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  • Walaikum assalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

    you're so humble and kind,masha'Allah.....Alhamdulillah...summa Alhamdulillah......I've got a sister like you....whatever the region,whatever the place or whatever the country is.....whatever we are we're in Muslim(brother and sister in Islam),one and only Identity.
    I'm okay and my family is also okay,by the grace of Almighty..
    But sister you've to pray for me,coz actually I'm in a big trouble,a trouble like I cant actually make you the prob is,actually you wouldnt understand...leave it anyways....just pray the may Allah SWT ease the situation....
    I'll also keep you in my usually..Inshaa'Allah

    Jazakumullahu Khair
    Barakallahu feekum
    Wassalamu alaikum
    Aslama alykum wr wb

    Ma dear sister you so sw33t mashallah may Allah(SWT) blessed you and your family ameen:tti_sister: hope your doin ok ma siste.

    My sister no problems i add you becuase your one the knowledgable ppl in TTI :ma:.

    Also Jazakala Khayera for the dua may Allah(SWT) except our duas ameen

    I hope may Allah(SWT) blessed every muslim in the world ameen:tti_sister:

    Waslam Ma sister. :hearts:
    Waa'laykummusalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

    It was really nice to read your VM. Shukran katheeran for your time, ukhti. The course that Im taking in university right now isnt Islamic-based but InshaAllaah I hope to pursue in any Islamic courses once I have finish with my current course. Nothing great about the course Im taking now though I admit it's quite tough :).

    Sis Asja, actually I need to catch up a lot in matters regarding the deen. I always feel that Im lag behind and that I need to upgrade my memorization on hadeeth/ayaat of the Quran. But inshaAllaah, education is a life-long learning. I do believe that even though I have finished my madrasah a few years ago, I feel the need to continue to study the deen and its always with our determination that we will achieve it. When you have a will, there's a way.Sister Asja, may I know where are you from? Just curious though. =)
    Do you always write poems during your leisure time. Before this, I usually write my feelings/express anything on papers at night or whenever I have any ideas. It was nice reading yours. Indeed, words that come from the heart will inshaAllaah reach the heart of the readers too. How long is your exam paper ukhti? How many papers altogether for this semester?

    Till we talk again next time. Wassalam.
    InshaAllaah ya ukhti kareema, I will surely remember you in my dua'a.

    MashaAllaah its very nice to know that you are keeping yourself busy with studies and life. I have just finished my final exam last month so right now I'm in a new class, eventhough for this short semester, I only take one subject. But InshaAllaahu Ta'ala I hope to fufill my time wisely. Just that I have some sleep issues that I need to reduce on :)

    Alhamdulillah my family are well as I just came back from home last weekend. I wish for the same to you too Sister Asja. Do send my salam to your mother and sisters.

    May you pass your exam with flying colours, or as they say it "Jayyid Jiddan". InshaAllaah. I do believe that you will with the help from Allaah. Study smart :wink:

    Sister, if you happen to have any advice or anything that you would like to share, I will accept it with an open heart.

    Uhibbuki fillah, ya ukhti. Love you for the sake of Allaah.

    As slaamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu sister
    thank you for your post its very beautiful may allah reward you for your peity :p
    Assalamua'laykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Sister Asja,

    How are you? Im not sure why but it seems like Ive been missing you lately :)

    Hope to hear that everything is doing well with you. InshaAllaah.

    Take care ukhti. Wassalam.
    :salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu:)

    aww ukhti your reply is full of kind words.brings happiness to me everytime i read it:)sorry i'm late again!!i had to prepare my urdu paper.did it just now.was good alhumdulillah:)you are a wonderful sister and an amazing writer;)

    i'm fine alhumdulillah and so is my family and studies:)jazakallah kharian for your kind wishes:)really nice ukhti!!!
    sis no i don't study as i should i don't know what is it coming to!!it's weird i just don't kno how to explainmy self to myself,but yeah i'm am takng it easy now.whatever hapen will happenn by the will of ALLAH and for my own good:)inshallah i will be pleased with life like i am alhumdulillah:)
    inshallah i will.
    hope you studies and hifz and family are doing a gr8 job:)

    may ALLAH have mercy on you and me and the muslim ummah.ameen
    :salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu:)
    :salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu:)

    how are you ukhti and your family??hope things are great:)sorry i really didn't contacted you lately:(am having my papers....what are you up to these days:)
    keep me in your prayers my sis.pray for my sucess.
    may ALLAH keep you under HIS mercy.ameen

    love you sis;)
    :salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu:)
    Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Sister Asja,

    I hope that you and your family are in the best of health. I guess I didnt have the chance to say thank you for the two pictures you sent me. Somehow when I tried to open it from my laptop, the images didnt come out. But since I signed in to TTI from my friend's laptop, now only I can see the images. Shukran katheran ukhti.

    Sorry for the long story. Lol.

    I pray that may you will always be under His Protection and Blessings always.

    Take care. Waalaykummusalam wa rahmatullah.
    Asalaama Alykum sis hw u doin hope your in best state health and emaan too inshalllah

    your sis in islam
    assalamualikum my dear sis..........
    how r u hope u r doing good...
    m good alhamdulillah jus was lil busy so cudnt contact u ....hope u wil forgive me:)
    May Allah bless u n your family
    assalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

    Allahumma Ameen and I pray same for you ukhti.

    I am doing a Diploma in Secondary Islam Teaching now. Its a two year course. Actually I am very busy in life these days due to College and my part-time job. Life is going as how Allah has planned for me. :) Sometimes sad and sometimes happy. Very rarely mad. LOL.

    I got online 2 days back, but didnt got a time to reply to your message and thus I read and kept to send a reply when I get time. I am really sorry for that.

    Please keep me in your Du'as my sister. May Allah grant you success in every step you make, in your life.

    :) :) :)

    wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
    Is this is a translation of dua...or you have collected/made your own...

    anyways...very nice...Mashallah......

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