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  • LOL@abadoning. I actually thought i was too. but here i am lol.

    im so happy to see you totally hyper :p LOL MashaAllah. some people just dont change lol. mashaAllah. may Allah keep you this way forever :) Aameen.

    Im good yea AlhumdulilLah. it has been really long aint it? a good few months i think. but i needed that break from here lol. im glad Alhumdulillah. :):)

    Lifes been good so far :) I guess you too are wondering wether im married or not lol. Its actually quite unbelievable how many people ive had asking me that lol. I didnt think anyone was that interested. :p

    I'll PM you inshaAllah. :)

    Tc lovey. I might be off. I think ive just burnt the chicken lol. lemme sort it out before my mum comes and flushes my laptop down the toilet :) It always frustrates her lol.

    Keep in touch,

    Wassalaam :D
    As-salaamu'alaykum deary..!

    WAllah, as soon as i logged in i went straight to your profile to leave you a message, i swear..! then i realised you beat me to it LOL :D

    How are youuuuuuuuuuuu? wait, beofre i strat blagging, *huggggggggggggggsss* :D Missed you too ukhtiiii...! i missed you too much..! WAllah. *more hugggs* LOL

    hows life been treating you? hows your studies coming along? tell me everything..! Lol.

    fill me in ;)

    WAssalaam :D
    :salam2: Just wondering ukhti, did you get your books yet? I think yours were shipped just 4 days after mine, and it's been a week since I received mine.. curious :)
    As-salaaamu `alaikum!!!!!

    Hehe, I SAW yu dude:D

    ps, I urmm sorta need numberkaada again:p- I promise i won't lose it this time, insha'allah!
    pps, yu can baashaal on my page now:D
    Haye dee, I'll come back here later to brighten ur day:D, if I find a net that works(I'm at school now:p)

    Ma`ssalaaam macaanto! And there's a love that can beat ur infinity one....Uhibuki fillaah!:D- can yu beat that!?lol
    Take care.
    Noooo, dhaxdhaxaad is like...tan/mexicanish color, so it's not madoow:D
    maya, I'm passed xaax- I'm the xuux type dude! so yu can look forward to that:p
    Fosho!! my heer magaal peeps be excited too man..I can't wait to meet those gangster friends of urs too:D markaasna, we'll bashaal like some shabaabs!lol

    Owh yeah! I remember those two brothers, May Allah swt grant them a place in Jannah.
    Dude, can yu believe Phalastine goes to this masjid oo Da'wah ladhaho, and I used to teach dugsi there on weekends...I'm pretty sure I've seen her, but I just dont *know* know her nooh. But my sister ubax knows her, and this other sister named Jamiilah(attends a masjid i now attend) knows her too and they kept saying i KNOW her, but I'm not so sure:p- but, since yu know her and I know yu(or WILL(insha'allah) know yu)....we can chill together one day, cool ma'ahanoo!?:D
    Ubaxeeey, ubax:D!! hahaha, I'm proud of myself dude...who'd ever think ur OWN wall inaad ku sheekesaneesid?hehe:D BUT, I'll be sweet and save yu from the torture...imma inable my wall soon iight! *gives yu her angelic smile*:D

    Ciidankaada somali waaye aah?lol, doubt it!:p but, we'll see abt that tommorow now, won't we?;)
    I knew it!! ur one of those people that *smile*all the time for strangers, eh? yu see, that's wat happens when yu abandone ur own qaxooty peeps for caddaanism:p

    hey hey hey, guess wat? pakistanis DO wear dirac, yu can even ask Javaria:p- It's called sari, but it's originally DIRAC. so i'm pretty sure in la xiranaayo, don't hate! U need to do some research, man;-)
    But i've good news for ya....I told the teacher who'll be bringing us there abt the 'clothing drive' and she said, ha walwalin(it means "don't worry" if yu don't kno:p),"I'll spread the word", so expect a couple of dozen bags of dhar tomorrrrrooow!:)
    Oh yeah!!you call winters nasty nasty, now you are in eternal trouble for ths^_^

    Inshaa'Allah it will be 100 time better then you expect it to be. May Allah make it easy and source of success for you in duniya and akhira.ameen

    i'm waiting for my pay share lol

    JOKE!!!not mean lol

    Oh yeah sister SUHAANAH get her back your wall=D.you play here, sister needs a playing ground in return. GET IT FOR HER!!hehe
    :salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. . .

    Blah blah blah!!winter are NOT horrible.take that back lol.

    if i start the summers list.the dead girl will pass out before her job's first day^_^hope you enjoying it sis.

    erm no. out of business. "closed!!"

    Sister....then I'm glad that I've not been toooo offensive. :lol: Its not hard to "flow with the muslim crowd"...I don't know why people would think otherwise. While some things are different between us, and some things are allowed in my life that are not in yours, we pretty much have the same set of values and expectations of the people we connect with. My native teachings are similar to Muslim teachings and all the rest is just a matter of adjusting for the company you keep. *I* am the guest here so *I* am the one that does the adjusting....its no big deal really. Would I wear a head scarf if I was in a Muslim home? Sure, why not? If I can do it in winter to keep my ear from falling off, or summer to keep my head shaded, why not to keep the men from going insane! lol!!!!!!!!!!
    Salam Sister,
    heheh...I wonder how many times in my life I will hear questions similar to yours. I am not offended but my reasons are my own so please excuse me if I choose not to share them with you. Something is going on, maybe the moon is full or the water had been drugged....first Munawar and now you saying such warm and wonderful words to me. Maybe its just my tenacity to stick around here against all odds....Be well sister....I have good teachers here and I converse with them daily. I count them as friends...
    part to for SuhaanaH::

    hehehe, last time I checked the dhaxdhaxaad skin color was part of the African race :lol: blazing with qurux?? ahahaha, u better be some xaax gurl.....ima be baraging about the fact that u is my friend :lol: so not just qurux I am looking for xaaxness too :lol:
    yaay, I'll meet some of ur mates!!! OMG!! thats sooo cooooool :D:D:D:D
    oh I have met sister *Palestine* before, but it was a sad day:( met her when her cuzs died:( so, we didnt have a great time, we had some grieving time. may Allah have mercy on 'em. ameen

    pls stop with the wareer:p just be really excited!! my friends are expecting YOU:p:p I told 'em today that u was coming :p we cannot wait.

    me nakupenda MORE!! AND MORE AND MORE you cannot beat that coz its past infinity:p:p:p
    Suhaana, suhaanah, suhaanah!! this is for you:)

    and PLS stop with the one sided thingies dude, have some shame! I dont like writing on my wall....feels like I am talking with myself :lol:

    hey, who said something about my gangs race?? for ya info gurl, my gang is purely madow......Somali to be exact, well there are some other peeps in there but I hangout mostly with nice MUSLIM SISTERS!!! so u betta back OFF with that cadaan assumptions!! the only cadaan time I have is in class....where I part with my cadaan peeps wif "see ya tmrw, have a nice day (SMILE) and walk away. Now I dont think that makes me any cadaan watsoever!! so again back off :lol:

    oh dang, well dont bring no bati aint nobody wants that! :lol: considering where the clothes are going. Aint nothing about bati in the Pakistani culture. DO SOME RESEARCH :lol:
    heheh.And who's the other TTI in MN tht u've met? I thought my numbers wud be greater than urs since i've met sis "your-sister" before=))
    No problemo macaanto! I'll def. remeber that! And I want quruxloow's xalwo k?!

    ps, Only 2 days left! Waawareeey! I still can't believe this dude!:)
    Nakupeendaaa more!:p
    Hahahaha! Look at that! you're writing on ur own wall:D! if it wasn't for that bold part, anyone wud think yu were having a one-sided convo!I'd love to see that happen,LOL!:p

    LOL! a whole gang??? now, now...no need to form a caddaan gang at school, lets leave that at B-ville:)
    Oh darn! couldn't yu have told me that earlier? we already donated my skirts and hijaabs and all that...now I just walk around with dirac/baati!lol- but don't worry, I'll bring all of 'em unused baatis and diracs(I promise they have no shaax stains whatsoever on them:D)
    Heeey, excause me! But I've a dhaxdhaxaad skin OK! You may be, but I'm SO not madoow AT ALL:p-Heck yeah! You'll know when I arrive coz the place be blazing with qurux y'kno;) and then we be partyn' like somali stars.. I'm bringing along 3-5 other chicks though, so be prepared to transform back into ur qaxooty self:)
    to Sister Suhaanah!!::
    your qaxooti self is killing me gurl!!! ok put the madness aside.

    and you coming right on time coz this week MSA is having "PAKISTANI FLOOD RELIEF WEEK" to raise funds for the Pakistan brothers and sisters who were effected by the flood.
    Friday, is the day I am volunteering and we're doing CLOTHING DRIVE: better bring that bag of skirts u dont wear no more! ahahaha

    we gunna party there like cadaan peeps ahaha except we gunna be with a darker skin booyaah ahahha
    OMG I am soooo excited!!! Ima tell my girfriends then.....my friend's cuz is vising us too!!! fun!!
    OMG! I cannot wait! I'll meet a TTI-AN AGAIN! woot woot woot!!! :D:D:D:D
    hey, thanks :) ima buy halwo for sure man!! thats the only reason I got the job...well there are other reasons but yea!
    LOVE YA!
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