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  • Wa'alaikum al salaam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu my sweet sweet Asja!!

    So am I, happy to hear from you! It's really long time ago since we've had our long conversations! :D
    Alhamdulilah I passed my exams succesful! InshaAllah you do the same, with high marks!
    Now I just have vecation so i'm spending time with my family and Allah sw! And we are all fine, thanks for asking ukhti..
    Alhamdulilah the quran reading is also going great on! :)

    How about you? how are you my lovely sister and your family??

    Take care of yourself sister, inshaAllah we'll keep writting together,
    May Allah sw help you with your studies so you can pass them successfully!!

    Allah keep you well and in the best health and imaan my sweetheart Asja!

    Love you for the sake of Allah Almighty! <3 <3

    Wassalam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu..
    As-salaamu` alaykum warahmatullaah

    Sometimes we don't have the knowledge to explain, and therefore trying to do so would be a crime. Sometimes the benefit of re/moving a thread outweighs the benefit of it staying. I understand your position, but I can't look at the situation from what you believe or from your angle only. I have to consider everyone, as well as my experiences, before deciding.

    Allaah knows best. I apologise for any inconveniences this has caused you. This thread may re-appear when the time is better.

    :salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu...

    sister asja jazakallah khairan for the thread(ya ukhti)it ws one special treat for all us sisters:) and for your reply to my aunty:)i love you for the sake of ALLAH.may ALLAH bless you endlessly for your kindness.

    hope you re in the best of health and imaan ukhti.and you family too.
    talke care and keep me in your prayers.

    jazakallah khairan wa barakallah fik.
    Assalamua'laykum wa rahmatullah,

    I am fine alhamdulillah Sister Asja. Thank you for asking my well-being. I hope that everything is doing good with you too, InshaAllaah.

    Yes, Aisya is my real name. And how about you, is Asja your real name too?

    Well, alhamdulillah the exam was OK. I am now in my semester break, one more week to go. How many weeks more for your exam? Wish you the best in everything.

    InshaAllaah talk to you again sometime. Take care.

    Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu my sweet sweet sister!!

    Yaaa I've missed you soooooooo much! subhanAllah, those exams have made me so busy!
    How are you honey? how is everything over there!
    I miss you so incredibly!!!!

    please let's keep in contact! May you forever be protected by the protector!! <3
    take care,
    Hafizakillah ukhti!
    Assalamu'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

    Sister Asja, how have you been? Its been quite a while since we talked to each other. Hope everything is doing well with your study and life, inshaAllaah.

    Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

    how are you ma sister....?hope that you are okay both physicalla and spiritually....inshaa'Allah...
    I'm okay alhamdulillah, by grace of Allah....pray for me and inshaa'Allah I never forget to remeber in my dua....

    May Allah SWT guide you and protect you,preserve you....

    Jazakallahu Khair
    barakallahu feekum
    wassalamu alaikum

    Salam to your family
    fee amanillah
    waalaikumsalaaaaam wrahmatullah wabarakatuh.
    :) may The One whom you loved me for His sake love you back!

    AMEEN for ur du'aa, WA IYAAKI my sister.
    May Allah protect u n help u there.

    :salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

    erm remember me:D??hehehe

    kidding sister howa re you,and your family:)it's been long.hope you are enjoying your holidays if you got them yet!!
    Salam alaikum warahamtullahi wabarakatuhu

    I've always seen you helping me with being always beside me with rference from the book of Allah,The Holy Quran. You always help me sister with your best,for the sake of Allah.
    May Allah SWT reward you and preserve you...
    and make us always helping to each other.....inshaa'Allah.

    Salam to your family members,may ALlah SWT shower the boundless rahmah and barakah to you an your family.

    Wassalamu alaikum
    Jazakal khayeran sister for you replaying i gain knowledage when i read your post i really them may Allah(SWT) blessed you ameen.
    Assalamu alaikum warahamatuallah

    I hope that ure at the best state of eeman and health inshaa'Allah

    Actuallay Im not in state of replying you back,nshaa'Allah I'll reply you later....
    Be nice my sister,and pray for me....
    Jazakallahu Khair for the nice words and inspiration. so I said that Im proud and thnkful to Allah that I've got a sister like you....May Allah SWT protect you and preserve you...

    Barakallahu Feekum
    Wassalamu alaikum warahamtallahi wabarakatuhu
    Asalam Alykum warahmatulahi wabarakatu

    how your doing my dear sister hope your ok

    Wasalam alykum warahmatulahi wabarakatu

    your sis in islam
    Aprendí Español en la escuela. Tome clases de español para 4 años :) El Español es muy común en Estados Unidos. La mayoría de los adultos jóvenes de mi edad sabe Español como segunda lengua. :)
    Hola hermana! Tengo curiosidad, ¿donde aprendiste Español? ¿Vives en un país que se habla Español?? Allah Hafiz :)
    My dearest I hope you are well. I have not been in touch for a while, but i still remember you, and your kind words, they mean so much to me.

    Jazka'Allah katheer, and Allah bless you with Jannah tul firdos. Aameen.
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