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  • Asalamalikum sister

    hope u r f9 .what's going on these days?........

    take care

    Wa'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu!

    Ameen to your duaa :)
    I knoOoOow the WHOLE month of ramadhan inshaAllah! Im soOoOoOo excited :)
    I absoloutely love love love fasting :)

    Just broke my fast right now lol
    Ameen wa iyyaki

    Love u always
    wassalaam :D

    Aw sweet sis dont be upset its okii :)
    Yes i am fasting today Alhumdulillah! I was not going to because im a little unwell but i kept it in the ned.

    Dont be upset si ok..? Kheyr inshaAllah
    love u
    wassalaam :D
    Wa'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu wa maghfirtuhu wa fadhluhu wa hubbuhu! :)

    MashaAllah sister. May Allah give u barakah.
    My mum loves to try new dishes all the time. I love to learn them also.

    Yes uhtkii mashaAllah your poems are absolutely beautiful and so heart touching. they have a beautiful message always. Keep them coming in definitely. :)

    Are you fasting today beloved ukhtii?
    Sis mashaAllah your SO talented. You right beautiful poetry, SubhanAllah.

    may Allah bless you and please ocntinue posting such amazing works of yours.

    love u alwasy sweetii
    As-salaamu'alaykum :D

    Alhumdulillah i am well and so is my family.. well we have had better times lol. please just make dua for us:)

    Ramadhan preperation is good Alhumdulillah.
    My mum made soooo much lol.. we have 3 freezers in the house and all of them are full lol :D i said to my mum not to make too much but half of it she send to other peoples house in ramadhan anyway lol :D

    BarakAllah feek wa anti ya habeebati min ahlil jazaa, Ameen

    Love u alwayz sweet sis!
    Wassalaam :D:D
    Assalamu alikum!!

    How are you my dearest sister? I hope all is well. Masha'Allah my brothers operation wen well, and he is at home now. Jazka'Allah khair for your du'as.

    I pray Allah blesses yo with jannah tul firdos. Aameen.
    As-salaamu'alaykum! :D

    Alhumdulillah i am fine too :) JazakAllah khair for asking! :)
    How is your ramadhan preperation going? Hope its well.

    Hows ur family.?
    Ameen to your duaa wa iyyaki

    Love u sososososososo much sis filLlah :D
    Alhamdulillah, es geht mir gut liebe Schwester Asja. I know German because I have got my University education from Germany and now I am living there too.

    MashaAllah it's nice to know, that you are learning arabic. I tried to learn some arabic too but I didn't get that far. Although during my last visit to Morocco, even by brocken arabic was a great help to me. I can only encourage you in your efforts. Since you are a poetic person, you should also try to learn classical arabic of the time of the Prophet, which is a great help to understand Quran.
    Assalamu Alaikum sister Asja,

    Yes, I know Deutsch and that's why I have always read your name as "Asiya". I hope, it is correct. Even Asiya is read in arabic/urdu convention. Persian convention would be "Asiyeh", like "Asiyeh Namdar" of CNN :)
    How come sister Asja, that you spell your name with j which is a German convention?
    i'm sorry for what i said in the 2+ 2- thread.
    i hope you understand ok its just boy's nature we like to:fighta: when we should be:shake:
    anyway i hope you forgive:wasalam:
    Salamo alaikom wr. wb.

    You write poems- sounds really good, i think i've read some of your poems here on TTI... :D :D :D

    Take care too sweety

    Wassalamo alaikom
    jazallah khair sis

    Salamum alikom warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

    Thank you too honey- I'm So glad to know you! :D :D

    Writening is also really nice- then what do you write?

    Yeps I love painting- Good Idea maybe I could share my paintings here ;) :p Loll

    But thank you too sister- ofcourse, we love everyone who loves Allah- and the prophets :)

    Take care- have a great time sweety :D

    Wassalamo alalikom
    Salamum alikom warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu wamaghfirathuhu

    Thank you alot sister for ur kind words- I'm really happy to meet another sister in islam :D :D

    & I already Luuv you for the sake of Allah!

    Now I have holiday- from school, I'm at highschool 2. grade..

    Loll I'm spending my time as you- I have time to read alot of Quran, and study the

    stories of the prophets :) And i also like painting, otherwise it's enough to be with

    the family you know :D :D

    Take care

    // nermin
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