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  • Walikom al salam Warahmatullahi sweet sister-

    Alhmdulilah i'm good- everything is great :)

    What about you dear sister? Hope ur fine :)

    So what are you doing in your everyday? ?

    tc // Nermin
    Assalamo alikom warahmatullahi wa barakatuhu <3

    How r u keeping sister:D hope u r fine- and hope to write more n more with u dear sis...

    Take care and Allah bless u!

    wasalamo alikom

    ur online!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D

    how are you keeping sweetii?
    hope ur okii
    As-salaamu'alaykum ukhtiiiii :D:D:D

    MashaAllah absolutely beautiful du'a sister, jazakALlah kahir for sharing! :)
    may Allah bless you and keep you happii alwayzZz.

    Take care my beloved ukhti
    I love u soOoOoOoOoOoO much filLah :)

    asalam alikum wr wb
    mashallah sis..very beautidul dua
    jazakallah khair for sharing
    May ALLAH bless you and grant you janat ul firdous.Ameen
    walikum salam wr wb
    Wa'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu wa maghfiratuhu wa fadhluhu

    Awwwwwww sister bless you!
    Why are you sorry for..?! No honey dont be sorry. I should have specified what i was talking about. If you view our conversation u left me a message last with such sweet words and i did not get back to you. 'Afwan. :)

    Wa anti min ahlil jazaa ukht. Ameen

    I am so sorry for not replying to your message ukht

    I really am so very sorry. pls forgive me inshaALlah
    take care
    love u always

    As-salaamu'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu wa maghfiratuhu!

    This is to all my sweethearts :)


    May Allah reward you all with the best reward. jazakAllah khair katheer for always being there for me and hearing me out. You guys ROCK!!
    I truly and honesy hope to meet you guys in this duniya. If not, then in the Aakhira! Ameen

    Take care my darlings
    Make dua for me please, i am in dire need of your pious duaas.

    Your Sister Asmaa

    x x x

    P.S sister Muslimah86 i hope u dont mind me "borrowing" ur idea :D
    Wa 'alaykum as-salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.

    Wa jazaakillaahu khayran, ukhtee!
    alhamdulliah sis i am fine by the mercy of ALLAH
    no sis no vac for me:girl3:i took summer courses so they end on aug until then no vacation
    i love u moreeeeeeee for the sake of ALLAH
    you too my sis take care
    hugsssss and squishy hugs
    Asalam alaikum wr wb my dearest ukhti
    how are you?
    I was missign you so I thought of messaging you
    How is everything sis
    Inshallah talk to you soon
    take care
    walikum salam wr wb
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