Fatima S.Ar
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  • Walikumslam :D:D:D
    hehhehe im so glad ur ok behna:D:D:D :lol: everyone love me :pcalling urself good:p :lol: but ur very sweet so dun wory ;) :D
    exams went fine alhamdulilah...result has not come out yet sis:D jus make dua fr it :)

    salam sis fatimaaaa:D:D:D
    hw r uuuuu? long time no see:( had exams so cudnt come here:( bt heys em back nw ;) :lol: whats up with u these days? Ur studies goin fine i hope?

    crazy lil sis:D :lol:
    waalaikummusalam warahmatullahi wa barakatuh
    ana bi kher alhamdulillah
    wa enti?
    u want to know that i am in good condition,right? -the translation of what u wrote
    and the last sentence im not sure =)
    oh yes swine flue:(

    my family also said no coz of swine flue :D same here ukhti:D

    inshAllah next year:)

    r u saudi sister:D actually i forget:D.........hope u don't mind

    take care my sister

    لا بس مش هذا إلي استعمله
    أستعمل Google ta3reeb :D
    i'm fine alhumdullilah.how come your school was close?:lol:was it that yoou were still enjoying vacations:tongue:..................if so i must admit you're lucky sis.i only got 4 dayz off:(
    لا يا حبيبتي أنا ليس عندي لوحة المفاتيح العربي ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) heheheh
    أه كتبت بالعربي!!!!!!!! لكن لن أقولك السر لازم إنتي تيكتاشيفيه!!!!! ههههه أنا ليس عندي الحروف العربية على الكمبيوتر ههه
    أنا الحمدلله بخير، افتكرني في دعائك انشاء الله الامتحانات علابواب :)
    أحبك :hearts:
    ta'aali ilaa MSN hahahahahahahaha! :D

    inshaAllah we'll chat tmrw, i gtg now :(

    love u, read ur email :D Was so nyccccc!

    Mwahh habibtii

    bet-hazary = you're joking. I don't know, maybe you don't have that phrase in Saudi, but we say it here, it doesn't mean anything. I'm just teasing you. :D

    Elhamdulela you enjoyed the Eid. :hearts:
    wa allaykum sallam ukthi
    not in the best of health at them moment
    but i hope everything is going well for you
    hows you doing?? yh been so long miss you
    sooooo much x x
    هههههههههههههه نعم حبيبتي ابعثيلي شوي ههه
    ربي يخليك حبيبتيييي
    فديت من فدانييي
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