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  • assalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

    Sister I am waiting for an answer from you. Sunan abu Dawood contains Hadiths which are Sahih (Excellent), Hasan (Good) and Da'eef (Weak). So please provide me the words of 'Ulama who said that Hadith is Authentic as you claimed.

    wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
    wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

    Sister I agree with you that all the 'Ulama agree on Aurah wxcept face and hands. You said the Hadith is authentic. Please I need proof for that. Which scholar of Islam said it is Authentic?

    Please understand that I am not trying for a debate on this issue, as this is an issue with Ikhtilaaf. What I want is the proof of Authenticity of Hadith you mentioned there.

    JazakiAllahu khair.

    wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
    Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi..

    Sorrii for the late reply sister :D

    But alhmd. and thanks :D

    So how r u doing? with school?

    I personally stress a lot now, unfortunately because of all the homeworks! :p

    Tc sweety!

    wassalam alaikum
    Masha'Allah I am so happy to hear that you and your family are well. Alhamduillah, thanks to Allah I am well.

    I pray that your studies go well, and you be successful both in this world and the next. Aameen.

    I am still on vacation as well, i will start uni again in a few days. I will have so much work to do as well, so i will spend less time here on TTI, but i will always remember you in my du'as, my sweetest sister.

    Please remember me in your du'as, i am in need of them. Take care.
    My dearest sister how are you? I miss you too easily, always thinking about the day I meet you. How are your studies? And your family? I pray that all is well, and if you ever feel upset, you have to tell me, o.k, but I know my beloved sister is always happy, because she is eager to meet Allah. Subhana'Allah, you have a beautiful soul, and I sincerly pray that you and your blessed family are given jannah tul firdos. Aameen!!
    Wa alaykum Salaam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Baraktuh Dear Sister Asiyah.

    I am well Dearest, as I hope you are too in very good health and Iman. Life is well I guess, and studies, oh what can I say, they are at its peak.

    How are you yourself? I pray for your success and happiness in every walk fo life. Take very good care and Jazak Allah Khair for dropping by and asking about me, it means the world to me, May Allah remember you as you remember me.

    Fee Amanillah, lots of Love, your Sister Mesbah
    Assalamu alikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu

    My dear sister how are you? It has been a while since I last spoke to you. I miss you alot my dearest sister. I hope you has a good Ramadhan and eid. I miss Ramadhan so much, i wish it was here, and i pray that Allah blesses again to meet this month. Aameen.

    You are in my du'as. Take care.

    Wa'alikum aslaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu
    saalam alaikum wa raahmatullah wa baarkatuhu sweet sis Asja!

    Alhmdulilah i'm fine too :D also busy with studying! loll so many homeworks!

    But my eid was great alhamdulilah! :D:D also with lotss of presents from the family. :D:D (aslo a tradition over here hihi) alhamdulilah always good ;)

    But so good to hear from u!

    I also miss u :D:D
    take care!

    tight hugss! ur sister in islam //Nermin

    iam so so so so so happi that u had a wonderful Eid:D:D:D
    yea, colloge and siyam was kinda a killer, but AlhamduliAllah, I got more tym now than b4 so I try to logg in as much as I can:D:D:DD:D
    inshaAllah will pass by ur wall ones in awhile:D
    aaaaaaaww, ma Eid was gooooood! AlhamduliALlah
    ehem, ehem, I guess I ate lotta sweets LOL
    and after prayer we had a family lunch:D:D:D
    so it was great AlhamduliAllah...I have been eatin sweets even after eid :D:D:D:D
    not goood eeehh????
    aaaaaaaaahhhhh, never mind, its onli TWO big holidays, thats ma excuse :D:D:D
    tho, I am nt jjst stuck with sweets on eid ONLI LOL
    i eat 'em even wen its not Eid....but I guess its ok:D:DD:D:D:D
    talk to ya soon my sweet heart:D:D:D

    Jazakallah sister for your lovely wishes. Ameen to your duas. I wish to spend Eid with my parents so much. :)

    About the sweets, I bought a lot of sweets, but I didn't eat them as they are for my eid guests haha.. But I did get to eat some sweets at my mosque. :) Our Islamic community is so wonderful.. Masha'Allah waa Alhumdulillah. :)

    May Allah swt reward you and accept your ibada'a from you. Ameen..

    Take care sister

    :salam2: :)

    Sepasgozaram ya ukhti for the wonderful Eid card. :)

    I spend my Eid with my sister. I am a college student in Texas and my parents aren't here, I missed them :). Alhumdulillah it was a good Eid for me.

    Good to hear that you enjoyed it also. But you should have eaten a lot of sweets, I heard that you have wonderful sweets in your country. :)

    Take care sister
    salam eiid wwent great for me . Al-hamdulillah.
    so do i i was busy with senior stuff too in high school am going to granduate 2010 inshaa Allah but everything else was grea Al-hamdulillah

    takecare ukhti
    asc my dear si how r u doin?
    how is life going for u and ur fmailly ?

    3iiiid mubarak sis i knw 3id is past but stil eid mubarak

    love u sis take care
    Siisterr! long since i've heard from u!

    Hope u had a GREAT EID inshaAllah and EID mubarak from me! :D:D

    I miss u! how r u doing sweety!?


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