholar mentioned this as a precondition; do you know of any scholar who did describe this as a condition for jihaad?

Praise be to Allaah.

It is not a condition of jihaad that there be a leader, whether that jihaad is defensive or offensive. With regard to defence, this is very clear, because if the enemy attacks a land, everyone who is able is obliged to defend it, even the women who are also obliged to fight. This was stated by the fuqahaa’, because this is an individual obligation; the role of the leader is to organize. If there is an leader, all well and good; if there is no leader, the Muslims are still obliged to fight.

Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah al-Ghunaymaan





It is written in the HOly Quran what are obligations are. It is written to protect Islam. It is written and examples are given of what happens when one refrains from duty. So I ask once again why the reduncdancy of this post. If it is written in the Quran as to what are actions are to be there is little need for discussion.
The Holy Quran is very clear. It is written over and over again as to how simply and directly the messages are delivered to the ones who listen. It is straightforward.
What we are getting into is gobbledly-gook. It is established what the conditions are to fight. The one we need to listen to is Allah subhana talla. If there was only one person left alive to fight evil..I do not think that person would wait for a leader to give them guidance as to how to take the next step. Rationally, the first step is to make the individual decision to fight evil as directed in the individuals gather together in the name of good than you need organization.
You can have a leader want a goal...however if the heart of the followers is not in the same place..the leader would never be able to move.
Our actions to the best of them are outlined for us..interpertations need to be carefully compared to the Word as Revealed and Written in the Holy Quran.


Junior Member
If they are fighting for Tawheed then why are many of their commanders Soufi Shiekhs? are you telling me that the Soufis are now teaching Tawheed to the people in Somalia?

Also what do you mean Freedom? Freedom for whom?




Once again I remind you when you post please remember to use the best of manners. The importance of a subject requires nobility in responses. Once again we are on the verge on fingerpointing.
The path that each person is on differs slightly because each life is unique yet each life has a collective responsibility that is Islam. It is a choice. Let it be..the onus is on us. What do we do to worship the Creator and appreciate all of His Creation. It is His Purpose and His Plan..He has given us the direction by the Mercy of the life of the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah subhana talla be upon him, and the Holy Quran.


Junior Member
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Narrated Abu Umamah:
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said
I guarantee a home in paradise for a person who gives up arguments and disputes even if he is on the truth.
And (I also guarantee) a home in the middle of Paradise for a person who gives up lying (false statements) even when joking. And (I also guarantee) a home in the highest part of Paradise for a person who has a high standard of character.”(Abu Dawud & At-Tirmidhi)

"Whoever dies knowing full well that there is no god but Allah, enters Paradise."Narrated by Muslim and Ahmad from `Uthman.


Bint Abdulkadir
Sister, they brought an article to support their point or stand. Their stand is Jihaad is not permissible without permission of caliphate( i.e Imam)

I disagee with them. I say that you do not not need a caliphate to fight in chechnya , Palestine and Afghanistan. I brought evidence from scholars who are well verse with quran and sunnah to support my point

salam alaykum

brother just who is THEY? when you say they brought an article only one person started this thread. and why are you accusing me of bringing my view point? i brought the daleel (evidence) of a reliable scholar IMAM ALbani the revivor of the sunnah of our time. if your accusing anyone your accusing him and its best if you keep your VIEWS to yourself islam is not in need of it. this deen is based on the sayings of Allah and his Messenger..where does your views fit in when you say i disagree..does allah need your agreement in his religion? just who are you in the sight of Allah swt and when you say you brought scholars who are well versed in quran and sunnah arent you indirectly accusing me of not doing that? DO you even know who Albani is if you dont then i dont know where youve been hiding all these years. im really disappointed with a LOT of members of TTI who just jump into forums to cause trouble and fitnah, WHY MUST YOU always start arguements.

Do most people even bother to read the article properly..i guese not because what your bickering about i dont even know...learn your deen and aqeeda before you cry about the situation of our ummah BECAUSE thats exactly why we are in this MESS and Allah says so in his book

Allah will never change the situation of a people unless they change what is within themselves

Ar-Ra'd v 11

And be not as those who divided and differed among themselves after the clear proofs had come to them. It is they for whom there is an awful torment.

Al-Imran v 105

in response to the above ayah .is not the ummah divided ..some on bidah some on shirk and do you say jihad when we are the scum of the sea when rasullah sallahu layhi wasalam said that the nations will gather around you as if around a dinner table picking on you..and the companions asked why? is it because we are few in number he said NO you are numerous in number but you are as the scum of the sea worthless and allah will place in your heart fear of death and love of the dunya.

think about this before you scream for JIHAD. what are we as individuals contributing to this ummah?

i suggest everyone listens to this talk

The Reason for the Downfall of the Ummah and Its Remedies

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