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  • thnx sis. actually,i hate coffe,tea, and milk! dot know y- i just do-:lol: yeah- i took i day off today from school. did the test- it was pretty easy. i'll fill u in. how r u? yeah- my cough is getting better. lol- guy coughing- then again, i didnt always have such a girly voice- lolz lolz lolz :)
    as healthy as a horse? Lol, funny

    Thnx and jazakAllah khair for everything, :)

    Love u sweety
    TC X x X

    oh thats my youngest daughter,s pic.when i ask make champenzie face then she make a face like this
    12?..*snort*...SO much like u!!!! You could have stayed in the bed for atleast 4 to 5 hours!! :p
    By the way, kon si cousin? I think I forgot the name...
    You are the last person on the face of the Earth whom I can trust with a gun in hand.. knowing that you are sooooooooooooooooooo dest!!!! ;);)
    Yup kulfi jami hui hei... It's gets so cold at night! In - degrees...*brr*..
    And to think that it's just october..!

    Yeah she was relieved that she got more time to study because she was highly depressed by the blast...
    So anything out of the usual going at your house? When did you wake up? at 1? :p
    i'm going ok. i had my science test today. i'm a bit sick. keep on coughing. lolz- i cough deep- like a guy- sadly. anywayz- otherwise i'm ok. my studies r going great. i got my procincial exams back 4 last year. all excellence. so i'mm pretty happy. i'm also knitting a scarf or apillow. cant decide. lolz- how r u?
    Lol.. yeah phopho told ammi that you felt "scared" of the gunmen...hehehe! Thats actually funny... Because I feel totally the opposite.."safe"..:D:D
    Weather is very coooooooooold! Heaters are on, sweaters, socks.. everything. Its literally freezing here...;)
    Zaji had her exams cancelled.. of Professional exams...Can u imagine that?? Uzair Bhai's college got closed but he is still going there because now he is a part of faculty...
    Dad is also going (obviously)..
    That's the total news from here.
    Hugs to you Dest.. lol..as requested...hehehe
    Take care.
    Fee Imaan illah.
    walaikum assalaam ,
    im good alhamdullilah.how are you ?? thank you so much for your asking sweet sister.

    love you
    Ufffffffff! Astaghfirullah. That's so heartbreaking......On tv they showed the bodies totally covered in blood..:( That really creeped me out..
    Well outside our school were the FC soldiers... about maybe 25.... and the guards won't let us enter without the ID card..
    Astaghfirullah! If you start talking like that.... what will become of other people?? Have some faith Fatima.

    Yeah my school is also closed, although the security was extremely intense for Monday and Tuesday...

    Am feeling soooooooo depressed! Don't know what those students did wrong in just GOING TO UNIVERSITY!!
    no sis- i dont!:lol: wow- the weather her is SO weird! all the snow melted now. but it'll start up again. salam. allahafiz. take care
    May Allah help you .

    For my pleasure to teach ur mom but u know I'm a scientific student so my time is in labrotories and studying :(
    If you want I'll give you my Qur'an teacher address and she can teach you both Qur'an and Arabic , she is Egyption living here and can speak English very well .
    Habebati = my darling - my beloving one ( for female )

    I'm sorry to hear that :( May Allah help you

    Endure this situation for Allah's sake .
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