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  • nice sis! i'm back at school! glad u got that home work done! but guess what? today i had to do gym in the snow! it was a nice day- so it want that bad! lolz.....

    big huggggggggggggggg...... :hearts:
    Hey!! When you leave a message to me.. then at that time ur display picture is that of a cat.. and when i click on your profile...it's of flowers!
    How did you do that??
    Wa alaykumus Salam!

    ok. There is something seriously wrong with you. Why the hell are you SO scared??... Just recite Ayat-ul-Kursi as much as you can and you will be safe..:) Poor Sam..:p She must be so fed up of you...;)

    I didn't go to school today because mum didn't let me... She said it would be too dangerous at the very first day.. and secondly, there was a strike in Quetta...only 6 students came and the teachers still gave so much homework!! Argh!!
    lolz- yeah. i luv the sun. i have homework now! i go to horizon academy- islamic/arabic school on sunday. lots of it. have to do it soon- awwwww :lol:

    big- whale hug! mwah back!
    chaling..!! hehe!
    Okay. Allah Hafiz.

    P.S: Yu will be bored of home as well if you had to keep running from one room to another because chacha was doing safai!!
    I don't whether the school will be closed or not...
    Tomorrow is a strike in Quetta..
    Majority of the students are not going... But I am .. because I am sick of sitting at home!!
    Well.. yeah we heard about the minister that was assassinated... They said that schools in Balochistan will be closed... Am not sure whether that applies to our school or not.
    lolz! actually a docter/vet- cause i like animals too, lolz yeah sis- got all that home work done yet? :lol: my week was pretty drab- i had thi dream i was great at gym and i could keep on funning 4ever! hope THAT kicks in soon!:lol: actually, yesterday me and my siblings made a HUGE snow man! it was fun. i bit off half of a cookie and put it on as a mustache for a joke, but my big brother- after we laughed) said no. :'( jk- i dont need to be told tht- cause the cookie would probably get soggy- and i liked the cookie. so i took it off and ate it! :lol: biggest cat hug to my bigg sis <3
    asslamualaikum dear sister fatima
    jazakallah for ur sweet and kind invitation .hope to learn more about u.
    ur sister
    o nice sis- lotsa love, yeah i think i will go see a doc soon- they're okay. i plan to be one when i'm older. i have no homework 4 the weekend, and i think that i'll have lots more days off cause it says on my school thing that if we show any symtps of sickness, we should stay home 4 at least a week! :O guess what? for a week it was so nice, no snow- and now its snowing! :'( aw sis- work hard- and soon the homework'l be done! hopefully:lol: MASSIVE DINO HUG!
    Small?? You call that small??! DUH!
    Lol...mine went "trying" to study but hopelessly failed..:(
    It was on the news that all the apsacs will be opening from 26th.. I hope nothing bad happens!!
    ha- lolz sis. no- my dad still makes me and my siblings drink milk- a lot. my mom keeps on asking me if i want to see a doctor- since the swine flu is going around- but i keep on say ing that no- it's okay. since it IS just a stuffy nose and a rumbling cough. aw- sis- u got a cut? Insha'Allah t'll heal soo. i hate it when i get cuts in sensitive spotes like the palm, underside of the wrist, etc. yeah- i have a normal voice, but it's a tad deep. lolz. i have a commanding personality when i want to get work done and poeple r slacking!u should hear from my younger 2 sisters! they get an earful! :lol:
    As-salaamu'alaykum huni,

    You're cutemshaAllah. :)

    TAke care
    lotsa lov, hope ur enjoying school to the max

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