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  • its particularly LOL :D *i think* haha!

    joining forces eh? :p thats why i wish i had a sis sumtmys :p haha!
    Love u loads hun,

    sorry for this delayed reply
    zainab ko salmz

    Wassalaam :D:D
    assalaamu alaykum dear :) im all good thnx :) how are you doin hunnie? :) awwww ur only 15! i wish i was 15 again hehe!!!

    take care luv divya
    wa alaykumu saalaam sweetie :D:D:D

    im ok alhamdulillah how are u and family and studies? :D:D
    eveyrthing is fine here alhamdulillah
    just lots of studies :D i hate school :D:D:D
    inshallah ull do well in ur test
    may Allah make u pass with flyin colours
    muaaaaaaaaah :hearts:
    wa salaaammm <3
    jee me acha bhai :D ..
    inshallah dua karoo ga fikar not :) .. achay marks aae gae inshallah

    barakallah feek
    pehli bar lagra hai tumharay words se ke app masoom hoo :lol: ..
    jazakallah khair
    aray wah bi wah :p kitni mehnat karti hain app loog, khon pasina bahar kar jheet gae :p :lol: ..
    lolz sis- fog? i know- it's kinda nice- all misty. i'm good- lolz- but i'm not fit!:lol: how r u latley? I'm going to my Arabic/Islamic studies school in a bit. no- i dont have any plans-yet:):D:):D:):D
    hahahhaha ok that made me laugh:D:D:D im not khan sis what made u think that tell me :D:D btw i love pathan aka khan people :D:D :lol: im punjabi ;) how about u?im fine btw...and u?:D hug*

    no choti i meant kahaan ho:lol:.sorry my hybride urdu is really poor:shymuslima1:.i'm still learning it,though i tell you what i have improved atleast i can write somthing.:lol:
    mashaALlah! :D

    OI! gimme my mug back! :p LOL man u drank so much of it :p
    i feel cold in traditional dresses lol :D but i dont often wear westernized clothing lol... im a mixture haha! :D

    Pink jacket! omA i want i want :p LOl
    Hope ur well today.. i just had a row with my little brother haha! :D He is SO annoying man :p heheheheh!

    TC hun
    Lovbe u always, mwahh!
    Wassalaam :p
    looolllllllzzzzz sis! No-I'm sorry- unless u want me to mail the cake 2 u!:lol: if u ever make cake, send me a years supply! how r u latley sis? anything new? yeah- when we're in canada- it's just soooooo easy to love the bright, long days. now the days r getting shorter- it makes me sad :(- lolz- i have to go through it every year! but then i love it when the days get longer agin!:hearts:- so sis- r u planning anything 4 ur EId-ul-Adha?:D
    Walaikumu salam

    :eek: I just realized...I didnt reply to your other vm! :eek: Forgive me sister, me and my forgetful mind :p lol

    Aww you're bored? SubhnAllah me too!! Err...I hate being bored! lol :D

    Anyways, wats up with you? Me...Im just being bored ;) lool
    LOL, we all have those crazZzii days lol :D mashaALlah1 be happy always hun inshaAllah! :)

    Heheheheh, arrrwww my best wishes to her, give her my lurv n salaamz pls :):)

    Main? hmmm it totally freeezing here man, so im like all wrapped up lol with my mug of hot chococlate lol *Definition of my "wrapped up": jeans, long sleeved top kinda like a polo neck but not exactly lol, leg warmers and a shayla lol* i want to wear some hand gloves but then i cant type properly haha!

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