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  • wa alaikum salaam sister,

    jazaak Allah khair for your beautiful Dua's. may Allah also give you the best of both the worlds.
    salaam alykumm

    i jus read your post of yesterday..darling itz an amazing post..

    darling i love you more day by day......

    Nothing to feel sorry about dear..Actually you have been my Very First Frend on the network so expectation levels also high!!

    Asalamualykum wrwb sister

    Have been waiting for yor mail,but didnt receive naythng as of now..
    wtz up?

    As-salaamu'alaykum huni

    Awww thats good Alhumdulilah
    So what have you been up to lately..? Hows ramadhan preperation going on? :)

    Take care
    love you

    x x x
    Wassalaam :D
    Wa'alaykum salaam Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakaathu wa maghfiratuhu wa fadhluhu! :D

    Im well Alhumdulillah,
    everytime we make converstaion i need to leave loOoll, my apologies.

    Take care dear
    I am not as talented in poetry as you are, dear sister. I do quote some poetry from time to time but I have never tried to write anything myself, excepting some funny things during my school time. I like listening to good poetry too, although it is hard to find a composition, which is reflecting the passion hidden in each line.

    May Allah bless you too, dear sister. And thank you for your kind words. Keep up the good work in TTI. I usually get involved in controversial threads but I think TTI needs more people like you. ( and less like myself :)
    Assalamu Alaikum dear sister Asja,
    MashaAllah I am very impressed to see your poetic talent. Persian has a great legacy in poetic expression. Although I cannot read it myself but I would recommend to read asraar-e-khudi and rumooz-e-be-khudi by Dr. Muhammad Iqbal (Iqbal Lahori). I am a great lover of his Urdu poetry.
    Wa Alaiykum Salaam Warahmatallah wabrakaatuh my sister,

    Ameen to your du'a sister, I am in much need of them. And I appreciate the kind words you have for me and alhamdulillah its very nice to know that you enjoy the nasheeds.
    You are very kind and well mannered and may Allah reward your kindness and good manners from his bounty ameen.

    Jazaakallah khairan wa Barakallah feekum
    ukhtii im going to bed now.. LOL take care

    Hope to chat soon inshaAllah

    P.S make dua for my results pls :)
    Assalaamu'alaaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu :)

    Awww you're so lovely and kind to dear :SMILY252:
    Alhumdulillah i am well.. just busy these days LOL

    Tired..? not a lot.. but soon i will eb i think .. so kmuch running around and that
    how has your day been ....?

    inshaAllah your family is also well and in the best of health wa imaan :)
    love you... x x x
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