wa alaikum salam
everything is hard in practice sister, Like in practice its really hard to control your anger but you can build up the patience to control it, thats how you should start, im not sure wat country you are from, but try to volunteer in a hospital, work with people that have disability, orphans etc etc, when you put urself to their scale you realize how blessed they are, here we are asking for this and that and they might just be asking for something we have in abundance like food.
1 more thing dont look up to the people that have everything cuz sometimes i think what a great trial Allah (swt) has put them by giving them everything, cuz they become so busy with life, they dont even have time to list their problems or worries infront of Allah (swt), so SubhanAllah sis, Allah (swt) knows alot better than us so lets be happy

inshallah taala.
aslam o alaikum wa rahmatuAllahi wa barakatuhu