Shaykh an-Najmee Declares Saddam Hussain a Muslim!

Abu Abdillah

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Shaykh Ahmed an Najmee Declares Saddam Hussain a Muslim!

A question was presented to Sheikh Ahmed an Najmee concerning Saddam Hussain on Saturday the 18th of Dhul Hijjah/ 6th January, 2006.

Question: Many questions have been aske concerning Saddam Hussain and the position of the Muslim with regards to him, (and the fact that) he declared the shahadatan (declaration of Islam) as was seen (video recording), and other than that. (The question is) what is the (correct) position of the student of knowledge in this matter, and should one send peace upon him or not?

Answer: All praise is for Allah, and may much peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi wa salam , and upon (the Messenger's) family and companions.

In reality, the belief of the communist is a disbelieving belief. I have read what Saddam did in Iraq from the spilling of blood (killing) and the closing of the masajid from the worshippers and forbidding them from entering them, as well as the spreading of evil and other than that of affairs that took place from him.

There is no doubt that these sort of actions are disbelief because the communist belief is disbelief. But the fact that he was jailed for an extended period of time and he declared the shahadatan (declaration of Islam) before being hung at the time of his death, based on that, we declare him to be a Muslim and we leave his affair to Allah -Aza wa Jel.

We also say that there is no harm in praying over him.

If a person is a student of knowledge in a land where the ruler orders prayer to be performed (janazah prayer performed in a distant land) over him, than a person should pray over him and leave his (Saddam's) affair to Allah.

Shaykh Ahmed Ahmed An-Najmi is a Well known Scholar from Jizaan (Saudi)

He is The Mufti of the southern region (Jizaan) in Saudi

Some of the shaykhs most distinguished teachers to name a few are:

Shaykh Muhammed Ibn Ibraheem Aal Shaykh
Shaykh 'Abdullaah Al-Qar'aawi
Shaykh Haafidh Ibn Ahmed Al-Hakami

Ahmed ibn Ibrahim


Peace and blessings be upon Saddam, then - In life he had some pretty misguided moments (no doubt encouraged by those around him), but by death he found his way back to the Straight Path.

I was listening to an audio lecture at work by a Shiek Khalid on "Politics in Islam" and he spoke about how Muslims need to be patient with oppressive rulers - that it is forbidden to revolt against such leaders, as this will inevitably cause more tribulation and bloodshed than what is usual. Instead we are to try to reason with these leaders, make Dua' regarding them, and be patient for things to change for the better.

Saddam might have done some pretty horrific war-related deeds, but he also created a societal infrastructure that was the envy of all the other nations around Iraq: hospitals (including rural), schools, libraries, museums, universities, a controlled and stable economy, roads, bridges, water systems, the works! And when the Shiites rebelled and tried to assassinate him, what happened? Worse Fitnah than per usual. And when the Americans came in to start a revolution against that sovereign government, what has happened? All of the good infrastructure that Saddam helped to build is in ruins; the people are starving, fearful of the constant murders; hardly anyone is able to work or bring in a living for his family; women are disrespected daily by the American soldiers (strip searches, frisking, etc); Iraq's oil is freely being pumped over here to N. America... the whole situation is a shambles! Was it ever this bad under Saddam? Was Shiek Khalid right?

May Allah forgive and guide us.



New Member
Thank you a lot brother for sharing...
may Allah forgive him, and he recently "last years in his life" was really good muslim "from reading Quran, praying and fasting...etc"


Muslim Student
It is not anything new for an invading nation to demonize its enemies.

Many things were said about Saddam that were never true. For example, he did not gas Kurds at all, no evidence points to that. We may not know what exactly happened, but Iran retreated from Halabja before the gassing. And the gas used was not known to have been possessed by Iraq, although it was known to have been possessed by Iran.

One cannot hold the Djayl trials against him either. A group loyal to Iran tried to assassinate him, he tried the men for two years and had some executed. Is he not allowed to execute his assassins now?

Even though these big things that people talk about are not true, Saddam still was not the greatest Muslim throughout the beginning of his presidency. He did not like Muslims because he felt they threatened his power. It was in the 90's that he became better. Saddam's only real crime was to stand in the face of imperialism and say NO. He was definitely a Muslim by this time, and he died standing on his feet, still saying NO.

If Saddam did anything wrong in his early days, Muslims, now is not the time to talk about it. Not when Iraq is occupied and the Ummah is in this state.

Saddam Hussein, ra7imahu Allah, is a hero of the ummah, and now he is a shaheed as well.

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
May Allah bring peace and blessings on Saddam. He also helped the Palestinians and was a brother to Yasser Arafat. He was also against Isreal.

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
And Saddam is against American Goverment like the Bush Regime because they did a lot of horrible stuff to people in wars.


Junior Member

it is said in Islam that Allah humiliates the bad person on/in his death. and so i think he was not all bad since in his death he proved to be a man of honor in his fearlessness.


Shaikh Arif

New Member
Which other muslim leader of a state has so boldly stood against the proxy war of the west on islamic state? He wanted to unify the islamic world so that it becomes strong and defy the satanic designs of the west. and in the process got martyr. may Allah have mercy on his soul


Al Mujahid

I was listening to an audio lecture at work by a Shiek Khalid on "Politics in Islam" and he spoke about how Muslims need to be patient with oppressive rulers - that it is forbidden to revolt against such leaders, as this will inevitably cause more tribulation and bloodshed than what is usual. Instead we are to try to reason with these leaders, make Dua' regarding them, and be patient for things to change for the better.



Is there also a hadeeth that says a ruler who does not rule according to shariyah should be fought aggainst?

Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

:salam2: brother,

There is part of the hadeeth that I heard of the audio lecture that talks about the Prophet Muhammad PBUH saying this, but there are conditions given. From memory, I recall the conditions being

1.) That you're living in a Muslim country (ie: Muslim majority)
2.) That you have the ability to effectively carry out the changes
3.) That the scholars are agreed that the leader is a Kufaar.

Other Islamic conditions would likely apply in this scenario too, regarding the treatment of those who surrender and so forth. Unfortunately, I am not yet a scholar =( so I cannot comment much further than this.

And of course, Allah knows best every detail.



Muslim Student
We never know the truth about him... he died and its over , allah know what was in his heart and only allah knows the truth and will judge him...
No need to insult him or make him as a hero...
He is only one (muslim) who died .... alot of blood spilling happening right now in iraq and muslims lands, we must start with ourselves if we want to stop the tyrany


Saddam & His Life?

Asslamo Allaikum,

Allah (SWT) knows best; I always treated him as Muslim as I had no direct ebidence to suggest otherwise.

But does this Fatwa absolve him of all actions & pains inflicted on Iraqi Muslims & the Ummah?

I am not asking anyone to be judgemental including myself; but lets NOT forget that he did some grave things!

Allah (SWT) knows best.


Muslim Student
Even if he became a real muslim and became good .. He must be punished in life for things he did.... everyone knows that.. for now i will remine silent about him thats all what i can do...


Learning lessons!

W-Salam Brother,

That is a correct view indeed brother for his personal actions but as historians we must call into account what he did & evaluate its damage on the Muslim ummah.

Just like we talk about "Arab Imperialism" of Ummayad & Abbasid dynasties. There were called Khilafah but as we know from Hadeeth & history they were NOT Khilafah on the Manhaj of Sunnah; and did untold damage to Islam.

People usurped Khilafah & become Kings because they were either Ummayad or Abbasi or Fatimi.

Khilafah is a sacred trust from Allah (SWT) which must be given to the best person suited.

Even if he became a real muslim and became good .. He must be punished in life for things he did.... everyone knows that.. for now i will remine silent about him thats all what i can do...