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  • :wasalam: im fine alhamdulillah :).. how are you sister?? jazakAllah khayran <3. ya lol, am 107 of years.. what is going on with you?:D i love you too for the sake of Allah. may Allah bless you :)
    Assalamu alaikum warahamtullahi wabarakatuhu..

    How are you sister? and how are the family? Hope everything's ok :D:D

    I miss You! Long since i've heard from u! :D:D

    Thank you for your help last time, it got a good grade :D:D:D:D alhamdulilah ta'ala!

    How are you doing with school, etc. ?? :D:D

    Take care!

    May Allah bless you forever and always!

    Love you for the sake of Allah! mwaaah! <3 <3 :D :D :D

    //Urs Nermin
    WaAlaikum salaam sis Asiya:D:D:D:D:D
    AlhamduliAllah everything is good on my side!:D
    colloge is going well too:D
    hw abt u ukhti?:D
    lol........sweeetess, I eat them but not too muchh LOl I knw my limts LOL
    same to u ma beloved ukhti Asiya:D:D:D:D
    me love u moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for Allah's ake
    may Allah love u for loving me, may Allah forgive u and grant u jannah, may Allah protect ur soul, may Allah ease any pain u might be going thru, keep u in the right path and protect u from His rath!ameen,amen,ameen:D
    u tc of urself too BIG sis:D:D:D:D
    same as me my family and me we are doing great alhamdulillah.
    me too i went to the mosque this morning as usual i go every morning Saturday and Sundays yeah it is true when ppl go to the mosque they feel close to Allah and you feel happy when u see alot of muslim praying together i klnw it feels very good.
    me too habibti i love u for the sake of Allah
    mac mac
    Wa Alaiykum Salaam Warahmatallah wabarakaatuh,

    Ameen To your dua sister. I really appreciate your concern thinking I was sick sister. May Allah reward your kindness towards others with his mercy, protection and rewards ameen.
    Wa Alaiykum salaam Warahmatallah wabarakatuh ya ukhti,

    Barakallah feeki for your du'as, I am in much need of them.
    As For your question about wahn sister refer to this hadhith
    " “The People will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their food.” Someone asked, “Will that be because of our small numbers at that time?” He replied, “No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be froth and scum like that carried down by a torrent (of water), and Allah will take the fear of you from the breasts (hearts) of your enemy and cast al-wahn into your hearts.” Someone asked, “O Messenger of Allah, what is al-wahn?” He replied, “Love of the world and dislike of death.” [An authentic hadith recorded by Abu Dawud and Ahmad]
    asalam alaykum sis

    sis u knw u r my sis and everybody in tti i have to remember u so why r u saying that

    any way sis am doing very great alhamdulillah am still in high school sis but when i go to collage inshaa Allah i will study cardiologist h abt u?
    asc dear sis how are you ?

    i dont see u most of the tyms . how is life going for you?
    hope that u r doing great

    i was just saying hi take care dear sis
    love u hugsssssss
    Salamun alikum

    MashaAllah this sounds so great. I also learn more n more quran everytime I have holiday..

    And yeah I try not to study too much. But it's difficult, cos then my marks will fall!! :(

    take care

    Bless yaa ! :D:D

    actually if u can come in the chat room of that website i gave u i can b more in detail about what i said
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