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  • wa Alaikum salaaam wr wb hun:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    hey did I not tell u not to say sorrryyy!!! HUG!
    that wud be a slap but i need to calm down LOL
    hahah, ur internet is kharab lol...hey u knw kharab is somali word haha, I didnt knw that was Arabic too lol
    so funny and for us it means *messed up* lol
    anywaysss, it dont matter:D i was actually a lil to hyper:D:D
    so that is y I wrote that nonsense VM:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    I am doing well AlhamduliAllah:D
    and you my halwa?:D
    yea, I knw..........but I will say I love u more tooo:D:D
    mac mac maccccc!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    Walekum Salam
    lolz life is going ok Alhamdulillah and studies too :)
    What can i say... I hate stdying too.. soo boring and tired of it... need a vacation :D Whats ur major?

    aww hugss back.. :D
    take care :)
    no vm?? :tantrum1:
    hahahaaaaa, I am kiddin sis,:D
    i knw u gunna say sorry lol
    so I tell u in advance *no problemo* still love u more:D
    mwahhs n huuggiesss,
    good night my sweetest halwa:D
    mac mac...that's kiss kiss in somali :p:p:p:p
    haha sis do u knw that u sent two vms.........................:SMILY335::SMILY335:
    one said are u made o%........i was going wat the heck is??:SMILY176::SMILY176:
    then I see ur other vm...I am like yaaaaaaayyy:jumpclap::jumpclap:
    yea, I give up coz u r not:(:(:(
    :SMILY33: hey iam not realli sad lol....jst felt like puttin that up :lol::lol:
    i knw I love the smileys here tooooo, they're :cool::cool::cool::cool:
    oko sis, gtg now:D
    :SMILY153::SMILY153::SMILY153::SMILY153:sleep for i have school tmrw:(

    aaaaaaaaahhh but dont wanna leave u........:girl3:
    inshaAllah we'll talk soon:D
    Allah hafiz nw n alwayss:D
    ps, iam gunna stay till i read ur last vm:(.....then goo, coz I wana atleast smile with ur words;););)
    mwaaaaaaaaaahhsss baby gurl:hearts::hearts:
    not telling! sorryyy....not telling :lol::lol::lol:,
    ok ok ok I will tell u, pahles dont :SMILY32: :SMILY32::SMILY32: me
    the otha half is divided among my other beloveds........:laughing-dancing:;););)
    hey look who said somethi smart!hahahahaha
    me sweetheart? then wat r u??
    sweettheartesst :lol:
    nope cant do it sis, i will jst give give up onli coz I knw my love is big enuff to let u win.....:SMILY288::SMILY288::SMILY288:SNAP!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    oohhh yea, now wat can u say to beat that huh huh huh????:D:SMILY231::SMILY231::SMILY231:
    no no nooo, sis I cannot beat u......never (am I giving up);) LOl
    I DAUBT IT,,,,,sis remeber I said the chain is on going which means, it's not only that LINE lol;););)
    and pahles dont say u love me more coz half of my heart is jst for u;);)
    dont ask who has the othat half! loooooool
    love ya and u cant beat me!
    mwahhss n huggs right back at u:D
    I only give back that what I see in u;);););)
    me love u moooooooorrrrreee:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    alwaysss noow n forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever!!! (never ending chain) :D
    mwaaaaaahhsssss my sunnnyyy dee:D
    I am doing welll by the grace n mercy of Al-ala AlhamduliAllah:D
    hope u r too inshaAllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    Allah hafiz nw n alwaaaaaaaaaaaayysssssssss:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    Walekum Salam
    Alhamdulillah am fine thanx.. How are u doing? hws life.. Hope InshAllah everything is well with u too :D Whats up siso???

    take care
    hugs :D
    salaams sis:D
    jst thot I wud drop by:D
    loggin out tho, I cudnt leave without sayin slaam to my beloved ukhti:D
    so there u go:D
    loveeeeeeeee yaaaa:D
    mwaahhs n huuuuggsss:D:D:D:D:D
    wassalaamalikum sister...I am sorry, But there are many muslimah_ sisters here in TTI! can u mention the thread were we met....and iA i can remember!
    Assalamu alaikkum

    SWEEEETYYYYY!!!!! LOOL howss you?? long time no see :D:D missed u loads my sis!! :D hows everything ?? :D:D
    waAlaikum salaaam sis:D:D:D
    naaa it's fine hun:D no worrieess ok:D
    yea I am fine AlhamduliAllah:D
    thankss for asking:D
    noo it's all solved, no probs......dont worri abt it:D
    u tc now:D
    Allah hafiz nw n alwayss:D
    mwaaaaaaaahss and huuggs right back at u:D
    Salam sister,

    Thank you for your prompt reply. Nothing to worry about now- she is feeling much better compared to last week.

    May God bless your beautiful soul.


    You're one of Asmaa's mates right? Please make dua for your sister- she is in a very bad state at the moment. She has not been keeping well ever since ramdhan, but she didnt tell any of you sister's I think. Yesterday, it got really worse her temperature and she scared us all, so we immediately rang the ambulance and took her to the hospital.
    They said it was nothing to worry about and sent her home with some medication after one evening that she spent there.

    She's at home at the moment resting- not even at mosque due to her health. I ask of you to remember your sister in your pious prayers, may God heal her soon.

    asalamu'alaykum wr wb sis :D how are u doing? gd InshaAllaah I hope :) I know u have tests coming up, InshaAllaah u pass! Ur soo smart u will do well InshaAllaah :) Miss u lots sis been a few days no contact :(
    May Allaah always bless u and ur family. Ukhti stay in touch init :D
    Tc ukhti FiLlaah, fi amaan Allaah X
    wa'alaykum salaam

    aw i wish u all the best, inshaAllah ull do well.
    pls make dua for me, sis i dont want to bombared u with all my problems n that man, u have so much going on already, i dont wana pile things onto you, but inshaAllah once things have cooled down on ur side, and mine i'll tell you inshaAllah. :) im sorry to have worried u, but it was a big mess, im so dumb.

    anyways, love u always habibtii
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