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  • assalamualikum how r u doing sis?
    hope u remember me ,sorry dint ask u so long :( i was busy
    howz ur ramadan going ?
    May allah bless u take care n remember me in duas
    jazakallah khayr ya sister for your sincere dua2..
    Ramadan is beautiful by itself and reflects it is own beauty to everytwhere masaAllah :D here also we are trying to profit from each moment.. in general everybody invites each other for iftar here, however i m far from my hometown therefore there is no relative to invite me here.. but alhamdulillah my sisters&brother are near me and we are making our iftar all together.

    as you said we are trying to pass more time with ibadah, my first aim is to finish quran even one time this year, inshaallah :) May Allah gives double hassanat for each letter to sister wafa,"hassana elkoussi" :) because she is teaching me ..

    I m happy to hear that you go to mescid.. here i can go only in daytime but not in teraweeh :( because the mescid is far and it is difficult to return at night ..

    May Allah accepts all our fasting and ibadah inshaallah ya sister :hijabi:
    you ll be in my prays inshaallah.. me too ;) I love you for the sake of Allah
    assalam alaykum sister :) how are you ? how is going your Ramadan? I saw you online and wanted to give a salam ;) I loved your thread about smile :)

    have a nice night dear sis ( or may be day :p I dont know )
    Assalamua'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

    Sister Asja, I apologize for the late reply. Nowadays I have very little time even for my self, but alhamdulillah all is going well. Wish the same for you.

    Alhamdulillah for this one month of Ramadhaan, we have iftaar Jamai'e at our mosque and its free, MashaAllaah! It actually save my money quite a lot apart from it feels very nice to spend most of the time at the Masjid, alhamdulillah.

    Hows your study going and how is your family? inshaAllaah they are well?

    Talk to you soon inshaAllaah, take care. Wassalam.
    Saalam sister Asja,
    Thank you for your nice words, may Allah give you all that is good in this life and hereafter.
    Ramadan Kareem. Have a wonderful Eid!

    Assalamou Alikom
    Sister you can have your opinion but i retain mine and i am 100% sure of what i have said..

    i apologize if anything i said hurt you wasnt my intention.
    by the wat thanks for your explanation and ramadan kareem Mubarak to as well .May Allah SWT bless you in this month..
    Assalamo alaykom,

    I know ukhti. And I don't even disagree. But I said that since this is an opened forum all Muslims should be very careful with what they say in these cases. Because non-Muslims don't know the difference between talibans, how one taliban can be different to another taliban. Therefore it is better to avoid saying it at all, or explaining all the time.
    Ve aleykum selam,

    it is so heart-warming to know that you did not forget me... :)
    Jazak Allahu ckair sister for your dua.
    I just love you
    Wa'alikum aslaaam wa raahmatullah wa barakatuhu.

    Ya ukhtii, i love you dearly for the sake of Allah. your words touched my heart so much, alhamduillah. its such a beautiful time of the year, and i am sad because it is going to fast.

    Ya Allah truly You know how much this sister wants to be with You, Ya Allah grant her this, Oh Allah let her stand in Your shade, Ya Allah help her to weep in the night and the day, so she can beocme close to You, Ya Allah forgive her, and her family, and keep her under Your guidance, and accept her fasts. Aameen.
    May Allah bless you for all your kind words and duas. May Allah always keep you in His protection. I am overwhelmed. I am hardly able to say, "Thank you".
    Assalamu Alaikum and Ramadan Mubarak dear sister. I hope you and your family are fine InshaAllah.
    Anyways, hope to write to you again soon. In the meantime, take care and may we gain the best of benefits from Ramadhaan, InshaAllaah. Wassalam.
    Assalamua'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

    From the deepest of my heart, I pray to Allaah that you and your family are in the best of health and imaan, now and always :)

    Dearest ukhti, I apologize for the late reply and my absence here in TTI. Its been extremaly hectic with life at University and almost every week, there will be activities until I almost dont have the weekends to myself. But on the bright side of it, I know that I am doing everything for Islam, for my Ummah :)

    You once asked me about my name. It is actually the name of Prophet Muhammad's s.a.w wife; Ai'shah, just that my name is spelled with a 'y' instead of a 'h'. I guess its due to a few reason such as at my place it is more common to use 'y' compared to 'h' for example: InsyaAllaah, MasyaAllaah.

    Anyways, how are you Ramadhaan preparation going? I actually felt touched when I received the beautiful image about missing me. Jazakillahu khaayr.
    YESH.....Skool was done along while ago, go back to skool AUG 23 inshaAllaaah...:(
    my exams went well, alhamdulillaah!
    aww.... <3 muaahss n huggsss RIGHT back at u dear :D:D:D
    oh I was not?? weird, idk hw that happened,
    and I cannot see any friend request yet....maybe its not working? idk
    May the one for whose sake you LOVE me love YOU dear sis! ameen
    Allaah bless your soul always,:hearts::hearts:
    Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh dear sister Asja :D

    aaww...dont worrry about it....the reason why you cud not send a pm was coz I disabled my pm and vm when I was it aint your fault :)
    aaw, jazakaAllaah khair for your dua and kindness! ameen
    Your cousin? mashaAllaah, tabarakaAllaah! may Allaah bless him and make him of those whom He subhanahu wata'ala is pleased with. ameen :)
    All is well with me and my fam alhamdulillah:D may Allaah reward you for asking and showing ur concern. ameen
    I have been reading ramadan articles and stuff.....trying to cut down watching my FAV tv show and stuff, so yea alhamdulillaah:D
    salaamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh ukhti, :)
    long time no saaam :shymuslima1:
    I hope all is well with u.....thot I wud drop by and say "ello"
    missed u loads :D
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