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  • أنا بخير حبيبة قلبي و الأهل الحمد لله بخير
    الله يعينك و يوفقك باختباراتك
    تخيلي احنا لسا ما بدينا الدراسة اصلا ^_^

    موفقة يا عسل :)
    slap me sis :p i still aint emailed you :$

    WAllah, im just SOSOSOSOOSSOO crazzZzzzii buZzzZzzii i have not had a chance :(:$

    pls forgive meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    make dua for em habibti ;)
    and i need to aks u sumthn about ikhbar 'anhu and ikhbar bihi lol im so dumb i cannot understand this simple concept lol

    Walaikumu salam
    Alhumdulillah Im great sis! :) And how are you..??
    :( Ramadan is almost over sis:( Its soooo sad!!!! I hope your Ramadan was good :)
    Mine wasnt :(
    Make lots n lots of dua for me alright sis :)

    luv yaa lotssssss
    take care :D
    mwah mwah

    will reply tu ur msg latrs!

    hav a drivn lesson at 11:15 :0 make dua i dont crash :p

    lovre u
    salaam sis

    thnx for evfn, jazakAllah khair sweetii, honesttly
    you helped me through evfn. been with me thro the gd tyms n the not so good tymslol

    hope u have a terrific day at uni
    pls pray ffor me

    best of wishes studyin bio, lol
    miss math genius! ;)


    how are u? :(
    feelin SO gutted LOL,thank Allah u were on MSN at that tym, or else i duno wah wudv happened. lol Alhumdulillah ur always there for me somehow! :)

    i hope i get a chance to email u, im SO sorry that i dont these days. :(
    so so so much hppnin at 'ome :( gota tell u so much still, but our convos on msn just go weird lol :D haha!

    havin some ruf tyms lately, but ur ALWAYS here for me! Alhumdulillah!
    you have NO IDEA just how much i love you! WAllah! i love love loe love loe love love love love lve love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :D

    giv chahana my regards too! :)
    hwa'alaykum ! :D

    im so ahppy to hear from you darlin'. na, dont be sorry okay ?:) its cool man :) :D
    have a great day at uni, and jumu'ah mabrook to you, i love love love fridays lol :D mashaALlah :)

    yes its all cool now ;)
    ill tell you inshaAllah :0 jazaKAlalh khair habibti for all ur help :)

    Wassalaam :D
    و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته
    هلا و غلا قلبوو
    الله يوفقك بدراستك يارب
    أي مساء قصدك ؟ بتوقيتكم و الا توقيتنا ههههه
    أنا دي الفترة مشغولة مرة و النت عندي خربان يادوب أقدر أدخل شوية بس :(
    انتبهي على نفسك يا عسل
    و أن شاء الله أشوفك قريب
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