Sunni/Shia.....READ PLZ!


Junior Member
This has been extremely disturbing to me and it is news to me as well..

What is the percentage of the Shiats among the muslim population of the world??..



Not too much but they hide theirselves well.
How is life brother BigAK. I dont know why you sound to me like AK-47 rifle.. lol
(oplogize for this joke)


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
This has been extremely disturbing to me and it is news to me as well..

What is the percentage of the Shiats among the muslim population of the world??..


According to many sources they make-up 10 to 15% (I don't trust these statistics too much though)...

And akhi...

You will be even more disturbed if you read about *hamlaat al tashyo'o* or *hamlaat al tabseer* in several Arabic countries (those who accept shi'ism are called *mostabsereen*..interesting isn't it?)..sponsered by the Irani marje'eyas of the yeah...they are doing "missionary" work if we need anymore mislead hawla wala qowta illa billah

There are tons and tons of things about them..which upon finding out..literally gave me countless *sleepless* nights..due to the SHOCK!...

I really wish I can be allowed the chance to speak of this matter in detail..because their fitnah is apparent in Iraq RIGHT NOW...and many like to think that the enemies of Muslims and Islam are far away in the West and exclusive to two or three countries...but they just ignore the ones...right...*next door*



Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

I found a clip for you sister's in Arabic..but I will make a summary of what is said in is the link:

This clip is taken from the Hizbollah Channel (it's called Al-Manar I think..I don't remember)...


In it is Sayyed Mohammad Hasan Tarheeni who is a "scholar" in Al-Hawza Al-Ilmiyya (sort of like a scholars' council for the Shias)

He speaks of what is called "Mus'haf Fatima"...he claims that this "book" was revealed to Sayidatina Fatima (ra) by *Jibrae'el* (now remember!...Jibrae'el (as) comes down to make revelations to PROPHETS ONLY!)..and Sayidina Ali (ra) used to write everything down after its revelation...and the book contains *al-ghayb* (the unknown)..meaning...everything that will happen in the future...and especially things dealing with politics...

He said something else..but it was muted by the director...Allah knows what other horrid thing he claimed...


Sayidatina Fatima..Sayidina Ali..their sons Al-Hasan and Al-Hussain..and the rest of Ahlul Bait (may Allah be pleased with them all)...ARE INNOCENT OF WHAT THESE PEOPLE CLAIM...they are INNOCENT of every single letter they utter in such claims!


As you can see...this clip is is one of *their own* so-called sayyids..on one of *their own* channels...citing information from *their own* sources...

And for the record..there are other sources for this claim by different Shia "sayyids" all speaking about this "Mus'haf"

So it's not only one guy!



"I really wish I can be allowed the chance to speak of this matter in detail..because their fitnah is apparent in Iraq RIGHT NOW"

Their fitnah is every where.

Sister, please go ahead and tell us in DETAIL that what these shias are doing in iraq? and how US govt. is trying to help shias with? Please give references where appropriate. The references will help in convincing the other persons.
We need another thread for this.

Since you have the knowledge about them , mashALLAH, i would like to ask you if you can shed some light on HizbuLLAH? They are also shias and the recent lebanon war, i have heard, was a drama to make everyone focus on HizbuLLAH for future events i.e. make muslims beleive that THEY are the only true ones. Is that true?


Pearl of Islaam
Assalamu Alaicum

May you all be in the best state of faith and health. Ameen

This isue has been discussed many times until now and every time I need to find a courage to reply anything when these isues are disscussed.

First I would like to say to dear sister that has oppened this thred that you should be proud to be a Muslim, Mashallah. There is no need for pointing "I am proud to be Sunni Muslim", becouse Allahmdullilah we all know what Muslim means and that is enough Allhamdullilah.

The second thing is that I was shocked while reading the las 10 replays, Asstagfirullah. I just do not understand how that kind of things can be writen at all and not think on feelings of others. It is wrong to talk in general and put all under one name, without thinking on individual which are mentioned under the name of that group and which are belivers in compering with these unbelivers and kaifrs. And Allah has promissed his punishment Allhamdullilah.

I think that sometimes some things should not be writen at all even if they are truth and that we should be very carefull in chosing the right words for that what we want to say.

And I hope for you brother AlQurtubi that you will not post any kind of letter in public,Inshallah and my vote is for NO, Allhamdullilah. To brothers and sisters who are interested to read your letters you can send them by private messages becouse administration of the site alows you to do so Allhamdullilah.

May Allah bless you and may Allah guide us all. Ameen


allah is with me

Rabana Wa laqal Hamd
shia's beat on the 10 day of muharram because they celebrate the death day of husain husain ....and they say ya ali because they love ali (r.a.a)a lot
assalamualaikum ...



Junior Member
thanks a lot for the video sister a_muslimah86.

I am absolutely in shock with the activities the shia's carry out...its DISGUSTING (totally lost it in the head!!!), how can they justify it as being right....its utter craziness!!!

however i do think that there are some people out there who do not go too extreme into all this business.....thats where culture plays a part. Such as i know some shia's who are pakistani's and trust me they wouldnt go down the lane of sleeping with their daughters, i know for sure they'd go against it...but then again the only time they act as shia's are in muharram....'the beatings'....i really have pity for them actually...not knowing the real deal of it all and only calling themselves shia's coz there parents told them they were....they simply follow the people like these could be lead to the right way...the SUNNAH way (yes yes), with the correct help.

However it is true that shia's are very secretive....i knew this girl really well, she is a friend of high school whenever it came to muharram the topic of shia and sunni's was always touched...i used to discuss it with my m8s...but that 1 friend always remained quiet on the topic...infact sometimes i would say to her (as she was the only 1 quiet) 'dont you think that is bad? and she would try to change the subject.....i used to tell them how bad the shia's are and how they curse the prophets wife Hazrat Aisha(ra)...and that certain friend never really seemed to have a view onit...and then i realised that whenever i saw her without her uniform...she would wear black on 95% of the time...(and there was me thinking 'well after all black does make girls look slim'lol...not that i have anything against that colour...but she wore it too often!) and u may call it a coincidence but sumfin always came up on the 10th muharram for her...she'd not be in skul.

anyway, i started suspecting her of being a other friends thought i'd lost the plot...they were like 'sophie how can u think that? u sure u had ur medication 2day?'....they never took me i had enough! it was wrong to i went to her straight and said 'hey look ive known u for 2 years plz dnt think im being weird and dont get me wrong..but dude are u a shia?'
and she said 'NO'.....i felt bad...(but trust me i have this thing that if i have a strong feeling about sumfin...i wont rest till im sure of it 100%)...for that time i took her word for it......then 1 of my other m8s rang me and told me that sum1 told her that our friend was a shia...those ppl knew her family.
the next day i asked and she said 'yeah'....i was absolutely frustrated!....i knew her for over 2 years...and all she told us were lies!...anyway she said that she was scared to admit it as 98% of the muslims in our skul were sunni's...anyway we forgave her (yes i know ive got a big sat down and explained it to us...ive known her for 5 years now...and i pray that she does come to the sunnah way...inshallah.. shes not the kind who really knows her stuff to be honest simply a shia coz her parents are...she never really prays or nefin...u knw how it is a bit more cultural based....iv'e talked to her mum...her mum knows that all of us are sunni's and her mums fine with it..infact she likes us a lot.
so theres my story....OMG i have totally gone of topic...Daym! ive done it again!
anyway inshallah after i do have enuf knowledge i'd like to teach her the sunnah way...all of our friends do it when shes here so she can open up her eyes to the right way...

anyway thanks for all the articles/vids/ comments u guys wrote...half of the stuff like the weird stuff shia's get up to...i didn't even know! worse than atheists i'd say to be honest...its tru they dnt believe in God but unlike shia's atleats they dont commit shirk or mock islam!:astag:

your sis

allah is with me

Rabana Wa laqal Hamd
For me, you only have to read to them this Hadits:

Similarity Between The Fate of 'Ali bin Abi Thalib And Jesus

Qaala Abu Abdirrahman (Abdullah bin Ahmad), "haddatsana Suraij bin Yunus Abu Al Harts, haddatsana Abu Hafsh Al Abbar 'an Al Hakam bin Abdul Malik 'an Al Harts bin Hashirah 'an Abu Shadiq 'an Rabi'ah bin Najidz 'an 'Ali qaala, 'qaala an Nabiyyi Shalallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam, "Fiika (in thee) matslu min 'Iisa (there is similarity with 'Iisa), abghadhatHul Huudu (who is hate by Jews) hatta (so) bahatuu (they despise) ummahu (his mother), wa ahabbatHun (and being love) nashaaraa (Christian) hatta (so) anzaluuhu (they put him) bil manzilahillatii (in a place) laisa bihi (not meant for him). Tsumma qaala ('Ali) 'yahliku (will be doom) fiyya (by me) rajulaani (2 kind of person), muhibbu (they who love me) mufrithun (to the extreme) yuqarrizhunii (they praise me) bimaa laisa fiyya (in something that aren't exist on myself), wa mubghidun (and who hate me) yahmiluhu syanaaaaanii (so that their hate on me) 'alaa an yabhatanii (will make them to despise me). (HR.Musnad Imam Ahmad no.1376,declared as Hasan by syaikh Ahmad Muhammad Syakir).

Qaala Abdullah bin Ahmad, "Haddatsana Abu Muhammad Sufyan bin Waki' bin Al Jarrah bin Malih, haddatsana Khalid bin Makhlad, haddatsana Abu Ghailan Asy Syaibani, 'an Al Hakam bin Abdul Malik 'an Al Harts bin Hashirah 'an abu Shadiq 'an Rabi'ah bin Najidz 'an 'Ali bin Abi Thalib, qaala, "Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam called me, then he said, ... (Just as hadits no.1376) but there is another sentences which is "Alaa innii lastu bi nabiyyii (Know that I'm not a Nabi) wa laa yuuhaa ilayya (and there is no revelation come unto me), wa laakinnii (and but I am) a'malu (doing good deeds) bi kitaabillaahi (in All Qur'an) wa sunnati nabiyyihi (and Sunnati Nabiyyi) Shalallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam maastatha'tu (in my ability), famaa (then whatever) amartukum (I told thee) min thaa'atillahi (in telling to obey Allah) fahaqun 'alaikum (it is the truth for thee) thaa'atii (to obey me) fiimaa (in whatever) ahbabtum (whether it is that you love) wa karihtum (and what you hate).(HR.Musnad Imam Ahmad 1377, Majma' Az Zawa'id Al Haitsami chapter 9:133, declared as Hasan by syaikh Ahmad Muhammad Syakir).

The Punishment Of Syi'i Or Alawi By 'Ali bin Abi Thalib Radhiyallahu 'anhu

'an Ikrimah, that 'Ali Radhiyallahu 'anhu had burned Murtadin (apostates). The news spread to Ibn Abbas Radhiyallahu 'anhu then he said, "I will not punish Murtadin with fire. Because Rasulullah Shalallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam had said, 'Don't punish humans with Allah's torture (fire).'
(Shahih Al Bukhari, Abu Daud 4351).

This was what happen with the followers of Abdurahman bin Saba'(Jews) followers.

Abdul Qadir bin Thahir Al Baghdadi said in Al Farq Bainal Firaq page 37, "The Rafidhah of Kufah were known of their treachery and stingyness, so they became a bad example for this." Always said by people "Fulan is more of traitor rather than Kufah people, Fulan is more stingy than Kufah people."

What is known (Masyhur) from them were:

1. After the killing of Ali bin Abi Thalib, they Bai'at his son Al Hasan bin 'Ali radhiyallahu 'anhu. But then they did treacherous acts against him in the road of Al Madain. Al Hasan radhiyallahu 'anhu was stabbed in the stomach by Sinan Al Ju'fi until he was fell from his horse.

2. They sent a letter to Al Husein bin 'Ali radhiyallahu 'anhu and invited him to Kufah. When they were arrived at Karbala, they did treacherous acts against him and became 1 hand with Ubaidullah bin Ziyad became 1 hand to fight him, which caused the killing of Al Husain and all of his families.

3. Their treacherous acts to Zaid bin 'Ali bin Al Husain bin 'Ali bin Abi Thalib after they gone out to fight Yusuf bin Umar, and then they released their BAI'AT and handed him to the enemies, which got him killed in that war.

Bidayah wan Nihayah by Ibn Katsir(7/274 and 280) , Al Bidayah by Ibn Katsir(8/149), Siyar A'lam An Nubala' by Adz Dzahabi(3/280), Al Bidayah by Ibn Katsir (9/273), Siyar A'lam An Nubala' by Adz Dzahabi(5/389).

Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.

Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.

waalaikumassalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh


Muslim Brother

I have to say some of the things here are not true - about the "dark room" idea is not credible at all.


Pearl of Islaam

I have to say some of the things here are not true - about the "dark room" idea is not credible at all.


Alhadmulillah dear brother for saying that,because wallahi you have taken the stone from my heart.

May Allah bless you and all Muslims.


Your sister Asja


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member


So all the people who posted videos...gave statements citing their sources (which can be looked up independently!)..and shared *personal experiences*...

Are just a bunch of *loonies* who have nothing better to do but sit down and make-up propaganda against the Shias..

And all the news of militias killing and kidnapping those who's names are "sunni" in Iraq...and the *horrid* statements made by Shia leaders against Lebanon..Iran..and Iraq

Are just a bunch of jokes!..for the Sunnis to crack-up at!

Because there is *no way* any of it is true...there's just *NO WAY*

I guess this is why the issue of the Shia Doctrine is not allowed the chance to be discussed so much around here...

Because some people seem to keep their heads turned away from the truth...and choose to hear the perceptions lurking within their heads only...

