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  • Wa'alykum salaam wa'rehmatullah wa'barakatuh ukhti,

    May Allah Azwajal accept it; and I wish the same for you.

    Asslam'u alykum again, sisster.

    You actually think it matters who wins?!?
    It's only a GAME; take it easy. Enjoy whoever wins!
    Hmm why? Lol.

    But seriously I am playing there after so many days.. You don't really get time but since it's Sat so I can afford today. :)
    I'll make Dua....but otherwise!! Hehe!

    Insha'Allah you're enjoying your time.
    Ah I see. Actually it seems sisters will win today. Anyways we'll see may be brothers will be lucky enough.

    Alhamdulillah, I'm doing great.
    asaalam alikum sister :),yesh it sound very sweet :)..i knw i knw lol well my real name is shabaz jamil ansari :)

    jazakallah khair
    Wa'alikum aslaam warahmatullli wa barakahthu.

    I hope you are well by the grace and mercy of Allah. I am sorry i have not been in touch, and I cannot tell you why, but what I can say is don't miss me, one day i won't be here in this dunya, one day we will go......

    Take care, you will be in my du'as.
    asaalam alikum, wow new car:) mashallah.. which one :) ,u dont hav to say sorry :) .. sowwie means sorry but in a cute spelling way lol

    jazakallah khair sister
    assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraktuhu dear sister Asja,

    Although I am a good reader of poetry and prose, I am not that creative myself. Only during studies I wrote some funny poetry for some functions but otherwise I have never written anything. Some friends find my letters kind of literary but I think it is because of their kindness. I have done some good translations from contemporary Urdu literature for some of my friends but I cannot find that work any more. I think it is a good idea to introduce others with the rich literature we have in our languages. InshaAllah, when I will have some time I will translate something and post it on tti.

    Thank you for your kind words on patience. I will keep them in mind.
    Walikumsalam my sweet sis!
    Yeah and we all student do tend to get a lot of homework :D.....
    Im glad ur feeling happy!!May u always be that way..(ameen)... Sis how is ur family doing. Pay my regaurds to ur parents, and do remember me in ur du'a :)
    Inshallah u too in my speacial prayers.

    take good care,
    lil sis...

    Walikumsalam dear sis! :D
    I'm fine alhamdulilah! How about u? I hope all ok? inshallah! No prob about the frnd req sis..:D im even more happy then u:D to get a great big sis like u :D I thank Allah (swt)
    ..Whats doin on these days? Here's mainly school and homework...test and more scholl :D
    how about u?

    u too take care!!
    Ameen to ur du'a.... And May Allah Bless you with Happy moments always...ameen.

    Ur lil sis,
    fatima♥ hug*
    As salamu aleykum

    I was not here for a very long time...

    how r u doin sis? hope you are in the best state of wealth and iman inshaallah...

    wa aleykum selam
    wa alaikumussalam dear sister Asja,

    Alhamdulillah, I am fine and hope the same is true about you. I come to tti quite often just to read, what is going on. I am very fond of your mails and truly admire your contributions. I just wish I had a fraction of your patience. Very often I decide not to write anything because it would create controversy, which I would be unable to handle because of the limited time and even more limited strength available.

    In a recent thread about age groups, I was surprised to see, that only about 5% people on tti are in my age group. Maybe it is this age difference, which is reflected in my posts.

    May Allah increase of strength and patience to serve Islam. And thank you for remembering me. Take good care of yourself. ma'assalamah
    Wa'alaikum al salaaam sweety! :)

    Ofcourse I remember my beloved sister. It also makes me happy to always remember you and also hear from you.. :D

    Oh Sounds not good with the fever, may Allah make you healthy soon inshaAllah! inshaAllah you'll be good, just feel that everybody is getting ill :(

    And I am fine alhamdulilah always! I just had one week holiday, so i'm gonna start school tomorrow :) And my family is fine everything is alhamdulilah by Allah's grace and mercey good :)

    Yeah sis! i'm glad too :) now i'm starting from new again! inshaAllah I hope that i'll keeep some good grades inshaAllah! :D Need your dua's :)

    May Allah Bless you forever and always my deareest sister!

    Inshallah You are in my dua's!!! :D

    Love you now and always!!!!!!
    Asslam u Alaikum wr wb my little sister,

    wow they are very beautiful MashaAllah. Simply adorable. Jazaki Allah Khayra dear. may Allah fullfill every single wish of yours and grant you with the most beautiful reward.

    Wa alaikum salam
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