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  • :bismillah:


    All praises to Allah swt that bless us
    well and healthy~Alhamdulillah!
    ~May you and you family are in great condition too~Amin!

    It my honour to received friend invitation,
    Thank you once again sister
    ~May Allah swt reward you~Amin!

    Well said sister about having this opportunity to learn from each others, to help and support each others
    ~May Allah swt guide and help us~Amin!

    Take care!

    May Allah bless you and protect you always.

    :SMILY252: and respect
    ~wassalam :)
    WA ALAIKUMUSSLAAM dear poet and sister and my friend!!! LOL

    I too love u sister for the sake of ALLAH TALA, and may the One for whom u love me, shower His mercy and love upon you...

    u c.....i too write poems..but in secret LOL i never show it to others....LOLZZZZZZ 'coz im sure if they read they will laugh...LOL....HEHEHE


    Dear sister Asja


    Best wishes from:
    your sister in Islam

    ~Wassalam :)
    Dear sister Asja


    Thank you for your kind words sister
    your article and posting are amazingly awesome .
    Keep up the good work sister.

    :tti_sister:~May Allah reward you~Amin!

    Eid Mubarak!

    Thank you,
    Take Care!

    ~Wassalam :)
    ASSALAAMU ALAIKUM WR WB...Dear sweet sister (poet too LOL)
    JAZAKALLAHU KHAIR for choosing me as one of your friends...
    Take care...FEE AMANILLAH
    Jazaki Allah kairian for your wishes sister, and may Allah accept our fasting and prayers. Allah bless you and your family.
    Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullah Sister Asja,

    A very wonderful Eid Mubaraak to you and your family. Hope you had a great day on the 1st of Shawaal, inshaAllaah.

    Erm about the pic you sent me, I am guessing its not working? BTW, thank you for being so thoughtful.

    Wassalam. :)
    Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah sister,

    May Allah sw accept your worship and duas ameen,
    hope you remembered us :)

    enjoy your eid..

    Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullah
    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatu-llahi wa barakatuhu

    oh my dear and respected sister....Eid Mubarak to you.
    may Allah bless us all with this Eid inshaa'Allah

    may Allah bless your family and bestow boundless happiness to your family.ameen
    pray for me and my family,I'm missing my family....he he

    jazakAllahu khair
    wassalamu alaikum wa rahmatu-llah
    As salamu aleykum ve Rahmetullah ve Barakatu,

    jazak Allahu ckair for your aid greedings... I too wish -you- my beloved sister aid mubarek... Love ya.. Please pray for my guidence...

    Ve aleykum selam
    jazakallah khairan for that sweeeet card dear sisiter:)this is really nice of you.

    hope you are in the best of health and imaan and that your ramadhan is coming along great.sister plzz pray for my sucess in my examz

    :wasalam:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
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