Difference Between Itteba and Taqleed
a) Ibn Hammam Al Hanafi 861 h said:
التقليد العمل بقول من ليس قوله احدى الحجج بلا حجه منها
فليس الرجوع الى النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم والاجماع
"Taqleed is acting without proof upon the action of someone whose saying is not among evidence(Quran and Sunnah), following Prophet peace be upon him and Consensus is not taqleed [Tahreer Ibn Hammam fe ilm al asool vol 3 page 453]
b) Ibn Hajib al Nahwi (646 h) said
فالتقليد العمل بقول غيرك من غير حجة وليس الرجوع الى قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم والى الاجماع والعامى الى المفتى والقاضى الى العدول بتقليد لقيام الحجة
Taqleed is following other then (Prophet) without evidence, so Following Prophet peace be upon him and Ijma, laymen asking from Mufti, Qadhi making judgment based on testimony of witness is not Taqleed because there is evidence on that.
منتهى الوصول والأمل في علمي الأصول والجدل page 218
b) Ibne Abdul Barr said Obaidullah bin al-Motaz said
لا فرف بين بهيمة تقاد وإنسان يقلد
There is no difference between an animal who is pulled and a man who is a Muqallid [Jam'e byan al ilam vol 2 page 114]
a) Allamah Jalal ud din Suyuti said
عن ابن مسعود اثر اصرح فى ذم التقليد من الاثر المذكور وهو ما اخرجه البيهقى فى السنه عنه قال لا تقلدوا دينكم الرجال وقال ابن حزم فى كتابه النبذ الكافية فى علم الاصول التقليد حرام ولا يحل لاحد ان ياخذ قول احد غير رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بلا برهان لقوله تعالى اتبعوا ما أنزل إليكم من ربكم ولا تتبعوا من دونه أولياء وقوله تعالى وإذا قيل لهم اتبعوا ما أنزل الله قالوا بل نتبع ما ألفينا عليه آباءنا وقال فى حق من لم يقلد فبشر عبادى الذين يستمعون القول فيتبعون احسنه اولائك الذين هد اهم الله و اولئك هم اولوا الاباب وقال تعالىفإن تنازعتم في شيء فردوه إلى الله والرسول إن كنتم تؤمنون بالله واليوم الآخر
Athar of Ibne Masood has a connection in condemnation of Taqleed, This Athar is mentioned by Behaqi in Sunan (Ibne Masood) said Do not make taqleed of people in deen", Ibne Hazam(died in 456 h) said in the book Al Nabad al Kafiyah min Ilm al Asool that Taqleed is Haram it is not permissible for anyone to take words other than Prophet of Allah peace be upon him without proof, Allah says Follow (O men!) the revelation given unto you from your Lord, and follow not, as friends or protectors, other than Him." [007:003] and Allah says "When it is said to them: "Follow what God hath revealed:" They say: "Nay!"[002:170] and he(Allah) says.. " So give good tidings to My servants Who listen to speech and follow the best of it. Those are the ones Allah has guided, and those are people of understanding."[39:18] and Allah says "if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allâh and His Messenger, if you believe in Allâh and in the Last Day.[Al Radd min al Akhlad min al Ardh by Suyuti page 52,53]
Tafsir Jalalyan says
O you who believe, obey God, and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you, that is, rulers, when they command you to obey God and His Messenger. If you should quarrel, disagree, about anything, refer it to God, that is, to His Book, and the Messenger, while he lives, and thereafter [refer] to his Sunna: in other words examine these [disputes] with reference to these two [sources], if you believe in God and the Last Day; that, reference to the two [sources], is better, for you than quarrelling or [adhering to] personal opinions, and more excellent in interpretation, in the end.[In his tafsir under 4:59]
Allah says in Surah Al e Imran
81. And (remember) when Allah took the covenant of the Prophets, saying: "Take whatever I gave you from the Book and Hikmah, and afterwards there will come to you a Messenger confirming what is with you; you must, then, believe in him and help him.'' Allah said: "Do you agree (to it) and will you take up Isri'' They said: "We agree.'' He said: "Then bear witness; and I am with you among the witnesses.'') (82. Then whoever turns away after this, they are the rebellious.)
Imam Ibne Katheer Commented
فالرسول محمد خاتم الأنبياء صلوات الله وسلامه عليه ، دائما إلى يوم الدين ، وهو الإمام الأعظم الذي لو وجد في أي عصر وجد لكان هو الواجب الطاعة المقدم على الأنبياء كلهم
Therefore, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the Final Prophet until the Day of Resurrection. He is the greatest Imam(Imam al Azam), who if he existed in any time period, deserves to be obeyed, rather than all other Prophets(end quote)
Comment: It is proven from Qur`an that No one is Imam al Adham other then Prophet peace be upon him, each and every saying can be rejected (whether the saying is from Imam Abu haneefah or Imam Shafiee or any other Imam) but the saying of Imam Al Azam Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him can not be rejected. Hence, Proved If hadith comes in front of Imam and his saying then the syaing should be rejected. Note that Imam ad-Dahabee said Abu Hanifa is Imam Al azam, Ibn e Hajar Asqalani said Shafiee is Imam al-Azam, Some other have given this title to Imam Malik. All of these great scholars were Imams but even their sayings are rejected in front of Prophet peace be upon him as said by Dahabee himself.
والذي نفس محمد بيده، لو بدا لكم موسى فاتبعتموه وتركتموني لضللتم عن سواء السبيل، ولو كان حيا وأدرك نبوتي لاتبعني.
By the one who has the soul of Muhammad, If Musa comes in front of you and if you follow him and leave me, you will go astray from the Right path. If he (Musa AS) comes back to life and sees (witnesses) the period of my prophet hood, he will certainly follow me.[Mishqat al Masabih Volume 001 hadeeth no: 194]
Comment: When Musa Alehsalam have no authority than why to follow a fatwa or Ijtehaad of a particular Imam against Qur`an and Sunnah?
a). Abdullah bin masood ra said to his students
عن عبدالله يعني ابنَ مسعود أنه قالَ: لا تقلدوا دينكم الرجال، فإنْ أبَيْتُمْ فبالأمواتِ لا بالأحياءِ.
Do not Make taqleed of people in your deen, If you reject (my words) then follow those who passed away(Companions of Prophet peace be upon him), not those who are alive. [Al Moajam al Kabeer Vol 9 page 116 hadeeth no: 8764, Sunan al Kubra 2/10]
1) Narrated by Lilkai in Sharah asool al aiteqaas Ahlus sunnah:130, Tabrani in Al Kabeer 9/152, Abu Nayeem in Hilya tul Auliyah 1/136 with the rout of Amash-Salma bin Khel from Abi al hawdh from Abdullah bin Masood
Haythamee said Narrators are the narrators of saheeh "Majma az Zawaid 1/188"
Note: Amash is Mudallis and narrating from (AN) but there is 2nd rout of this saying
2) Narrated by Lilkai in Sharah asool al aitekaad 131 with the rout of Obaidullh bin Moosa from Israiel from Abu Husayn from yahya bin Wasib from Masrooq from Abdullah
3) Third rout mentioned by Imam Behaqi in Sunan al Kubra 2/10 Narrated to us Abu Abdullah Al Hafidh, he heard from Abul Husayn Muhammad bin Ahmad Al Qantaree, he heard from Abu al Hawdh al Qadhi, he heard from Muhammad bin Katheer al Maseesi, he heard from Ozaai, hadeeth narrated to him Abda bin abi Ababah
4) Fourth rout mentioned by Khateeb Baghdadi in "الفقيه والمتفقه"(757 with the rout Abu Jafar Muhammad bin Jareer Tabree, hadeeth narrated to him Ahmad bin Waleed, he heard from Abdullah bin Dawud he said Amash mentioned from Abu Abdul Rahman he said that Abdullah bin Masood [ra] said
There is 5th rout of this saying narrated by Imam Ibne Hazam in Al Ahkam 6/97 with the rout of
5) Ibne Wahab heard from Al awzaai he said narrated to me by Abdah bin abi Ababah that Ibne Masood
Comment: When it is obligatory for tabiyeen (one of the best era) to follow sahaba not particular Imam then who are we? how can we say it is obligatory to follow one particular imam from the four imams? These people say (i have read in a forum) that Tabiyeen should follow Sahaba but we should follow Imam Abu Haneefah who is passed away, May Allah guide these people who are making worst taweel from their own. Ameen
b) Abdullah bin Masood ra said
اغد عالما او متعلما ولا تغد إمعة بين ذالك
Be a Scholar or knowledge seeker, do not be a Muqallid in deen who is in between them[Ibne Abdul Barr narrated in Jame Byan al Ilm vol 1 page 71]
It is mentioned in Al Moajam al Waseet
الامع: الذى يقول أحد: ((أنا معك)), ولا يثبت على شىء, لضعف رأيه. و- المقلد فى الدين. و- المتردد الذى لا يثبت على صنعة. و- الطفيلى. وتزاد التاء فيه للمبالغة
one of the Meaning of امع is Muqallid in Deen [see Al Moajam al Waseet page 26,Taj al Arus vol 11 page 4, Al Qamus al Waheed page 134]
Scan of Al Moajam al Waseet:
1.Asim from Zarr he said that Ibne Masood said...Ibne Abdul Barr narrated in Jame Byan al Ilm vol 1 page 71 and 72 hadeeth no:108, Ibne Hazam in Al Ahkam 6/234,Behaqi in al Mudakkhal 378
2. Amash From Tameem bin Salma from Abu Obaidah from Ibne Mas`ood Ibne Abi Shaiba in Al Musannif 5/284, Faswi in Ibne Abdul Barr in Jame Byan al Ilm 1/140
3. Jareer from Abi Sanan from Sahal al Qararee he said that Abdullah bin Masood said.. Bukhari in Tareekh al Kabeer 4/99, Abu Khaythama in Kitab al Ilm 116
4. From Muhammad bin al Nazar Al-azdi (thana) Moawiyah bin Amr (Thana) Zaidah (AN) Abdul Malik bin Zubair from Abdullah
And there are other supportive routs of this athar.
c). Muadh bin Jabal [ra] said
فأما زلة العالم فإن اهتدى فلا تقلدوه دينكم
Regarding the mistake of a Scholar, even if he is on guidance don't make taqleed of him in deen[Hilya tul auliywah of Abu Naeem Asbahani vol 5 page 97, Kitab az Zuhud of Wakee bin Jarrah vol 1 page 299,300 hadeeth no: 71,Kitab az Zuhud of Imam Abu Dawud page no: 177 hadeeth no: 193, Ibne Abdul Barr in Jame Byan al Ilm 2/982 hadeeth no: 1872 and 1873 Dar Ibne Jozi, Sharah Asool al Aiteqaad Ahlus sunnah Lilkaai hadeeth no: 198, Al Ilal by Darqutni 6/81 992]
Those who authenticated above narration
1) Abu Naeem Asbahani said after narrating this
كذا رواه شعبة موقوفا وهو الصحيح ، وروي بعض هذه الألفاظ مرفوعا عن معاذ .
Narrated By Shoa'bah Moquf and it is authentic and some narrated these words Marfu from Muadh
2) Ibn al Qayyam said
This is authentic from Muadh [Ailam al Moqieen 2/239]
3) Muhaqqieen of Kitab az Zuhad Abu dawud (Abu Tameem Yasir bin Ibraheem and Abu Bilal Ganeem bin Abbas) declared the chain Hasan, [Kitab Az Zuhad page no: 177 hadeeth no: 193,]
Note that there is also marfu hadith in this chapter narrated by Tabrani where Prophet peace be upon him said
فاما زلة عالم فان اهتدى فلا تقلدوه دينكم
and regarding Mistake of a Scholar Do not Make taqleed of him in your deen even if he is on hidayah
[Moajam al Awsat vol 9 page 326,327 hadeeth no: 8709,8701 and Sharah asool al aiteqaad ahlus sunnah hadith no: 182]
Haythamee said: Narrated by Tabrani in al Awsat and Amr bin Marrah did not heard from Muaadh
1) Imam Ash Shafiee
Imam Muzni said
اختصرت هذا الكتاب من علم محمد بن إدريس الشافعي رحمه الله ومن معنى قوله لأقربه على من أراده مع إعلامه نهيه عن تقليده وتقليد غيره لينظر فيه لدينه ويحتاط فيه لنفسه ، وبالله التوفيق .
I have shortened this book from the knowledge of Muhammad bin Idrees Shafiee May Allah be pleased with him, So that if some one wants to understand it understand it easily, and I declare that he (Shafiee ra) Prohibits his taqleed and taqleed of others so that (every person) sees his religion(deen) and be precocious for himself[Al Umm, Mukhtasar al Muzni]
2)Ameer ul Mimineen Khaleefa Abu Yusaf Yaqoob (died 595 h)
Ibne Khilkaan praised him and said
و امر برفض فروع الفقه وان العلماء لا يفتون الا بالكتاب العزيز والسنة النبوية و لا يقلدون احدا من المجتهدين المتقدمين, بل تكون احكامهم بما يودى اليه اجتهاد هم من استنبلطهم القضايا من الكتاب والحديث و الاجماع والقياس
He ordered to leave faroo al Fiqh and said Scholars should issue fatwa from Quran al Aziz and Sunnah of Prophet peace be upon him and do not make taqleed of Mujtahideen and Mutaqaddimeen, but make the judgments from Quran ,Hadith,Ijma and Qiyas [Ibne Khilkaan in "وفيات الأعيان" (7|11)]
3)Imam Dahabee(died 748 h) said
وكل إمام يُؤخذ من قوله ويُترك إلاّ إمام المتقين الصادق المصدوق الأمين المعصوم صلوات الله وسلامه عليه . فيا لله العجب ! من عَالِم يُقَلِّد دِينه إماما بَعَيْنِه في كل ما قال ، مع عِلمه بما يَرِد على مذهب إمامه من النصوص النبوية . فلا قوة إلا بالله .
We take and reject the saying of every Imam accept Imam of the righteous Sadiq al Masdooq Al Ameen who is Infallible Prayers and blessings of Allah be upon him, By Allah I am astonished on that scholar who makes taqleed of a particular Imam in his deen on his all sayings, knowing that explicit ahadeeth are rejecting the madhab of his Imam. There is no Strength but in Allah[Tazkara tul Huffaz vol 1 page 16 under the biography of Abdullah bin Masood ra]
He also said
"ولقد كان في هذا العصر وما قاربه من أئمة الحديث النبوي خلق كثير ، وما ذكرنا عشرهم هنا ، وأكثرهم مذكورون في تاريخى ، وكذلك كان في هذا الوقت خلق من أئمة أهل الرأي والفروع وعدد من أساطين المعتزلة والشيعة وأصحاب الكلام الذين مشوا وراء المعقول واعرضوا عما عليه السلف من التمسك بالآثار النبوية ، وظهر في الفقهاء التقليد وتناقص الاجتهاد ، فسبحان من له الخلق والأمر.
“The Scholars of hadeeth of this era and period close, and from them a great number and we have not even mentioned 1/10 (One tenth) of them. Likewise in the same time a group of people of Ahlur-Rayy (The people of opinion) Wal-Furoo (The hanafee’s), and how many of their heads were mu’tazilees and Shee’ah and the people of Kalaam were present. Who chased people statements (Fatwaas) and left the way of the Salaf which was to hold onto the hadeeth of the Prophet. And from this same time taqleed became apparent amongst the people and the fuqaha performed ijtihaad to a lesser extent.”[Tazkara tul-Huffaz Vol 2 page 627 under the biography of Abu Muhammad Fzal bin Muhammad]
Shhhhhhhhh !!!!!!! Beware of Muqallids
However, I believe that to generalise about the common folk by saying that they all must perform taqleed is invalid.
Taqleed is to follow others without evidence.
Many intelligent people can clearly understand evidence if it is presented to them. Who can deny that a common person can understand the evidence contained in the hadeeth, "Tayammum is one strike (of the hands on the dust) for the face and hands"? Even people lacking intelligence can understand this hadeeth. Therefore, the truth is that we must say that Taqleed is allowed for whosoever cannot search for or understand the evidence, Ibn al-Qayyim also was of this opinion. Even scholars are forced to do Taqleed sometimes, when a scholar cannot find a text from Allaah or His Messenger, but only sayings of more knowledgeable scholars."
a) Ibn Hammam Al Hanafi 861 h said:
التقليد العمل بقول من ليس قوله احدى الحجج بلا حجه منها
فليس الرجوع الى النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم والاجماع
"Taqleed is acting without proof upon the action of someone whose saying is not among evidence(Quran and Sunnah), following Prophet peace be upon him and Consensus is not taqleed [Tahreer Ibn Hammam fe ilm al asool vol 3 page 453]
b) Ibn Hajib al Nahwi (646 h) said
فالتقليد العمل بقول غيرك من غير حجة وليس الرجوع الى قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم والى الاجماع والعامى الى المفتى والقاضى الى العدول بتقليد لقيام الحجة
Taqleed is following other then (Prophet) without evidence, so Following Prophet peace be upon him and Ijma, laymen asking from Mufti, Qadhi making judgment based on testimony of witness is not Taqleed because there is evidence on that.
منتهى الوصول والأمل في علمي الأصول والجدل page 218
b) Ibne Abdul Barr said Obaidullah bin al-Motaz said
لا فرف بين بهيمة تقاد وإنسان يقلد
There is no difference between an animal who is pulled and a man who is a Muqallid [Jam'e byan al ilam vol 2 page 114]
2. Prohibition of Taqleed from Qur`an
a) Allamah Jalal ud din Suyuti said
عن ابن مسعود اثر اصرح فى ذم التقليد من الاثر المذكور وهو ما اخرجه البيهقى فى السنه عنه قال لا تقلدوا دينكم الرجال وقال ابن حزم فى كتابه النبذ الكافية فى علم الاصول التقليد حرام ولا يحل لاحد ان ياخذ قول احد غير رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بلا برهان لقوله تعالى اتبعوا ما أنزل إليكم من ربكم ولا تتبعوا من دونه أولياء وقوله تعالى وإذا قيل لهم اتبعوا ما أنزل الله قالوا بل نتبع ما ألفينا عليه آباءنا وقال فى حق من لم يقلد فبشر عبادى الذين يستمعون القول فيتبعون احسنه اولائك الذين هد اهم الله و اولئك هم اولوا الاباب وقال تعالىفإن تنازعتم في شيء فردوه إلى الله والرسول إن كنتم تؤمنون بالله واليوم الآخر
Athar of Ibne Masood has a connection in condemnation of Taqleed, This Athar is mentioned by Behaqi in Sunan (Ibne Masood) said Do not make taqleed of people in deen", Ibne Hazam(died in 456 h) said in the book Al Nabad al Kafiyah min Ilm al Asool that Taqleed is Haram it is not permissible for anyone to take words other than Prophet of Allah peace be upon him without proof, Allah says Follow (O men!) the revelation given unto you from your Lord, and follow not, as friends or protectors, other than Him." [007:003] and Allah says "When it is said to them: "Follow what God hath revealed:" They say: "Nay!"[002:170] and he(Allah) says.. " So give good tidings to My servants Who listen to speech and follow the best of it. Those are the ones Allah has guided, and those are people of understanding."[39:18] and Allah says "if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allâh and His Messenger, if you believe in Allâh and in the Last Day.[Al Radd min al Akhlad min al Ardh by Suyuti page 52,53]
Tafsir Jalalyan says
O you who believe, obey God, and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you, that is, rulers, when they command you to obey God and His Messenger. If you should quarrel, disagree, about anything, refer it to God, that is, to His Book, and the Messenger, while he lives, and thereafter [refer] to his Sunna: in other words examine these [disputes] with reference to these two [sources], if you believe in God and the Last Day; that, reference to the two [sources], is better, for you than quarrelling or [adhering to] personal opinions, and more excellent in interpretation, in the end.[In his tafsir under 4:59]
Allah says in Surah Al e Imran
81. And (remember) when Allah took the covenant of the Prophets, saying: "Take whatever I gave you from the Book and Hikmah, and afterwards there will come to you a Messenger confirming what is with you; you must, then, believe in him and help him.'' Allah said: "Do you agree (to it) and will you take up Isri'' They said: "We agree.'' He said: "Then bear witness; and I am with you among the witnesses.'') (82. Then whoever turns away after this, they are the rebellious.)
Imam Ibne Katheer Commented
فالرسول محمد خاتم الأنبياء صلوات الله وسلامه عليه ، دائما إلى يوم الدين ، وهو الإمام الأعظم الذي لو وجد في أي عصر وجد لكان هو الواجب الطاعة المقدم على الأنبياء كلهم
Therefore, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the Final Prophet until the Day of Resurrection. He is the greatest Imam(Imam al Azam), who if he existed in any time period, deserves to be obeyed, rather than all other Prophets(end quote)
Comment: It is proven from Qur`an that No one is Imam al Adham other then Prophet peace be upon him, each and every saying can be rejected (whether the saying is from Imam Abu haneefah or Imam Shafiee or any other Imam) but the saying of Imam Al Azam Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him can not be rejected. Hence, Proved If hadith comes in front of Imam and his saying then the syaing should be rejected. Note that Imam ad-Dahabee said Abu Hanifa is Imam Al azam, Ibn e Hajar Asqalani said Shafiee is Imam al-Azam, Some other have given this title to Imam Malik. All of these great scholars were Imams but even their sayings are rejected in front of Prophet peace be upon him as said by Dahabee himself.
3. Prohibition of Taqleed from hadeeth
a) Prophet Peace be upon him said
والذي نفس محمد بيده، لو بدا لكم موسى فاتبعتموه وتركتموني لضللتم عن سواء السبيل، ولو كان حيا وأدرك نبوتي لاتبعني.
By the one who has the soul of Muhammad, If Musa comes in front of you and if you follow him and leave me, you will go astray from the Right path. If he (Musa AS) comes back to life and sees (witnesses) the period of my prophet hood, he will certainly follow me.[Mishqat al Masabih Volume 001 hadeeth no: 194]
Comment: When Musa Alehsalam have no authority than why to follow a fatwa or Ijtehaad of a particular Imam against Qur`an and Sunnah?
4. Prohibition of Taqleed from Sahaba
a). Abdullah bin masood ra said to his students
عن عبدالله يعني ابنَ مسعود أنه قالَ: لا تقلدوا دينكم الرجال، فإنْ أبَيْتُمْ فبالأمواتِ لا بالأحياءِ.
Do not Make taqleed of people in your deen, If you reject (my words) then follow those who passed away(Companions of Prophet peace be upon him), not those who are alive. [Al Moajam al Kabeer Vol 9 page 116 hadeeth no: 8764, Sunan al Kubra 2/10]
1) Narrated by Lilkai in Sharah asool al aiteqaas Ahlus sunnah:130, Tabrani in Al Kabeer 9/152, Abu Nayeem in Hilya tul Auliyah 1/136 with the rout of Amash-Salma bin Khel from Abi al hawdh from Abdullah bin Masood
Haythamee said Narrators are the narrators of saheeh "Majma az Zawaid 1/188"
Note: Amash is Mudallis and narrating from (AN) but there is 2nd rout of this saying
2) Narrated by Lilkai in Sharah asool al aitekaad 131 with the rout of Obaidullh bin Moosa from Israiel from Abu Husayn from yahya bin Wasib from Masrooq from Abdullah
3) Third rout mentioned by Imam Behaqi in Sunan al Kubra 2/10 Narrated to us Abu Abdullah Al Hafidh, he heard from Abul Husayn Muhammad bin Ahmad Al Qantaree, he heard from Abu al Hawdh al Qadhi, he heard from Muhammad bin Katheer al Maseesi, he heard from Ozaai, hadeeth narrated to him Abda bin abi Ababah
4) Fourth rout mentioned by Khateeb Baghdadi in "الفقيه والمتفقه"(757 with the rout Abu Jafar Muhammad bin Jareer Tabree, hadeeth narrated to him Ahmad bin Waleed, he heard from Abdullah bin Dawud he said Amash mentioned from Abu Abdul Rahman he said that Abdullah bin Masood [ra] said
There is 5th rout of this saying narrated by Imam Ibne Hazam in Al Ahkam 6/97 with the rout of
5) Ibne Wahab heard from Al awzaai he said narrated to me by Abdah bin abi Ababah that Ibne Masood
Comment: When it is obligatory for tabiyeen (one of the best era) to follow sahaba not particular Imam then who are we? how can we say it is obligatory to follow one particular imam from the four imams? These people say (i have read in a forum) that Tabiyeen should follow Sahaba but we should follow Imam Abu Haneefah who is passed away, May Allah guide these people who are making worst taweel from their own. Ameen
b) Abdullah bin Masood ra said
اغد عالما او متعلما ولا تغد إمعة بين ذالك
Be a Scholar or knowledge seeker, do not be a Muqallid in deen who is in between them[Ibne Abdul Barr narrated in Jame Byan al Ilm vol 1 page 71]
It is mentioned in Al Moajam al Waseet
الامع: الذى يقول أحد: ((أنا معك)), ولا يثبت على شىء, لضعف رأيه. و- المقلد فى الدين. و- المتردد الذى لا يثبت على صنعة. و- الطفيلى. وتزاد التاء فيه للمبالغة
one of the Meaning of امع is Muqallid in Deen [see Al Moajam al Waseet page 26,Taj al Arus vol 11 page 4, Al Qamus al Waheed page 134]
Scan of Al Moajam al Waseet:
1.Asim from Zarr he said that Ibne Masood said...Ibne Abdul Barr narrated in Jame Byan al Ilm vol 1 page 71 and 72 hadeeth no:108, Ibne Hazam in Al Ahkam 6/234,Behaqi in al Mudakkhal 378
2. Amash From Tameem bin Salma from Abu Obaidah from Ibne Mas`ood Ibne Abi Shaiba in Al Musannif 5/284, Faswi in Ibne Abdul Barr in Jame Byan al Ilm 1/140
3. Jareer from Abi Sanan from Sahal al Qararee he said that Abdullah bin Masood said.. Bukhari in Tareekh al Kabeer 4/99, Abu Khaythama in Kitab al Ilm 116
4. From Muhammad bin al Nazar Al-azdi (thana) Moawiyah bin Amr (Thana) Zaidah (AN) Abdul Malik bin Zubair from Abdullah
And there are other supportive routs of this athar.
c). Muadh bin Jabal [ra] said
فأما زلة العالم فإن اهتدى فلا تقلدوه دينكم
Regarding the mistake of a Scholar, even if he is on guidance don't make taqleed of him in deen[Hilya tul auliywah of Abu Naeem Asbahani vol 5 page 97, Kitab az Zuhud of Wakee bin Jarrah vol 1 page 299,300 hadeeth no: 71,Kitab az Zuhud of Imam Abu Dawud page no: 177 hadeeth no: 193, Ibne Abdul Barr in Jame Byan al Ilm 2/982 hadeeth no: 1872 and 1873 Dar Ibne Jozi, Sharah Asool al Aiteqaad Ahlus sunnah Lilkaai hadeeth no: 198, Al Ilal by Darqutni 6/81 992]
Those who authenticated above narration
1) Abu Naeem Asbahani said after narrating this
كذا رواه شعبة موقوفا وهو الصحيح ، وروي بعض هذه الألفاظ مرفوعا عن معاذ .
Narrated By Shoa'bah Moquf and it is authentic and some narrated these words Marfu from Muadh
2) Ibn al Qayyam said
This is authentic from Muadh [Ailam al Moqieen 2/239]
3) Muhaqqieen of Kitab az Zuhad Abu dawud (Abu Tameem Yasir bin Ibraheem and Abu Bilal Ganeem bin Abbas) declared the chain Hasan, [Kitab Az Zuhad page no: 177 hadeeth no: 193,]
Note that there is also marfu hadith in this chapter narrated by Tabrani where Prophet peace be upon him said
فاما زلة عالم فان اهتدى فلا تقلدوه دينكم
and regarding Mistake of a Scholar Do not Make taqleed of him in your deen even if he is on hidayah
[Moajam al Awsat vol 9 page 326,327 hadeeth no: 8709,8701 and Sharah asool al aiteqaad ahlus sunnah hadith no: 182]
Haythamee said: Narrated by Tabrani in al Awsat and Amr bin Marrah did not heard from Muaadh
Comment: even if scholar is on guidance don't make taqleed of him in deen) Meaning Follow because it is said by Allah or Prophet peace be upon him, not because the Imam said.
4.Prohibition of Taqleed from Scholars
1) Imam Ash Shafiee
Imam Muzni said
اختصرت هذا الكتاب من علم محمد بن إدريس الشافعي رحمه الله ومن معنى قوله لأقربه على من أراده مع إعلامه نهيه عن تقليده وتقليد غيره لينظر فيه لدينه ويحتاط فيه لنفسه ، وبالله التوفيق .
I have shortened this book from the knowledge of Muhammad bin Idrees Shafiee May Allah be pleased with him, So that if some one wants to understand it understand it easily, and I declare that he (Shafiee ra) Prohibits his taqleed and taqleed of others so that (every person) sees his religion(deen) and be precocious for himself[Al Umm, Mukhtasar al Muzni]
2)Ameer ul Mimineen Khaleefa Abu Yusaf Yaqoob (died 595 h)
Ibne Khilkaan praised him and said
و امر برفض فروع الفقه وان العلماء لا يفتون الا بالكتاب العزيز والسنة النبوية و لا يقلدون احدا من المجتهدين المتقدمين, بل تكون احكامهم بما يودى اليه اجتهاد هم من استنبلطهم القضايا من الكتاب والحديث و الاجماع والقياس
He ordered to leave faroo al Fiqh and said Scholars should issue fatwa from Quran al Aziz and Sunnah of Prophet peace be upon him and do not make taqleed of Mujtahideen and Mutaqaddimeen, but make the judgments from Quran ,Hadith,Ijma and Qiyas [Ibne Khilkaan in "وفيات الأعيان" (7|11)]
3)Imam Dahabee(died 748 h) said
وكل إمام يُؤخذ من قوله ويُترك إلاّ إمام المتقين الصادق المصدوق الأمين المعصوم صلوات الله وسلامه عليه . فيا لله العجب ! من عَالِم يُقَلِّد دِينه إماما بَعَيْنِه في كل ما قال ، مع عِلمه بما يَرِد على مذهب إمامه من النصوص النبوية . فلا قوة إلا بالله .
We take and reject the saying of every Imam accept Imam of the righteous Sadiq al Masdooq Al Ameen who is Infallible Prayers and blessings of Allah be upon him, By Allah I am astonished on that scholar who makes taqleed of a particular Imam in his deen on his all sayings, knowing that explicit ahadeeth are rejecting the madhab of his Imam. There is no Strength but in Allah[Tazkara tul Huffaz vol 1 page 16 under the biography of Abdullah bin Masood ra]
He also said
"ولقد كان في هذا العصر وما قاربه من أئمة الحديث النبوي خلق كثير ، وما ذكرنا عشرهم هنا ، وأكثرهم مذكورون في تاريخى ، وكذلك كان في هذا الوقت خلق من أئمة أهل الرأي والفروع وعدد من أساطين المعتزلة والشيعة وأصحاب الكلام الذين مشوا وراء المعقول واعرضوا عما عليه السلف من التمسك بالآثار النبوية ، وظهر في الفقهاء التقليد وتناقص الاجتهاد ، فسبحان من له الخلق والأمر.
“The Scholars of hadeeth of this era and period close, and from them a great number and we have not even mentioned 1/10 (One tenth) of them. Likewise in the same time a group of people of Ahlur-Rayy (The people of opinion) Wal-Furoo (The hanafee’s), and how many of their heads were mu’tazilees and Shee’ah and the people of Kalaam were present. Who chased people statements (Fatwaas) and left the way of the Salaf which was to hold onto the hadeeth of the Prophet. And from this same time taqleed became apparent amongst the people and the fuqaha performed ijtihaad to a lesser extent.”[Tazkara tul-Huffaz Vol 2 page 627 under the biography of Abu Muhammad Fzal bin Muhammad]
Shhhhhhhhh !!!!!!! Beware of Muqallids
However, I believe that to generalise about the common folk by saying that they all must perform taqleed is invalid.
Taqleed is to follow others without evidence.
Many intelligent people can clearly understand evidence if it is presented to them. Who can deny that a common person can understand the evidence contained in the hadeeth, "Tayammum is one strike (of the hands on the dust) for the face and hands"? Even people lacking intelligence can understand this hadeeth. Therefore, the truth is that we must say that Taqleed is allowed for whosoever cannot search for or understand the evidence, Ibn al-Qayyim also was of this opinion. Even scholars are forced to do Taqleed sometimes, when a scholar cannot find a text from Allaah or His Messenger, but only sayings of more knowledgeable scholars."